26 Votes in Poll
Yeah, Excalibur only goes all out against targets that meet specific criteria, which Gilgamesh doesn't meet. He could maintain range to dodge or block her attacks while harassing her with high Rank treasures as he charges Ea to full power.
Is Saber in Fate Extra the same as Saber in Stay Night?
Be specific theres two Sabers in Fate extra/Extella that have the same face, but Artoria overall does seem to version of herself from Stay night considering her interaction with people like Iskandar and Gil, It could be a different incarnation of her.
If you mean the Artoria, no, they are different instances of Artoria. The Fate Artoria isn't on the Throne, so Moon Cell Artoria is a copy of her recreated from the Moon Cell's record of her.
Accidentally voted for Gil lol. Artoria solos tho.
@ScrollerGrinderNol!fe nah, your accidental vote is correct, having unlimited Mana doesn't mean she can use Excalibur's full power, that's limited by restrictions that this fight doesn't meet all of, and she has no Avalon. Gil takes this.
Agreed, Gil has shown the ability to open his Gate of Babylon portals anywhere he wants he could just open a dozen portals around her at point blank range and shread her from all angles and she would have no counter to that and I'd like to point out that Gilgamesh with Unlimited Mana is equally terrifying so both would have unlimited mana for their Noble phantasms expect the more Gil uses Ea at full power the more likely the world will end as in Strange fake that would have happened if Enkidu didn't use their Enuma ELish to put the world back together, I'm not even being hyperbolic, word for word that's what happened,
Artoria with unlimited mana can fuel Excalibur for lots of blasts, but that isn't an issue, Gil has defenses that can block Anti-Fortress Excaliblasts, but Artoria is stuck being endlessly bombarded by weapons, spells, and whatever else Gil feels like using
True hell he has Fire, Lightning and Ice in his Gate of Babylon, so he can just fire random bullshit and she gets hit with random effects, curses, effects, poison or whatever he may have.
He has all the shit they've given him in Strange Fake, all the random stuff from Prillya, just an armory of fun and pain
What do you think?