Entries from Fate/stay night.
Servant Status[]
[] Fate/stay night - Servant Status: [T] | ||
Weapon Menu[]
Azoth Sword[]
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Azoth Sword [T] | ||
Azoth Sword |
Black Key[]
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Black Key [T] | ||
Black Key |
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Dainsleif [T] | ||
Dainsleif |
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Durandal [T] | ||
Durandal |
Gem Sword Zelretch[]
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Gem Sword Zelretch [T] | ||
Gem Sword Zelretch |
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Gram [T] | ||
Gram |
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Harpe [T] | ||
Harpe |
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Houtengeki [T] | ||
Houtengeki |
[] Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Vajra [T] | ||
Vajra |
Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works Animation Material I[]
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: If you were summoned as a Servant, what class do you think you would be appointed to? | ||
Q: If you were summoned as a Servant, what class do you think you would be appointed to? <AhoNoN> 御自分がサーヴァントとして召喚されるとしたらどのクラスに割り当てられると思われます か? <AhoNoN> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: Do you have motifs for the Command Seal designs? | ||
Q: Do you have motifs for the Command Seal designs? <Shido Kei> 令呪のデザインのモチ—フとかはあったりするんですか? <祠堂景> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: This question is for Mr. Kinoko and Takashi: Out of all the Fate characters, who would you want as a bride? (Without worrying about gender) | ||
Q: This question is for Mr. Kinoko and Takashi: Out of all the Fate characters, who would you want as a bride? (Without worrying about gender) <Ritsuka> きのこさんとたかしさんに質問です。Fate全 キャラでお嫁さんにしたいキャラは誰ですか?(性別の壁突破可) <りつか> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: Berserker took no damage from Archer's A-rank Noble Phantasm "Broken Phantasm" (Caladbolg), is it ineffective due to Berserk's Noble Phantasm, or was he simply able to withstand it naturally? | ||
Q: Berserker took no damage from Archer's A-rank Noble Phantasm "Broken Phantasm" (Caladbolg), is it ineffective due to Berserk's Noble Phantasm, or was he simply able to withstand it naturally? <Not Mr. Shanoa> アーチャーのAランク宝具並の「壊れた幻想」を受けても無傷だったバーサーカーですが、宝具による効果で無効化したのではなく、素の耐久力で耐え切ったのでしょうか? <シャノアールさん他> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: In the anime version, Rin has a few different ways of firing her Gandr. Is her multi-finger firing method any stronger than her original single-finger firing method? | ||
Q: In the anime version, Rin has a few different ways of firing her Gandr. Is her multi-finger firing method any stronger than her original single-finger firing method? <Fruit-punch Samurai M> アニメ版では凛のガンドの撃ち方のバリエーションが増えていますが、従来の指の1本のガンドと比べてアニメ版の複数の指を使ってる方が、威力が高いのでしょうか? <フルーツポンチ侍M> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: What would your "ideal mushroom (Kinoko)" be? | ||
Q: What would your "ideal mushroom (Kinoko)" be? <School of Bamboo> 「理想のきのこ」とはどんなきのこですか? <たけのこ派> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: Will there be any specific scenes or action sequences for the authors (and the viewers) to look forward to in the most recent anime adaptation of 「Fate/stay night[Unlimited Blade Works]」 (Heretofore referred to as 「UBW」)? | ||
Q: Will there be any specific scenes or action sequences for the authors (and the viewers) to look forward to in the most recent anime adaptation of 「Fate/stay night[Unlimited Blade Works]」 (Heretofore referred to as 「UBW」)? <Ishigami> 今回のアニメ化された『Fate/stay night[Unlimited Blade Works]』(以下『UBW』)の内容で、原作者(あるいは一視聴者)としてお気に入りのシーンやアクションはありますか? <いしがみ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: In the anime there is a good deal more destruction in Fuyuki City (at the school, specifically) than in the original work, yet the next day everything goes back to the way it was before. How hard is Kotomine working? | ||
Q: In the anime there is a good deal more destruction in Fuyuki City (at the school, specifically) than in the original work, yet the next day everything goes back to the way it was before. How hard is Kotomine working? <Orange> アニメでは原作以上に派手に破壊されている冬木の市街地(学校含)ですが、翌日には元通りになっていますよね。言峰はどのくらい頑張ったのでしょうか。 <オレンジ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040 [T] Q: The 「UBW」 anime was created with a pretty tight arrangement alongside ufotable. How exactly did that come about? Also, as there were various original scenes in the anime, who was the one who came up with the ideas? | ||
Q: The 「UBW」 anime was created with a pretty tight arrangement alongside ufotable. How exactly did that come about? Also, as there were various original scenes in the anime, who was the one who came up with the ideas? <Rio> 『UBW』のアニメはufotableさんと入念な打ち合わせをして制作しているということです が、一体どのようにして打ち合わせしているのでしょろか?またアニメ才リジナルシーンなどが多数見られましたが誰が考えたりしているのでしょうか? <リオ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.040-041 [T] Q: For the battle scene between Rin and Ilya in the anime, did Ilya just get way stronger?! Was her strength based on 「Fate/Zero」? | ||
Q: For the battle scene between Rin and Ilya in the anime, did Ilya just get way stronger?! Was her strength based on 「Fate/Zero」? <UMA> 今回アニメで出てきた凜とイリヤの戦闊シ—ンについて、イリヤが無茶苦茶強くなってる!? 『Fate/Zero』を意識して作った能力なのでしょうか? <UMA> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: Mr. Takeuchi, Mr. Nasu, how do you feel about revisiting 「Fate/stay night」 after 10 years? | ||
Q: Mr. Takeuchi, Mr. Nasu, how do you feel about revisiting 「Fate/stay night」 after 10 years? <Taiwan's Shotsuki> 武内さん、奈須さん、10年ぶりの「Fate/stay night」との再会はどんな気持ちでしょうか? <台湾の嘯月> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: In the anime, there is a fight scene between Rin and Ilya, but are there any mages who could even win against Ilya in a magic fight in the actual 「Fate/stay night」, 「Fate/Zero」, or 「Fate/hollow ataraxia」 games? | ||
Q: In the anime, there is a fight scene between Rin and Ilya, but are there any mages who could even win against Ilya in a magic fight in the actual 「Fate/stay night」, 「Fate/Zero」, or 「Fate/hollow ataraxia」 games? <ukw> アニメの中で、凜とイリヤが魔術戦を行うシー ンがありましたが、実際のところ『Fate/stay night』や『Fate/Zero』、『Fate/hollow ataraxia』などに登場する魔術師で、イリヤと魔術戦で勝つことができる魔術師はいるのですか? <ukw> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: I was wondering why they changed Gotou's character designs. | ||
Q: I was wondering why they changed Gotou's character designs. <Kusakaki> 後藤くんのキヤラデザインが変更された理由を教えて欲しいでこざる。 <草柿> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: Did the blonde Servant wash his clothes after talking with Shinji in Episode 10? | ||
Q: Did the blonde Servant wash his clothes after talking with Shinji in Episode 10? <Mongoose> 訳:金髮のサーヴァン卜は#10で憤ニと会話した後、服を洗ったのでしようか?<Mongoose> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: Sasaki Kojirou spent his entire live sword training in the mountains, so how did he acquire a sword like the Bitchu Aoe (Blue River of Bitchu)? Was he not spending his time farming on the farmlands? | ||
Q: Sasaki Kojirou spent his entire live sword training in the mountains, so how did he acquire a sword like the Bitchu Aoe (Blue River of Bitchu)? Was he not spending his time farming on the farmlands? <Sunday> 佐々木小次郎は生前ずっと山で剣を振るだけの人生を過こしたそうですが、そうするとどうやって備中青江のような業物を手に入れたので しょうか?というか、ちゃんと農民として農作 業をしたりしてたのでしようか? <Sunday> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: This question is for Mr. Takeuchi. Which drawing of Saber of yours is your favorite? | ||
Q: This question is for Mr. Takeuchi. Which drawing of Saber of yours is your favorite? <Garlic Nabe> 武内さんへの質問です、今まで自分が描いた中で一番好きなセイバーは誰ですか? <にら鍋> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: For the new outfits, did Mr. Kinoko have any opinions or personal requests for them? Or is it something he left entirely to Mr. Takeuchi and ufotable? | ||
Q: For the new outfits, did Mr. Kinoko have any opinions or personal requests for them? Or is it something he left entirely to Mr. Takeuchi and ufotable? <Rouge> 新衣装について、きのこさんは意見や要望を出 したんでしょうか?それとも全て武内さんと ufotableさんにおまかせ? <紅かや> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: Saber's so cutely drawn that many are asking: Is this Saber's route? Was this Mr. Takeuchi's idea, given that she's his absolute favorite? | ||
Q: Saber's so cutely drawn that many are asking: Is this Saber's route? Was this Mr. Takeuchi's idea, given that she's his absolute favorite? <Yuma> これはセイバールー卜ですか?と言わんばかりにセイバーさんが可愛らしく描かれていました。それはセイバーさん大好き人間である武内先生の発案でしょうか? <ゆーま> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: What were Archer's feelings like when he tried to kill Shirou, saved him, and later when he put his faith in him and tried to change his life and way of thinking? | ||
Q: What were Archer's feelings like when he tried to kill Shirou, saved him, and later when he put his faith in him and tried to change his life and way of thinking? <Aisaka Riku> アーチャーは士郎を殺そうとしたり肋けたりと色々士郎を信頼して、生き方や考え方を変えようとしていますが、こういう時の彼の心情はどういった感じなのでしょうか? <相坂陸> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: When will I finally get my own route? | ||
Q: When will I finally get my own route? <Ilya> 私のル—卜はいつ放送するのかしら? <イリヤ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: In episode #00, Rin tries to summon without any sort of catalyst, but is that even possible? And assuming she did not get the time wrong, would she have summoned a different Heroic Spirit? | ||
Q: In episode #00, Rin tries to summon without any sort of catalyst, but is that even possible? And assuming she did not get the time wrong, would she have summoned a different Heroic Spirit? <Short Sleeves> #00で凜は触媒がない状態での召喚を行おうと していますが、そんなことは可能なのでしょう か?また、時間を勘違いしていなかった場合、他の英霊が召喚されたのでしょうか? <半袖> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: What does Saber do during the day? | ||
Q: What does Saber do during the day? <Takatakashi> セイバーは日中なにやってるんですか? <たかたかし> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041 [T] Q: This is a question about the battle in episode #07! As opposed to the game, Saber evades Kojiro's Tsubame-Gaeshi when seeing the complete version for the first time. But isn't that only because she had her instincts and put all her power into her Invisible Air?! | ||
Q: This is a question about the battle in episode #07! As opposed to the game, Saber evades Kojiro's Tsubame-Gaeshi when seeing the complete version for the first time. But isn't that only because she had her instincts and put all her power into her Invisible Air [風王結界 - Bounded Field of the Wind King]?! <Shirosuki> #07の戦闘について質問です!ゲームと違い、完全版の小次郎の燕返しをセイバーが初見で避けていましたが、アレは直感と風王結界を全力で離脱に用いたからこそ可能だったのでしょうか! <シロウスキー> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.041-042 [T] Q: Rider invoked Blood Fort Andromeda despite Sakura being in the school. If the barrier was sustained, would Rider have went to save Sakura even if it meant disobeying Wakame? | ||
Q: Rider invoked Blood Fort Andromeda despite Sakura being in the school. If the barrier was sustained, would Rider have went to save Sakura even if it meant disobeying Wakame [Seaweed, Shinji's nickname]? <Teacher Blossom> 学校に桜さんがいるにも関わらず「鮮血神殿」を発動させたライダーさんですが、もしもあの まま結界が維持されていたら、ライダ—さんはワカメさんに逆らってでも桜さんを助けたのでしょうか? <ティーチャー•ブロッサム> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: What kind kid was Shirou before he became Kiritsugu's adopted son? | ||
Q: What kind kid was Shirou before he became Kiritsugu's adopted son? <Mackerel Sandwich> 切嗣の養子になる前の士郎はどんな子だったのですか? <鯖サンド> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: With Berserker's Noble Phantasm God Hand, you gain resistance to an attack once you're hit by it, but do you only gain this resistance by having died once? Would the same attack be effective multiple times as long as it was before he died? | ||
Q: With Berserker's Noble Phantasm God Hand, you gain resistance to an attack once you're hit by it, but do you only gain this resistance by having died once? Would the same attack be effective multiple times as long as it was before he died? <Madao Gingetsu> バーサーカーの宝具「十二の試練」には一度受けた攻擊に対して耐性を付ける効果がありますが、この耐性を付ける条件とは一度「死ぬ」ことなのでしょうか?仮に同じ攻擊でも死ぬ前なら何度も通じるのでしよろか? <銀月マダオ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: Does Lancer's Gáe Bolg not have any effect on anything without a heart, like certain creatures and machines? | ||
Q: Does Lancer's Gáe Bolg not have any effect on anything without a heart, like certain creatures and machines? <Madao Gingetsu> ランサ—のゲイ•ポルクって心臓が存在しないような生物や機械などには効果がないのでしょうか? <銀月マダオ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: What effect does a "– (minus sign)" as far as stats are concerned? I've been wondering this forever and I've been losing hair trying to figure this one out. Please help me and give me an answer! | ||
Q: What effect does a "– (minus sign)" as far as stats are concerned? I've been wondering this forever and I've been losing hair trying to figure this one out. Please help me and give me an answer! <Lord Baldy> パラメータールールの「—」の効果とは何なのでしょうか?長年気になってそろそろ禿げてし まいそうなのでお答えよろしくお顏いします。 <ロード•ハゲメロイ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: The terms "Tradition Protection" and "Anti-Purge Defense" come up all the time, what are these! | ||
Q: The terms "Tradition Protection" and "Anti-Purge Defense" come up all the time, what are these! <TG09> ちょいちょい出てくるようになったワード「伝承防御」や「対粛清防御」について教えて下さ い! <TG09> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: What is the role of the eyeball that appears in Blood Fort Andromeda? Is it the Backbeard's? | ||
Q: What is the role of the eyeball that appears in Blood Fort Andromeda? Is it the Backbeard's? <Aisaka Riku> 鮮血神殿で出てきたあの目玉はどいう役割なんですか?もしやバックベアーゴフソゴフソ <相坂陸> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: On the subject of「UBW」, regarding Heroic Spirits, have you two visited historical landmarks with a connection to those Heroic Spirits? For example, going to Great Britain and visit King Arthur? | ||
Q: On the subject of「UBW」, regarding Heroic Spirits, have you two visited historical landmarks with a connection to those Heroic Spirits? For example, going to Great Britain and visit King Arthur? <Hiro> 『UBW』といえば、英霊ですが、お二人は英霊ゆかりの地まで史跡巡り等したりしているのでしょうか。例えば、お二人でイギリスに行ったり してアーサー王に参拝?したりです。 <ヒロ> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: This is about Kuzuki-sensei who is physically stronger than regular people. Aside from his fists being strengthened by Caster, are the rest his own strength, or did Caster strengthened other parts of his body as well? | ||
Q: This is about Kuzuki-sensei who is physically stronger than regular people. Aside from his fists being strengthened by Caster, are the rest his own strength, or did Caster strengthened other parts of his body as well? <Soujuurou of the Hill> 常人離れした身体能カの葛木先生ですが、キヤスターに「強化」された拳以外は全て彼本来のものなのでしょうか?それとも拳以外にもキャスターに強化されているのでしょうか? <坂の上の草十郎> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: Tell me your favorite character and setting! If possible, tell me both the one you really like as well as the one used for jokes! | ||
Q: Tell me your favorite character and setting!! If possible, tell me both the one you really like as well as the one used for jokes! <NiceKnock> 一番気に入ってるキャラと設定を!!できれば、 ガチとネタ両方でお願いします! <NiceKnock> |
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Animation Material I - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.042 [T] Q: Why do you love drawing Saber's face so much? | ||
Q: Why do you love drawing Saber's face so much? <Sareruno> どうしてそんなにセイバー顔を書くのが好きなんですか? <サレルノ> |
Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works Animation Material II[]
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Season 2 DVD Booklet Animation Elements p.19-27 [T] | ||
• The origins of Einzbern ■アインツベルンの始まり |
Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material[]
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: There’s finally an animated version of HF through Sakura’s route. Upon coming up with the character design for Sakura, what was the hardest part? | ||
Q: There’s finally an animated version of HF through Sakura’s route. Upon coming up with the character design for Sakura, what was the hardest part? <Factory Ramen> ? <Factory Ramen> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: Sakura was great of course. But Ms. Taiga Fujimura was also amazing, with her mature sexiness. Mr. Nasu and Mr. Takeuchi, did you feel anything about that? | ||
Q: Sakura was great of course. But Ms. Taiga Fujimura was also amazing, with her mature sexiness. Mr. Nasu and Mr. Takeuchi, did you feel anything about that? <Elegant Beautiful Teacher> ? <Elegant Beautiful Teacher> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: Out of all the extracurricular school activities, why did Shinji choose the Archery club, and how did he get started in Archery? | ||
Q: Out of all the extracurricular school activities, why did Shinji choose the Archery club, and how did he get started in Archery? <Namiyasou> ? <Namiyasou> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: The difficulty of Heroic Spirit summons changes by era, land, and how humanity exists, but is there some sort of prerequisite of “it will never work without this”? | ||
Q: The difficulty of Heroic Spirit summons changes by era, land, and how humanity exists, but is there some sort of prerequisite of “it will never work without this”? <Silver Moon Mandao> ? <Silver Moon Mandao> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: The mages call Heroic Spirits “Boundary Recording Bands (Ghost Liners),” but is this the actual terminology? And what does it symbolize? | ||
Q: The mages call Heroic Spirits “Boundary Recording Bands (Ghost Liners),” but is this the actual terminology? And what does it symbolize? <Someone at the far end> ? <Someone at the far end> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: What do Sakura’s classmates think about her? Do the boys in her class say stuff like “I’m kind of interested in Matou” or something? | ||
Q: What do Sakura’s classmates think about her? Do the boys in her class say stuff like “I’m kind of interested in Matou” or something? <Misunderstanding Boy> ? <Misunderstanding Boy> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: By the hands of Zouken Matou, the True Assassin was summoned from the Mountain Gate Assassin, but was that a secret trick that was only possible because it was Zouken? Or can other mages suited to become Masters do something similar? | ||
Q: By the hands of Zouken Matou, the True Assassin was summoned from the Mountain Gate Assassin, but was that a secret trick that was only possible because it was Zouken? Or can other mages suited to become Masters do something similar? <Ojaki> ? <Ojaki> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: Mr. Kuzuki vs. True Assassin wasn’t shown, but was Mr. Kuzuki defeated without being able to land a single blow on True Assassin? | ||
Q: Mr. Kuzuki vs. True Assassin wasn’t shown, but was Mr. Kuzuki defeated without being able to land a single blow on True Assassin? <Kyuhey> ? <Kyuhey> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: Was Sakura wearing short sleeves in February because the maiden within her wanted to show cute loungewear to Shirou? She was cute. | ||
Q: Was Sakura wearing short sleeves in February because the maiden within her wanted to show cute loungewear to Shirou? She was cute. <Ramuda> ? <Ramuda> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: There were different presentations in parts between the original story and the movie. The one that surprised me was the battle between True Assassin and Lancer. That battle must have created a large number of casualties and witnesses. How did the priest go about dealing with all of it afterwards? | ||
Q: There were different presentations in parts between the original story and the movie. The one that surprised me was the battle between True Assassin and Lancer. That battle must have created a large number of casualties and witnesses. How did the priest go about dealing with all of it afterwards? <Kohabu@Egg> ? <Kohabu@Egg> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: Shaitan, the original owner of the cursed arm that is the True Assassin’s Noble Phantasm “Delusional Heartbeat,” is said to be “an evil spirit” or “demon god” or “demonic man” depending on the literature. What category does he fall under? | ||
Q: Shaitan, the original owner of the cursed arm that is the True Assassin’s Noble Phantasm “Delusional Heartbeat,” is said to be “an evil spirit” or “demon god” or “demonic man” depending on the literature. What category does he fall under? ? <Big Flag> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: After the battle against Lancer, True Assassin looked up at the sky after eating the heart. What happened after that? Did he go pick up his Dirk like how it says in the settings? | ||
Q: After the battle against Lancer, True Assassin looked up at the sky after eating the heart. What happened after that? Did he go pick up his Dirk like how it says in the settings? <Mangan> ? <Mangan> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: How was Zouken Matou controlling the dead Caster? | ||
Q: How was Zouken Matou controlling the dead Caster? <Starry Sky> ? <Starry Sky> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: How good of a Mage was Zouken in his prime? | ||
Q: How good of a Mage was Zouken in his prime? <Agnes Takajin> ? <Agnes Takajin> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: How did Archer have a clue about what the “Shadow” was? Did he encounter something like it in life, or did he stamp out something like it during his duties as a guardian? I’d love it if you could answer. | ||
Q: How did Archer have a clue about what the “Shadow” was? Did he encounter something like it in life, or did he stamp out something like it during his duties as a guardian? I’d love it if you could answer. <Deucalion> ? <Deucalion> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: How often does Kotomine eat out at Taishan (Chinese Restaurant)? | ||
Q: How often does Kotomine eat out at Taishan (Chinese Restaurant)? <Gyro> ? <Gyro> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: According to True Assassin, Servants cannot oppose the shadow, and pure Saber will lose her sanity merely by touching it. Does this “purity” refer to how she is a hero and not an anti-hero? | ||
Q: According to True Assassin, Servants cannot oppose the shadow, and pure Saber will lose her sanity merely by touching it. Does this “purity” refer to how she is a hero and not an anti-hero? ? <S from Romania> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: When Rin went into the insect hold, she was at a loss of words at its terrible sight. Just how much about Sakura and the current standings of the Matou household did Rin know at that time? | ||
Q: When Rin went into the insect hold, she was at a loss of words at its terrible sight. Just how much about Sakura and the current standings of the Matou household did Rin know at that time? <Helt> ? <Helt> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: In the Fifth Holy Grail War that Archer was retracing, were the inner dealings of the Matou clan or Sakura’s circumstances known? If he had known, how did Sakura look through Archer’s eyes in this particular Holy Grail War? | ||
Q: In the Fifth Holy Grail War that Archer was retracing, were the inner dealings of the Matou clan or Sakura’s circumstances known? If he had known, how did Sakura look through Archer’s eyes in this particular Holy Grail War? <Black Pawn> ? <Black Pawn> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel I. presage flower Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22 [T] Q: After seeing HF for the first time, what kind of conversations and comments were made among TYPE-MOON staff? | ||
Q: After seeing HF for the first time, what kind of conversations and comments were made among TYPE-MOON staff? <Smile> ? <Smile> |
Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material[]
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.20 [T] Q: When Shirou decided he will become a hero of justice for Sakura, what did Archer think? | ||
Q: When Shirou decided he will become a hero of justice for Sakura, what did Archer think? <Minazuki> ? <Minazuki> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.20 [T] Q: Even if Dark Saber were to accept Avalon from Shirou, would she be able to use it? If she could use it, would her Dark state be undone, or would it change characteristics? | ||
Q: Even if Dark Saber were to accept Avalon from Shirou, would she be able to use it? If she could use it, would her Dark state be undone, or would it change characteristics? <Godoh> ? <Godoh> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.20 [T] Q: Zouken Matou tells True Assassin “Don’t ruin everything by letting the Einzbern girl get away”. In the end, he let her get away, so did True Assassin get a lecture from Grandpa Zouken? | ||
Q: Zouken Matou tells True Assassin “Don’t ruin everything by letting the Einzbern girl get away”. In the end, he let her get away, so did True Assassin get a lecture from Grandpa Zouken? <Norimori> ? <Norimori> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.20 [T] Q: The battle between Saber Alter and Berserker clearly wasn’t at a level that you could blame the gas company. How did Kotomine cover it all up? | ||
Q: The battle between Saber Alter and Berserker clearly wasn’t at a level that you could blame the gas company. How did Kotomine cover it all up? <Nunba> ? <Nunba> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.21 [T] Q: If Saber Alter and Gilgamesh seriously fought each other, which of them would be stronger? | ||
Q: If Saber Alter and Gilgamesh seriously fought each other, which of them would be stronger? <Takenoko> ? <Takenoko> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.21[T] Q: I think Rin and Illya had suspicions about the true nature of the shadow before Shirou, but what was going through each of their minds emotionally? | ||
Q: I think Rin and Illya had suspicions about the true nature of the shadow before Shirou, but what was going through each of their minds emotionally? <Fruit Ponch Samurai M> ? <Fruit Ponch Samurai M> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.21[T] Q: What kind of reaction would Shinji have if he found out Archer’s true identity? | ||
Q: What kind of reaction would Shinji have if he found out Archer’s true identity? <Mizuame> ? <Mizuame> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.21[T] Q: What did Sakura mean when she judged Kotomine as “he cannot beat me”? Did she get the chance to investigate into Kotomine’s characteristics and desires? | ||
Q: What did Sakura mean when she judged Kotomine as “he cannot beat me”? Did she get the chance to investigate into Kotomine’s characteristics and desires? <Kitsuneme Lambda> ? <Kitsuneme Lambda> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.21[T] Q: If Sakura had stayed with the Tohsaka and Rin was adopted instead of Sakura into the Matou family, how would each of them have ended up? | ||
Q: If Sakura had stayed with the Tohsaka and Rin was adopted instead of Sakura into the Matou family, how would each of them have ended up? <Futaba> ? <Futaba> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22[T] Q: If Sakura had been sent to the Edelfelt family instead, what kind of life would she have led? From looking at the Case Files, it seems Edelfelt is quite out there as well. | ||
Q: If Sakura had been sent to the Edelfelt family instead, what kind of life would she have led? From looking at the Case Files, it seems Edelfelt is quite out there as well. <Marumaru> ? <Marumaru> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22[T] Q: Did Zouken have a choice to become a Dead Apostle when he sought immortality? If he did, I'd like to know why he didn't transform into a Dead Apostle. | ||
Q: Did Zouken have a choice to become a Dead Apostle when he sought immortality? If he did, I'd like to know why he didn't transform into a Dead Apostle. <Pon De> ? <Pon De> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22[T] Q: There are various departments in the Clock Tower, but what department did Zolgen Makiri belong to when he was in the Clock Tower? Since he had written a paper about Ghost Liners, was he in Spiritual Evocation? | ||
Q: There are various departments in the Clock Tower, but what department did Zolgen Makiri belong to when he was in the Clock Tower? Since he had written a paper about Ghost Liners, was he in Spiritual Evocation? <Silver Moon Madao> ? <Silver Moon Madao> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22[T] Q: Can Sakura in the other routes live just like other ordinary girls? Even if she doesn’t run out of control like in the HF route, I’m worried about how the insects affect her. | ||
Q: Can Sakura in the other routes live just like other ordinary girls? Even if she doesn’t run out of control like in the HF route, I’m worried about how the insects affect her. <Dyumi> ? <Dyumi> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.22-23[T] Q: Was the spell for Heroic Spirit summons something that the Three Families came up with? | ||
Q: Was the spell for Heroic Spirit summons something that the Three Families came up with? <Kariyan the Shut-In Cat> ? <Kariyan the Shut-In Cat> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.23[T] Q: BAD END 30 in the original game (which fans call the "Ironhearted END") Kotomine declares that Shirou will decide to kill Zouken, Ilya, and Rin to survive until the end. How does he go about killing all three of them? | ||
Q: BAD END 30 in the original game (which fans call the "Ironhearted END") Kotomine declares that Shirou will decide to kill Zouken, Ilya, and Rin to survive until the end. How does he go about killing all three of them? <Hero of Justice> ? <Hero of Justice> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.23[T] Q: In the ending credits for this movie, the role played by Ms. Kawasumi was "Saber Alter". What are the definitions for "Dark" and "Alter" in this work? | ||
Q: In the ending credits for this movie, the role played by Ms. Kawasumi was "Saber Alter". What are the definitions for "Dark" and "Alter" in this work? ? <> |
Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel III. spring song Animation Material[]
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel III. spring song Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.35[T] Q: Is Zelretch's name that well known? | ||
Q: Is Zelretch's name that well known? ? <> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel III. spring song Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A, p.34-35[T] Q: Looking at Case Files Information, it sounds like the First Magic was made later than Third Magic? (Also I seem to like you sleep all day?) | ||
Q: Looking at Case Files Information, it sounds like the First Magic was made later than Third Magic? (Also I seem to like you sleep all day?) ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿のマチリアルによると、第三魔法は紀元前100年ごろから伝わっていたようですが、第一魔法の使い手が誕生したのはAD第一魔法の方があとに成立したといたとでしょうか?? <たまに一日い> |
[] Fate/stay night Heaven’s Feel III. spring song Animation Material - Kinoko and Takashi Q & A[T] Q: Would Lord El-Melloi II still need to dismantle the Grail after Heaven's Feel? | ||
Q: Would Lord El-Melloi II still need to dismantle the Grail after Heaven's Feel? ? <> |