Vua có thể là:
Anh Linh[]
Một số Anh Linh được tôn xưng là "Vua". Trong số đó, chỉ có "Vua Anh Hùng" là danh hiệu độc nhất.[1]
- Angra Mainyu - Vua Ác Ma (悪魔王, Akuma-Ō?)
- Vua Arthur - Vua Hiệp Sĩ (騎士王, Kishi-Ō?), Vua Food (フードの王様, Fūdo no Ōsama?)
- Altera - Vua Chinh Chiến (戦闘王, Sentō-Ō?), Đại Vương Phá Hoại (破壞の大王, Hakai no Daiō?)
- Billy the Kid - Vua Côn Đồ (悪漢王?)
- Charlemagne - Thánh Vương Franks Cao Quý (高貴なるフランクの聖王, Kōkinaru Furanku no Sei-Ō?)
- Charles Babbage - Vua Hơi Nước (蒸気王, Jōki-Ō?)
- Cú Chulainn Alter - Cuồng Vương Cú Chulainn (狂王クー・フーリン, Kyō-Ō?)
- Doanh Chính - Thủy Hoàng Đế (始皇帝, Shikōtei?)
- Edmond Dantès - Vua Hang Động (巌窟王, Gankutsu-Ō?)
- Eric Bloodaxe - Vua Rìu Máu (血斧王, Chiono-Ō?)
- Francis Drake - Vua Giông Tố, Vua Vong Linh
- Gilgamesh - Vua Anh Hùng (英雄王, Eiyū-Ō?), Hiền Vương
- Goetia - Vua Ma Thần (魔神王, Majin-Ō?)
- Iskandar - Vua Chinh Phục (征服王, Seifuku-Ō?)
- Ivan - Lôi Đế (雷帝, Raitei?)
- James Moriarty - Vua Lý Luận (論理の帝王, Logical King?)
- Leonidas I - Vua Cổng Lửa
- Lobo - Vua Sói (狼王?)
- Logos React - Vua Hài Cốt (骸王, Kara-Ō?)
- Manannán mac Lir - Vua Yêu Tinh
- Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa - Vua Đô Đốc
- Nero Claudius - Hoàng Đế Hoa Hồng (薔薇の皇帝, Bara no Kōtei?)
- Oberon - Vua Yêu Tinh (妖精王, Yōsei-Ō?), Vua Moss (モース王?)
- Oda Nobunaga - Vua Đổi Mới (革新の王?)[2]
- Ozymandias - Vua Của Các Vị Vua (王の中の王, Ō no Naka no Ō?), Vua Xây Dựng (作成王?), Vua Mặt Trời (太陽王, Taiyō-Ō?), Thần Vương (神王, Shin-Ō?)
- Richard I - Vua Lang Thang
- Romulus - Vua Dựng Nước (建国王, Kenkoku-Ō?)
- Sigurd - Vua Chiến Binh (戦士の王, Senshi no Ō?)[3]
- Solomon - Vua Ma Thuật (魔術王, Majutsu-Ō?)
- Surtr - Vua Hỏa Diễm (火炎の王?), Vua của Người Khổng Lồ Lửa
- Thomas Edison - Vua Phát Minh (発明王, Hatsumei-Ō?)
- Ábartach - Vua Yêu Tinh
- Charlie Chaplin - Vua Hài Kịch (喜劇王, Kigeki-Ō?)
- Mặt Trăng Đỏ - Vua Mặt Trăng
- Trhvmn Ortenrosse - Tử Đồ Vương (死徒の王, Shito no Ō?)
- Kronos - Vua của các Titan
- Vortigern - Vua Đê Hèn (卑王, Hi-Ō?)
- Vua - thủ lĩnh của nhóm Zugzwang
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[] Fate/EXTRA CCC - Gilgamesh Matrix Class: None
Name: Gilgamesh
Master: [PC]
Bảo Khí: Enuma Elish (The Star of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth)
Keyword: King of Heroes, friend
Sức mạnh: B, Sức bền: C, Nhanh nhẹn: C, Ma lực: A, May mắn: A
Thần Tính: B (A+), Quy Luật Vàng: A, Kẻ Sưu Tầm: EXKeywords Enuma Elish (The Star of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth)
Gilgamesh's final Noble Phantasm which reveals creation--the beginning of everything.
The severing of space which comes from the Sword of Rupture, Ea, the sword crowned with the name of a god from Mesopotamian mythology.
The god, Ea, is believed to be the quasi-deification of the power of the planet which turned, smashed, and stabilized the surface of the earth when it was still covered in gas and seas of magma, during the primordial stage of the earth.
Many gods began building nations after the the primordial earth was stabilized into a world where living creatures could live, but Ea is a god who performed the act of building of planet before that.
Gilgamesh's sword, which is crowned with Ea's name, changes space itself by agitating space-time through the rotation of three layers of giant power fields.
It's true power is not something to be used against a single living creature but against the world. Even among the many Noble Phantasms possessed by Servants, it is one considered to be at the top, the sword "which tore apart the world."
King of Heroes
Another name for Gilgamesh. It does not mean a king who is a hero but is used with the implication that he is the king over heroes.
The story of Gilgamesh, is who mankind's oldest hero, is copied within the mythologies of all the countries of the world. The origin of all myths, the model on which heroes are based...calling him such would not be an exaggeration.
More or less, the heroes of various myths are derived from Gilgamesh's legend. As such, Gilgamesh possesses the prototypes of the Noble Phantasms that heroes carry... the original treasures from before every legend was arranged. Though it may be a paradox, unless the original, Gilgamesh, possesses it, it cannot be handed down as the Noble Phantasm possessed by the later heroes who were derived from him.
When humanity was still small. Within the treasury of the king, who governed his kingdom and lived in as much luxury as he desired, was collected every single treasure in the world.
Inside that treasury, there is the treasured swords that saved later heroes, and there is preserved the cursed swords that stole the lives of heroes.
The reason that Gilgamesh is called the King of Heroes is here. Noble Phantasms are primarily one to a any single hero. Not only does he possess an approximately infinite amount of them, he also owns the "legends" that other heroes are wake against, as if it were natural. It should be impossible for an average hero to cross swords with him.
As a Heroic Spirit, he is an absolute warrior in battles against Heroic Spirits. While there are several heroes who hold the title of king, such as the King of Knights and the King of Conquerors, but in regards to being crowned with the title "King of All Heroes," in all of heaven and earth, he is the only one.
As he became a young man, Gilgamesh's violent disposition only grew. Of course the people of Uruk, but even the gods who dispatched him, were greatly perplexed by his violence.
Gilgamesh is not fulfilling his original role. "That insolent creature needs someone to admonish him."
Having come to that conclusion, the gods sent a single life to the surface. Its name was Enkidu. It was a person made by a god and given her blood, the same as Gilgamesh.
It had neither a sex nor a fixed form. Enkidu, being made from clay by a god, was "Uruk's greatest weapon," able to change its shape at will. According to the god which was its mother's will, Enkidu confronted Gilgamesh before the temple of Uruk. With their exchanging of blows like a storm, their battle occurred within the city.
After that fierce fighting, they both collapsed to the ground without consideration for where, praised each other's valor, and became peerless friends.
Gilgamesh, who had been without equal, for the first time found someone he could call "a friend."
After that, while his vainglorious attitude did not change, Gilgamesh, remonstrated by Enkidu, softened his tyranny.
Gilgamesh, who had acquired someone who understood him in Enkidu, defeated the guardian of the forest and beast of the gods, Humbaba, and, as the most excellent king on the earth, took possession of every single treasure.
At this time, the dazzlingly powerful Gilgamesh was an existence that not even the gods could avert their eyes from.
A goddess fell in LOVE with this Gilgamesh. It was the goddess of fertility Ishtar. She proposed to Gilgamesh, but he quickly refused. Because he knew that how whimsical and cruel a witch who rendered men useless Ishtar was.
Ishtar, enraged by Gilgamesh's insults, as her revenge, clung to her father, the god Anu, in tears and released the greatest of divine beasts, "the Bull of Heaven," onto the earth.
The Bull of Heaven is a disaster of extreme magnitude clad in storms. When it appeared, a seven-year famine and destruction occurred on earth. In other words, the downfall of Uruk.
Against this divine beast which none could match, Gilgamesh and Enkidu worked together to stand against it and repelled it splendidly. Once again, the goddess lost face. Naturally, Isthar's rage had not lessened, and she requested death for either of the two of them from the gods. Because for one with a human body to kill the beast of the gods was a sin.
Ishtar's wish was granted, and one of the two, Enkidu, who was created by the gods, unable to defy that decree, slowly weakened and died.
...The sole person who understood the king, Enkidu. Just how large a shadow his loss cast over Gilgamesh is told in his lifetime afterward.
Enkidu is an autonomous weapon created from the clay of the gods. In SE.RA.PH. terms, he is close to an AI. As a result of being complete from birth, he neither grows nor evolves. He could take various forms as needed, but it is said his usual appearance was that of a 16-year-old person who could be seen as a girl or a boy with long hair which faintly shines a light-green color.01 - 『天地乖離す開闢の星』
02 - 英雄王
03 - 友人
Skills 01 - Thần Tính [B (A+)]
A judgement regarding whether or not one's body possess the property of being divine.
Though he possesses the greatest rank of divine spirit aptitude, Gilgamesh himself hates the gods, so the rank has gone down.
02 - Quy Luật Vàng [A]
Not the bodily golden ratio, but one's destiny in regard to how much money follows one around in life.
At rank A, it's possible to call it a soul of gold. With this Goldy attitude, even while living like a multimillionaire, he won't have any money troubles during his life.
03 - Kẻ Sưu Tầm [EX]
The ability to acquire items of higher quality. It's the good luck of frequently obtaining even rare items, but because it only applies to Gilgamesh himself, it does not bless the Master.
Gilgamesh is a collector of treasure. "I collected all the treasures of the earth," is Gilgamesh's favorite phrase, but that is not a metaphor. He collected and stored away a sample of all the technology that was developed during his age and sealed them.
That which Gilgamesh stored, rather than being treasure, is "the origin of the intelligence of mankind" itself. If it does not exist in Gilgamesh's treasury, then it is "something produced by a new breed of humanity, according a completely new concept," "something made from the technology of the culture born from the intelligent life from another heavenly body," one of the two.
For that reason, of course he has airplanes and submarines. The desires of the people from before Christ are not different, and it would not do for the crafts of ancient times when magic was in good health to be inferior to the crafts of the modern age. People generally realize the "tools of hope" that they dream of, and each time that occurs, it ended with them being confiscated by the king's hand.
The offensive skill Gilgamesh uses, "Gate of Babylon," shoots the treasure he collected like this like arrows. The gate to the golden capital opens, and his treasures are shot out from his treasure cellar.
This is a digression, but after the Noble Phantasms that are shot out are used, regardless of how far it has gone, it turns to Gilgamesh's treasure cellar. "Hah. I possess a Noble Phantasm which excels at the task of retrieval," says the person himself.01 - 神性 [B(A+)]
02 - 黄金律 [A]
03 - コレクター [EX]
Setting Source
The demigod king who ruled over the Sumerian city-state of Uruk in the time before Christ. Not just a legend but also a real person, the king written of in mankind's oldest epic, "The Epic of Gilgamesh."
Possessing great divinity as two-thirds god and one-third human, without anyone to match him in this world, he was perfected as a transcendent being who attained everything in the world.
In his childhood, he was adored by the people as the ideal ruler, but as he grew, possible due to being treated as almighty, his consideration for the people waned, and he came to rule Uruk with absolute power.
However, simply being oppressive does not make one a tyrant, he made Uruk prosper properly, found a friend he could speak with, and in personally subjugating the phenomena that would harm the people, that heroic quality cannot be doubted.
He is the heroic figure who defeated the bull so large it was cloaked in the heavens and rendered the civilization of this fortified Sumerian city unshakeable.
The following is historical fact, which differs from "The Epic of Gilgamesh." According to a fragment of an inscription found in an archaeological excavation of the historical ruins of this Sumerian city, Uruk was a city-state that existed on the shore of Persian south of Mesopotamia, and he was the fifth king of that city's first dynasty. It obtained assets through ocean trade and subjugated the region of southern Mesopotamia. He was victorious in the fight against Aga, king of the Kish who controlled the north made strong the city-states of Sumer. However, as a result the reckless deforestation of the woods due to the building of ships, their agricultural land was destroyed.
For that reason, Gilgamesh, seeking the giant tree, the Lebanon Cedar, launched an expedition all the way to far-away Phoenicia (modern day Lebanon), fought against the people of woods, called Humbaba, gained victory against them, and brought that massive tree back with him.
According to "The Epic of Gilgamesh," it seems that Gilgamesh, after the loss of Enkidu, fell into depression, his previous vigor gone.
The fact that Enkidu, whose strength had not been inferior to Gilgamesh's own, could die, was the shock that Gilgamesh received.
Gilgamesh, who was tormented over anxiety of death, finally set off on a trip to the realm of the death in search of perpetual youth and eternal life.
It was said that there lived a sage who had lived since placing a large amount of animals upon an ark before the coming of a deluge that assailed the earth.
This sage was said to be the only one of the earth escape from death and live until the present. Seeking him, Gilgamesh set across wilderness alone.
At the end of that long journey and many hardships, Gilgamesh finally managed to reach the realm of the dead. There, he met the sage, Utnapishtim, spoke with him, and in the end, Gilgamesh attained the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
Gilgamesh came to rise above the "death" that had taken even Enkidu.
His heart's desire fulfilled, during his triumphant return to Uruk, Gilgamesh stopped by a spring. He cleansed himself; it seems he wanted to test the fruits of his labor while in perfect condition.
However. While he was bathing, unexpectedly, a snake with an empty stomach sniffed out the smell of the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
By the time he noticed, it was too late. Panicked, Gilgamesh emerged from the spring, all that remained there was the skin that snake had shed.
Having lost the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life in this way, Gilgamesh was irritated for a long interval, but afterwards, he made his way back to his own castle, Uruk.
While the Gilgamesh after this was severe, he ruled his state quietly, entrusted to to the next king, and went to his eternal rest.
Without telling anyone of the whereabouts of the spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life.
Mankind's oldest king of heroes, Gilgamesh. Discord with the gods, the journey for the perpetual youth and eternal life, a deluge which covered the world. In that epic is the basis of every legend.
The truth of his epic poem, which has many uncertain points concerning fine details exists on the other side of the veil of romance placed upon it by the present day.
This is another digression, but the snake is reborn with a new body every time it sheds its skin because it stole and ate Gilgamesh's spirit herb... is what is said. It seems that the way the snake goes about its life appeared to the ancient people as a kind of perpetual youth and eternal life that was not available to humans.01 - 出典
02 - 出典
古代人は蛇の在り方に、人間にはない不老不死を見たという事だろう。 - ↑ Tạm biệt 2016 - Guda Guda Order.
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Kỷ Nguyên Băng-Hỏa Vĩnh Hằng - Chương 1