70 Votes in Poll
Actually relate, that is, see yourself in them…
I do
What's more relatable then a man like kariya struggles at his ambitions of getting the girl he likes and has a horrible relationship with his father zouken
I like neji from naruto for same reason, bad family and poor living conditons
That just is something relatable
I relate to kariya alot
Aswell as loki and joker
70 Votes in Poll
Agreed that name is hard to spell
93 Votes in Poll
I always seen fate apoctha as being the same timelineas stay night just set far later due to mello showing up albeit much older
Flat is also in apoctha which connects stange fake there too
111 Votes in Poll
96 Votes in Poll
97 Votes in Poll
93 Votes in Poll
109 Votes in Poll
100 Votes in Poll
The show never had her summon a chair unless im forgetting something or would have missed a episode or movie
116 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
98 Votes in Poll
117 Votes in Poll
Lancer cause he sucks
80 Votes in Poll
Not even sure what masadaverse would be