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Yên Cương Kỵ SĩBellerophon
Tên tiếng Nhật: 騎英の手綱ベルレフォーン
Chủ sở hữu: Medusa (Class Card)
Loại: Chống Quân[1]
Hạng: A+[1]
Phạm vi: 2~50[1]
Số lượng mục tiêu tối đa: 300 người[1]


──Rider, Fate/Grand Order

Bellerophon: Yên Cương Kỵ Sĩ (騎英の手綱ベルレフォーン, Kiei no TadzunaBerurefōn?)

Tham khảo[]

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3
    [v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Rider, p.028-029 [T]

    Class: Rider
    Master: Matou Sakura
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Sex: Female
    Height: 172cm
    Weight: 57kg
    Armament: Dagger

    STR: B
    CON: D
    AGI: A
    MGI: B
    LCK: E
    Noble Phantasm: A+

    Medusa was a frightening female monster in Greek mythology. She had a nest of poisonous snakes for hair, copper green scales for skin, golden wings on her back, and eyes that would turn anyone that met them to stone.
    The story in which the hero Perseus slew Medusa is famous even in Japan. It's said that Perseus' divine blade Harpe sheared through Medusa's scaley skin, and Medusa's head contained the power of petrification even after being severed.
    Medusa was originally a goddess, but a curse by the goddess Athena lowered her to a monster. The story goes that Medusa, overly proud of her own beauty, desecrated a temple to Athena.
    According to the Theogony describing the genealogy of the Greek gods, Medusa had a pair of twin older sisters named Stheno and Euryale. Together they were known as the three Gorgon (derived from ancient Greek gorgós, meaning "dreadful") sisters.
    It is written that the aboriginal Pelasgians worshiped Medusa when she was still a goddess. After the Pelasgians were conquered by other groups, Medusa was demonized from a great earth goddess into a monster.
    After becoming a Heroic Spirit, she retains her wholesome beauty even while possessing the Mystic Eyes of Petrification. Her flying steed Pegasus was said to have been born from a piece of her severed head, or created by her blood when it dripped into the ocean.

    Medusa specializes in close combat, taking advantage of her high Agility and Monstrous Strength. Her weapons of choice are chained daggers. While quite lethal, they are not Noble Phantasms, so it is difficult to deal critical blows with them when fighting Servants. Medusa excels in a fight using Noble Phantasms. She can annihilate many enemies at once using her anti-army Noble Phantasm Bellerophon (Bridle of Chivalry), which requires an enormous amount of prana. Additionally, she has several methods of attack that can be adapted to a wide variety of situations, such as Blood Fort Andromeda (Outsider Seal - Blood Temple) which can close off a targeted area and dissolve the humans inside to obtain prana, and Cybele (Mystic Eyes of Petrification) which is normally sealed beneath her blindfold.

    Class Abilities
    Magic Resistance: B
    Originally a Greek goddess that turned into a monster, she possesses extremely high Magic Resistance. The Magic Resistance ability that the Rider class possesses is weaker than that of the three knight classes, but the fact that it remains so high is thanks to Medusa's inherently high Magic Resistance.
    Rank B Magic Resistance easily nullifies spells of three bars or less. It is also difficult to damage Medusa with even high thaumaturgy and grand rituals. Moreover, Medusa herself is skilled in sorcery, so she has countless ways to counter enemy spells. In other words, Medusa is excellent at fighting magi. Backing all that up is her Agility. Compared to Lancer who boasts the same level of "speed" she is inferior in sudden bursts, but has more endurance. Even with powerful spells, it is extremely hard to hit Medusa who will keep moving at high speed.

    Riding: A+
    As might be expected of the Servant Rider, Medusa posses a high rank in the Riding ability. But instead of covering only specific animals and vehicles, her ability extends to nearly all beasts, including Phantasmal Beasts and Divine Beasts. However, even with an excellent Riding rank, she cannot ride dragons.
    The steed that makes best use of Medusa's Riding ability is the legendary winged horse Pegasus. Mastering a winged horse of the Phantasmal Species is a difficult accomplishment even for Rider-class Servants. When riding the heavenly mount that was born of her own blood, both rider and steed move as one.
    When the Noble Phantasm Bellerophon is used, all of Pegasus's abilities are drastically increased for a limited time. Even in the story, this combination was able to toy with Saber by attacking from the skies, forcing her into a difficult battle.
    Be that as it may, the only time Medusa was able to use Bellerophon was in her fight against Artoria. During the modern Holy Grail War which unfolded in a sprawling city, Medusa had few opportunities to use her Riding ability. Perhaps because of this, she was eliminated without sufficient chance to use her power.

    Personal Skills
    Mystic Eyes: A+
    Eyes that originally function to collect visual information are instead a method to impart magical effects upon a subject. Medusa possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification "Cybele", which are Mystic Eyes of the highest order. As in her legend, subjects caught in her vision will be petrified if their Magic Resistance is C or lower.
    Caption: Medusa's Mystic Eyes of Petrification cannot be replicated by magic.

    Independent Action: C
    The ability to materialize independently. If the Master is lost (or if the contract is nullified), Medusa can continue to materialize for one day. Since Medusa can also obtain prana by drinking blood, she can prey on humans as the situation demands and extend this duration.
    Caption: Thanks to Independent Action, Medusa was able to return to Sakura after Matou Shinji was defeated.

    Monstrous Strength: B
    Medusa has this skill due to her property as a monster despite being a Heroic Spirit. If used, she can temporarily magnify her Strength. This is a necessary skill to Medusa, who does not fight with Noble Phantasms in close combat. It has many uses with her chained daggers, such as forcibly dragging an impaled opponent around.
    Caption: Medusa possesses high close combat ability thanks to Monstrous Strength.

    Divinity: E-
    In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally has very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded.
    However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.

    Noble Phantasms
    Breaker Gorgon
    Rank: C-
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 0
    Maximum Targets: 1 Person

    One of Medusa's anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, Breaker Gorgon is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Blood Fort Andromeda. While the target's consciousness is sealed within Medusa's mind, the target can be prevented from activating any abilities. Also, Medusa primarily uses somewhat weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification that are normally always active.
    Though mainly used to seal Mystic Eyes, its original use is obviously to exert a degree of mind control on the opponent. Actually, when she took control of enemy Master Emiya Shirou's mind and gave him erotic dreams, she was actually trying to extract prana from him. Also, it requires only a steady stream of prana to have an effect. It is difficult for individuals with low magic resistance to notice it, much less avoid it.

    Rank: A+
    Type: Anti-Army
    Range: 2~50
    Maximum Targets: 300 People

    Medusa's most powerful attack. It is not a Noble Phantasm to be used in a one-on-one fight, but rather an "anti-army Noble Phantasm" that can cut down enemies in a wide area. An uncommon type of Noble Phantasm consisting of a paired bridle and whip, it can rapidly augment the abilities of Phantasmal Species. In battle, the strengthened Phantasmal Beast and Medusa fight as one.
    Bellerophon is extraordinarily powerful whether used defensively or offensively. However, during the Holy Grail War, it could not display its merit when matched against the more powerful Noble Phantasm wielded by Artoria. Nonetheless, the fact alone that it temporarily withstood a full frontal attack by Excalibur is evidence of its great power.

    Blood Fort Andromeda
    Rank: B
    Type: Anti-Army
    Range: 10~40
    Maximum Targets: 500 People

    One of Medusa's Noble Phantasms, Blood Fort Andromeda is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points. Immediately following the placing of these circles, people within the affected area will only have their life force sapped slightly, but once the field is activated, they will be quickly dissolved. However, it is difficult to affect people with knowledge of thaumaturgy. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink for prana.
    In the Holy Grail War, Blood Fort Andromeda was deployed at Homurahara Academy and activated. From outside the field, the school appeared normal as usual, but the interior was stained with blood, as its name suggests.

Fate/stay night
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Argon CoinAvalonAvestaBellerophonBlood Fort AndromedaBreaker GorgonCaladbolg IICaliburnDáinsleifDurandalEaEnkiduExcaliburExcalibur MorganFragarachGáe BolgGate of BabylonGod HandGramHarpePhượng Thiên KíchHruntingInvisible AirCan Tương và Mạc TàNine LivesNine Lives Blade WorksThuốc Trẻ HóaRho AiasRule BreakerYến PhảnUnlimited Blade WorksVerg AvestaKim Cương ChửZabaniya
Không sử dụng: Around Round ShieldLord Camelot
Chỉ có trong Manga: Unlimited Bla Gáe Bolg Gandr Works Excalibur
Fate/Zero ArondightAvalonEaEnkiduExcaliburFor Someone's GloryGáe BuidheGáe DeargGate of BabylonGordius WheelInvisible AirIonioi HetairoiKnight of OwnerPrelati's SpellbookVia ExpugnatioVimanaZabaniya
Aestus Domus AureaAgni GandivaVô Cấu Thức - Hư Không Cảnh GiớiAmita AmitābhaAngra Mainyu/CCCAthanaton Ten ThousandBáthory ErzsébetBellerophonSự Chúc Phúc Của Tài TríBlood Fort AndromedaBlut die SchwesterBrahmastraBrahmastra KundalaBrynhildr RomantiaCarolus PatriciusCarolus Patricius AuctoritasCarolus Patricius DimitteChakravartinCharitas Domus AuroraCharles PatriciusCursed Cutting CraterThiên Quỷ Vũ‎EaThủy Thiên Nhật Quang Thiên Chiếu Bát Dã Trấn ThạchEnkiduExcaliburExcalibur GalatineExcalibur ImageFairy Snow Photon RayFax CaelestisMãnh Hổ Ngạnh Ba SơnGáe BolgGáe Bolg AlternativeGate of BabylonGate of SkyeGod ForceGolden Wild HuntHippogriffIonioi HetairoiJoyeuseJoyeuse OrdreKatoptron Katho PhlegonKavacha và KundalaKazikli BeyKilenc SárkányKnight of OwnerLa Black LunaLa PucelleLaus Saint ClaudiusMärchen Meines LebensNo Face May KingVô Nhị ĐảNursery RhymePashupataPrelati's SpellbookQueen's Glass GameSaraswati MeltoutTeardrop Photon RayTrap of ArgaliaHạc Dực Tam LiênUnlimited Blade WorksVasavi ShaktiVirgin Laser PalladionYew Bow
Fate/Apocrypha Agrius MetamorphosisAkhilleus KosmosAndreias AmarantosAntares SnipeArmor of FafnirBalmungBlasted TreeBrahmastra KundalaBridal ChestCasseur de LogistilleClarentClarent Blood ArthurCrying WarmongerDiatrekhōn Astēr LonkhēDromeus KomētēsFirst FolioGolem Keter MalkuthHanging Gardens of BabylonHippogriffKavacha và KundalaKazikli BeyLa Black LunaLa PucelleLeft Hand - Xanadu MatrixLegend of DraculaLuminosité EternelleLuna Break ManualMaria the RipperMiike Tenta MitsuyoPhoebus CatastropheRight Hand - Evil EaterSecret of PedigreeSikera UšumThe MistTrap of ArgaliaTroias TragōidiaVasavi Shakti
Không sử dụng: Abyssus DraconisArkAscalonBayardBiện Khánh PhậtTám Đạo CụGolden EaterGolden SparkHamesh AvanimInterfectum DraconesSacrificeThe GlobeNăm Trăm La Hán Vượt Biển Đến Bổ Đà Lạc SơnChiến Lợi Phẩm Tranh ChấpBắc Đẩu Thất Tiễn
Fate/Grand Order Abu el-Hol SphinxAbyssus DraconisAestus Domus AureaAge of BabylonAgni GandivaAgrius MetamorphosisAkhilleus KosmosAntares SnipeArkArmor of FafnirAscalonAthanaton Ten ThousandBa Nghìn Thế GiớiBalmungBáthory ErzsébetBayardBellerophonBlasted TreeBreaker GorgonBrynhildr Romantia (Brynhildr) • Brynhildr Romantia (Passionlip) • Clarent Blood ArthurClarentCờ Đội Chữ ThànhCrying WarmongerCursed Cutting CraterDangerous GameĐệ Lục Thiên Ma Vương Ba TuầnEnuma Elish (Enkidu) • Enuma Elish (Gilgamesh) • ExcaliburExcalibur GalatineExcalibur MorganExcalibur ProtoFirst FolioGáe Bolg AlternativeGáe BuidheGáe DeargGate of BabylonGate of SkyeGod ForceGolden EaterGolden SparkGolden Wild HuntGolem Keter MalkuthGrand Dictionnaire de CuisineGrand IllusionGungnirHạc Dực Tam LiênHamesh AvanimHanging Gardens of BabylonHaori Thề NguyệnHarpeHecatic WheelHippogriffInvisible AirIonioi HetairoiKazikli BeyKnight of OwnerLaus Saint ClaudiusLuminosité EternelleMärchen Meines LebensMaria the RipperMesektetNăm Trăm La Hán Vượt Biển Đến Bổ Đà Lạc SơnNhân Gian Vô CốtNine LivesNursery RhymePale Blue DotPandemonium CetusPashupataPhoebus CatastrophePhoton RayPrelati's SpellbookQuintett FeuerRamesseum TentyrisRhongomyniadRule BreakerSaraswati MeltoutSăn Lá ThuStellaSword of ParacelsusTeardrop Photon RayThần Thương Vô Nhị ĐảThiên Quỷ VũThủy Mạt KiếmThủy Thiên Nhật Quang Thiên Chiếu Bát Dã Trấn ThạchTroias TragōidiaYến PhảnTuyệt Kiếm - Vô Khung Tam ĐoạnTựa Như Rồng Lướt Nhanh Trên Bầu TrờiTỳ Thiên Bát Tướng Xa Huyền TrậnUnlimited Blade WorksƯớc Nguyện Dưới Những Vì SaoVasavi ShaktiVerg AvestaVia ExpugnatioVô Cấu Thức - Hư Không Cảnh GiớiVô Minh Tam Đoạn ThíchVô Nhị ĐảYew BowZabaniya
Xem thêm
Fate/Prototype: Fragments
Abu el-Hol SphinxBab-iluBellerophonBrynhildr KomédiaBrynhildr RomantiaDangerous GameEnkiExcalibur ProtoGáe Bolg OriginHarpeKibisisÁo Choàng (Perseus) • MesektetTấm Khiên Gương Đồng Thiếc (Perseus) • Ramesseum TentyrisStellaĐôi Giày Có Cánh (Perseus) • Zabaniya
Fate/strange Fake Age of BabylonBảo Khí của Clan CalatinDoomsday ComeEaEnuma ElishExcaliburFrom HellGate of BabylonBảo Khí Phi Hành của GilgameshGoddess of WarGrand Dictionnaire de CuisineGrand IllusionKagome KagomeKing's OrderMerodachMusketeers' MasqueradeNatural Born KillersNine LivesPrelati's SpellbookReincarnation PandoraRounds of LionheartZabaniya
Fate/kaleid liner
Apneic BeautyBùa Bảo Hộ Chống TênAuthoritarian PersonalismBellerophonBreaker GorgonCaladbolg IICaladbolg IIICrown UndertakerEnkiduEnuma Elish (Gilgamesh) • ExcaliburNine Lives GiảGáe BolgGate of BabylonGod HandMũ Tàng Hình Của HadesBảo Khí Suối Nước Nóng của GilgameshIg-AlimaInvisible AirCan Tương và Mạc TàMjölnirMjölnir RagnarökThẻ Bài Trường Phái Vô DanhNinth PrayerPandemonium CetusHộp PandoraQuintett FeuerRho AiasRule BreakerShadow Hand of CodeThần ThuẫnSul-saganaTrời Sinh Từ Đất, Đất Vươn Đến TrờiHạc Dực Tam LiênNine Lives ThậtVimanaƯớc Nguyện Dưới Những Vì SaoZabaniya
Capsule Servant Tóc Xoăn Sword AntennaLaser ExcaliburStarlight Champs-Élysées
Fate/type Redline
Tỳ Thiên Bát Tướng Xa Huyền TrậnBlade TakerNhân Gian Vô CốtĐứa Con Của Mặt TrờiHaori Thề NguyệnĐệ Lục Thiên Ma Vương Ba TuầnMãnh Hổ Ngạnh Ba SơnCờ Đội Chữ ThànhThần Thương - Vô Nhị ĐảHoàng Kim Ma Cảnh ZIPANGTựa Như Rồng Lướt Nhanh Trên Bầu TrờiCon Quỷ MaxwellBách ĐoạnThủy Mạt KiếmSunomata CastleBa Nghìn Thế GiớiThái Dương Thành Huy Hoàng Siêu ViệtTuyệt Kiếm - Vô Khung Tam ĐoạnVô Minh Tam Đoạn Thích
Fate/Requiem Săn Lá ThuFlying DutchmanCặp kiếm của GalahadBảo Khí triệu tập voi của Hannibal BarcaLa Grosse TourThánh Thương LonginusPale Blue DotTerme di Caracalla
Fate/Samurai Remnant Áo Nghĩa - Dạ AnhAsahi ShogunÂm - Yagyuu Bí Kiếm ThiếpBát Mạch Liệt Phá - Thần Kiếm Nhất ThiểmCông Viên RốiDelilahDoujigiri YasutsunaDũng Mãnh Xông Lên - Đèo KurikaraFlamme Pays ÉtrangerGáe BolgGate of BabylonGiới Kiếm - Ame-no-Murakumo-no-TsurugiHóa Thân - Điềm Báo Đại Minh Thần IbukiLục Đạo Ngũ Luân - Thiên Thượng KurikaraMetabole PigletsNgưu Vương Phản Chuyển - Tấn Lôi Phong LiệtPashupataPhúc Đức Giải Nạn - KishimojinQuỷ Thần Đi Đêm - KokakuchouSamson AgonistesThanh Cang KiếmThần Kiếm - Kusanagi no TachiThủy ThầnTotsugeki KasenTriệu Gọi Ngụy Thần - YasomagatsuhiTristesse de la ViergeTrường Bản Một Mình Ta Phi NgựaTuyệt Kỹ - Bát Kỳ Nộ ĐàoVô Nhị ĐảXích Bích Chiến Họa - Diêu Lam Ngục
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Blaze of EtnaNega-KeraunosPer DjetRhongomyniad Mythos
Khác BrionacBoomelancerLâu Đài Của Cú ChulainnGungnirHazankenChén Thánh