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Hắc Hóa (黒化, Kokka?, Blackening/Darkening) là quá trình mà một sinh vật bị xâm nhiễm bởi một lực lượng bên ngoài, khiến tính cách của sinh vật đó thay đổi theo hướng tà ác.[1] Một sinh vật có thể bị Hóa Đen theo nhiều cách khác nhau.

Bùn Chén Thánh (Mọi Cái Ác Của Thế Gian)[]

Những Anh Linh chạm vào thứ bùn chảy ra từ Chén Thánh Fuyuki đã bị vấy bẩn bởi Mọi Cái Ác Của Thế Gian thì sẽ nhận được cơ thể xác thịt bị nguyền rủa và đồng thời cũng bị nó vấy bẩn. Nhân cách của những Servant này sẽ thay đổi theo chiều hướng tà ác. Servant bị Hắc Hóa hiện thân được là nhờ quyền năng của Chén Thánh, nên các mối rằng buộc bền vững hơn với cõi vật chất biến họ thành những sinh vật hùng mạnh. Họ được tăng cường sức mạnh vượt qua quy luật vật lý, nhưng đồng thời cũng mất đi khả năng trở về dạng linh thể. Do không còn bận tâm đến hạn mức tiêu thụ ma lực, họ giống như một chiếc xe phóng hết tốc lực mà không bao giờ hết xăng, nên sát thương và năng lực chiến đấu của họ gia tăng đáng kể. Nhưng bù lại, cơ thể họ không thể vận động một cách chính xác và hầu như mất kiềm chế.[2][3]

Đây là những sinh thể đáng sợ gieo tai ương xuống thế giới này. Có những Servant bị Hắc Hóa hoàn toàn, như Saber biến thành Saber Alter, nhưng cũng có những Servant với bản ngã cực lớn như Archer lại có thể kháng cự lại phần lớn sự tác động này.[4] Trong Heaven's Feel, Archer nói rằng Anh Linh biến dị như bản thân anh và Assassin Thật có phần nào đề kháng lại máu thần ô uế và ảnh hưởng tha hóa của Chén Thánh.

Bùn Chén Thánh (Fate/Prototype)[]

Chaos Tide[]

Chaos Tide là hành động tự mở rộng lãnh hải của Biển Sinh Mệnh, một Kỹ Năng Vốn Có của Beast II nhằm bộc lộ Quyền Năng của cô dưới dạng Biển Tạo Ra Sự Sống. Vì là biển tuần hoàn Ether Thật của Sách Sáng Thế Địa Cầu nên nguồn cung cấp Ma Lực dành cho Lò Ma Lực của Beast II nằm trong địa phận của nó là vô tận.[5]

Bản chất của biển này Bùn Đen làm vấy bẩn Linh Cơ; bất cứ sinh vật sống nào bước vào trong nó đều bị biến đổi thành "Đứa Con của Tiamat". Nổi lên từ Bùn Đen, những Đứa Con của Tiamat phải gánh chịu một Geis ở cấp độ tế bào, điều đó khiến chúng trở thành kẻ địch của nhân loại.[5] Servant cũng không nằm ngoài các đối tượng bị Hắc Hóa bởi quá trình này.[6]

Trong các sự kiện tại Đặc Dị Điểm Babylonia, Kingu nói rằng thứ bùn hình thành nên Biển Sinh Mệnh được những người thực hành Ma Thuật gọi là Bùn Đen của Chén Thánh.[6]

Chiếc Hộp Pandora[]

Bài chi tiết: Hộp Pandora

Chú thích[]

  1. [v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War:
    Blackening of Servants, p.038 [T]

    Blackening of Servants
    The black mud in the Holy Grail contaminates the souls of those who touch it. It goes without saying for mere humans, and supernatural beings like Servants are no exception to this either. The contaminated person's personality reverses toward the orientation of evil. This is madness caused by touching Angra Mainyu. This is called "blackening". There are those who can use the black mud as part of their own power thanks to the properties of its contamination and those whose powerful egos have stayed back its mental pollution.
    An example of the former is Matou Sakura and the latter is Gilgamesh. The blackened Servant is incarnated by the power of the Grail so the more concrete ties to the physical plane turns them into powerful beings.
    Their physical interference power increases but at the same time they lose the ability to return to spirit form.
    Also, as they no longer bother to restrain their magic energy consumption, their fighting ability jumps significantly. This momentum can be compared to a runaway train.
    Because they are in that state, fine control is not possible, but in exchange, their destructive power increases.
    They are fearful beings inflicting havoc and death upon the world. These are blackened Servants.


    Saber Alternative
    Class: Saber
    Master: Matou Sakura
    Alignment: Lawful Evil

    STR: A
    CON: A
    AGI: D
    MGI: A++
    LCK: C
    Noble Phantasm: A++

    Saber Alternative, or Black Saber, is the name given to Artoria when she fell to Hassan, was consumed by the dark shadow, and obtained true incarnation during the "Heaven's Feel" route.
    Artoria, now jet-black, could now invoke Excalibur without limit thanks to the enormous prana supply from the blackened Sakura. Thus, she could overwhelm Berserker Heracles even in a direct battle. Now unfettered and in a sense more powerful than she was in life, none can deny that she is the strongest Servant.

    Class Abilities

    Magic Resistance: B
    Lower than original value due to the corruption. Still high, as it nullifies spells at B rank (activated within three counts) or lower, and it is difficult to harm her even with high thaumaturgy.

    Riding: -
    In the maddened state while blackened, the loss of fine control makes it impossible to ride beasts; rather, the mount cannot withstand it. Therefore, in reality one can consider the Riding ability lost.

    Personal Skills

    Instinct: B
    Constant self-control is required to maintain Saber's reason while blackened. To focus on suppressing her madness, her surroundings are neglected and Instinct is dulled.

    Power Burst: A
    Saber's body is always suffused in the energy supplied by the Greater Grail. Her armor is also reinforced, granting more defensive ability than in her original state.

    Charisma: E
    The magnificent king's charm which once inspired and captivated her soldiers is gone. Since she rules by terror, leadership ability is improved but troops' morale is extremely low.

    Noble Phantasms
    Sword of Promised Victory -- Excalibur
    Rank: A++
    Type: Anti-fortress Noble Phantasm
    Range: 1-99
    Maximum targets: 1000 persons
    Even while blackened, Artoria's greatest power Excalibur is still potent. However, the sword is tainted an ominous black. Just as the fairies of the lake (Vivienne and Morgan) manifest as both good and evil, the holy sword has its own dark side. Still, its "character" as a holy sword is greatest. The function of converting the wielder's magical energy into light through the blade does not change, but the light is transformed into the same darkness of the blade.

  2. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132

    Q: As a percentage, how much are the abilities of blackened Servants enhanced? Or, when such Servants have an excess mana supply like Saber (Artoria) did, can they reach a level of power comparable to or greater than what they had in life?

    Q: As a percentage, how much are the abilities of blackened Servants enhanced? Or, when such Servants have an excess mana supply like Saber (Artoria) did, can they reach a level of power comparable to or greater than what they had in life?

    A: They’re like runaway cars that never run out of fuel. Except, since they’re out of control, fine handling is impossible!



  3. [v] Fate/side material - Encyclopedia: Blackening [Others], trang 060 [T]

    Blackening [Others]
    The transformation caused by the pollution of an unidentified curse.
    In the blackening of Servants, the Alignment and personality of a Servant would change as well.
    Blackening would definitively incarnate Servants and cause them to become more powerful.
    These Servants were like Frankensteinian monsters created by evil organizations. Most of them underwent significant changes in design and appeared as almost new characters.


  4. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131
    Q: In Sakura’s Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh?
    Q: In Sakura’s Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh? Saber was blackened and enslaved, but was Gilgamesh’s will too strong to be dominated? Or was he completely digested?

    A: He simply cannot be controlled. In fact Gilgamesh cannot be blackened. After being devoured by the Grail, Sakura converted Gilgamesh into mana in haste because she was afraid that Gilgamesh might tear her up from the inside if she does not digest him. However, His Majesty was very hard to digest, so “Angra Mainyu” must have been plagued by belly-ache (laughs).

  5. 5,0 5,1
    [v] Fate/Grand Order - Thông tin sơ lược Beast II [T]

    Tiamat - Beast II

    Minh họa và lồng tiếng
    Minh họa: Kotetsu Yamanaka
    Lồng tiếng: Aoi Yūki

    Thông số
    Sức mạnh: A+
    Sức bền: EX
    Nhanh nhẹn: C
    Ma lực: A++
    May mắn: EX
    Bảo Khí: -

    Thông tin nhân vật
    One of the creator deities of Mesopotamian myth.
    The gods were born from the union of the freshwater Abzu and the saltwater Tiamat. Then, the gods rebelled against their father, and seized authority over the world from him.
    Tiamat quietly approved of her children’s actions. It was proof that her love for her children outweighed her love for her husband.

    However, the gods then turned their blades on Tiamat. Tiamat wailed and raged, birthing eleven new Magical Beasts to oppose the gods.
    At the end of the war, Tiamat and the Eleven Beasts were destroyed.
    The gods split Tiamat’s corpse in two, and used them to form the heavens and earth. It is said that this ritual created the world of humans.

    Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky
    Chiều cao/Cân nặng: 160 cm ~ 74000000 km²(3)・??kg
    Xuất xứ: thần thoại Mesopotamian cổ đại
    Khu vực: Mesopotamia
    Thiên tính: Phá hoại  Giới tính: Nữ
    The black mud is also included in Tiamat’s height. However, the mud is made of imaginary numbers, so her weight is unquantifiable.
    Meanwhile, Tiamat’s volume is infinite. In other words, she is a four-dimensional pocket.

    Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky
    Tiamat is the womb that was cast aside after the world was created.
    She is the Maternal Sea who was used as the soil to give birth to life, but once the Earth’s environment settled and ecosystems were established, Tiamat was deemed unnecessary and driven out into the world of imaginary numbers. (The Inner World. Lifeless imaginary number space, not a parallel universe.)

    Because the Earth’s ecosystems were established, Tiamat, who randomly designs life, was no longer needed.
    The goddess became nothing more than an obstacle to the process by which life forms acquired the intelligence determined by the planet.
    Since then, Tiamat has been waiting in the world of imaginary numbers for her chance to return to Earth.

    Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky
    [Kỹ năng trường phái]

    • Authority of the Beast: A

    This can be considered an anti-humanity Skill.
    It is an ability that is especially effective against Heroic Spirits, Divine Spirits, and all things born from the mother’s body.
    This Skill is not possessed solely by the Second Beast, but also by all Magical Beasts she gives birth to.

    • Hiện Thân Độc Lập: B

    The Skill to manifest independently in the current world.
    Seven days after manifestation, the Indian Ocean will be smothered black.
    Once Tiamat manifests, she unceasingly gives birth to Magical Beasts, and sets out to devour humanity.
    However, the body of the Second Beast is the ocean itself, so it cannot move onto land. Instead, it is her children’s role to mop up the human race.
    Furthermore, this Skill is an expression of the holder’s presence across all of space-time, rendering her immune to attacks by methods such as time travel paradoxes, and canceling out all instant death attacks as well.

    • Tự Cải Tạo: EX

    Tiamat can remold her own Saint Graph using the black Sea of Life.
    Her body can grow from its standard Saint Graph (Femme Fatale) into that of a dragon over 60 meters in length.
    Once Tiamat becomes a dragon, attacks against her of A++ rank or lower are nullified.

    Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky

    • Sea of Life: EX

    The Second Beast itself is the sea which gives rise to life.
    It cycles the True Ether of primordial Earth, so its mana supply within this sea is infinite.
    All who are caught and drowned in the black mud are randomly assigned the following Skills: Tự Cải Tạo, Life Transformation, Life Fusion, and Individual Multiplication.
    Once these organisms exit the sea to make landfall, they are forced into a cellular-level geis — a nitrogenous base contract (amino-geis) — and automatically become enemies of humankind.

    • Nega-Genesis: A

    A Skill of the same type as Nega-Messiah, which is possessed by the Sixth Beast.
    It is a conceptual bounded field which completely overturns modern evolutionary theory and the predictions of Earth’s genesis.
    Thanks to this ability, the Second Beast has acquired a strong resistance to the Bảo Khís of Servants created by correct human history.

    • Quái Lực: A++

    One’s ability as a monster. This Skill raises the user’s Sức mạnh.
    It is at about the highest possible level. This is why Tiamat’s Sức mạnh is that of a titan when she makes the black mud into her body and manifests in her draconic form.

    Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky
    With the collapse of the cornerstone of anthropic principle, Tiamat managed to return to this world with the power of the Holy Grail. And yet, she was in middle of a slumber.
    Setting aside wherever it was caused by Merlin’s magecraft, she awoke from that sleep due to the attack from Chaldea and set out to eradicate mankind in accordance with her instincts.

    While there is resentment・hatred・sadness for being discarded as someone who had already served her purpose, this is also a deed of indulging in the “joy” of once again repainting the Earth’s ecosystem and having everything come back to the mother.

    Her Class was determined by this true nature described above.
    The goddess of genesis and the likes are nothing but fake names.
    Deserted by humans, this is one of the most rejected great disasters in human history.

    Its name is Beast II.
    One of the seven human vices, the beast carrying the principle of "regression."

    Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky
    It is impossible to confirm if Tiamat possesses anything resembling a ngườiality.
    Perhaps she lost her intellect, or perhaps she never had one to begin with. Either is acceptable.
    The only meaning to her existence is to create, raise, and love her children. Thus, she set out to make war against humanity for declaring that it has no need for her.
    It is the functioning of an extremely primitive system: “If I do not exterminate modern humanity, I will be killed.”

    •Motivations・Attitude towards the Master
    One of seven billion. An obvious target to be obliterated.
    While the Second Beast is a repulsive invader to humanity, humans are terrifying aliens (extraterrestrials) to the Second Beast.

    ティアマト - ビーストⅡ





    属性:混沌・悪  性別:女性

















    [v] Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia - Giải thích Keyword - Tiamat



  6. 6,0 6,1 Fate/Grand Order - Babylonia: Chiến Tuyến Tuyệt Đối Chống Ma Thú
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Thuật ngữ
Admirable Đại Chiến LượcAhnenerbeAnh LinhBàn TrònBảo KhíBát Cực QuyềnBinh Khí Thần TạoClan CalatinCơ Quan Bảo Hộ ChaldeaDạ Chiến Đại Anh Đế QuốcĐồng Minh Chính NghĩaFiannaGiáo HộiHassan-i-SabbahHiệp Sĩ Bàn TrònHiệp Sĩ Cành ĐỏJack the RipperKỹ NăngLợi thếMa Pháp Thiếu NữMa ThuậtMasterMười hai Lạc hầu của vua CharlemagneQuy Tắc Thông SốLoài RồngSaberfaceServantTam Đại Hóa Sinh Nhật BảnTamamo NineThần LinhThành phố FuyukiThánhThời Đại Thần ThánhThuốc lá Rồng
Các Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh
"Hậu" ChiếnÁ ChủngAinsworthĐại ChiếnĐế ĐôFuyukiGrand OrderMặt TrăngThật & GiảTokyo
Sinh vật
Ác MaDollGolemHomunculusHuyễn Tưởng ChủngKhiển Sứ LinhLinh ThểLoài NgườiLoài RồngMaMa Cà RồngPháp SưPhù ThủyThần Linh
Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh
Anh LinhBảo KhíChén ThánhĐại Chén ThánhKỹ NăngLệnh ChúMasterQuy Tắc Thông SốServantServant CardVật Xúc Tác
Tổ chức
27 Tử TôngCơ Quan Bảo Hộ ChaldeaGiáo HộiHiệp Hội Pháp SưTổ Chức Trừ Ma
Khái niệm
Căn NguyênChiếu ẢnhCố Hữu Kết GiớiDanh sách Ma ThuậtKết GiớiKhắc Ấn Ma ThuậtKhông Tưởng Hiện Thực HóaLễ KhíLinh ĐịaLinh HồnLời PhépMa LựcMa Nhãn (Trực Tử Ma Nhãn) • Ma Pháp • (Đệ Nhị Ma PhápĐệ Tam Ma PhápĐệ Ngũ Ma Pháp) • Mạch Ma ThuậtNguyên TốSiêu Năng GiảThần BíThế GiớiVũ Khí Khái NiệmXưởng Phép