Bridal Chest: A Maiden's Chastity (乙女の貞節, Otome no Teisetsu?) is Frankenstein's large war hammer (battle mace) that discharges electricity with the appearance of tree branches when used as a striking weapon. Kept on her at all times even while not in battle to power her, the large, spherical orb on the top contains her reactor core, her heart.[1][2][3] Although used as a bludgeoning weapon against enemies, particularly effective against armored enemies, it can be considered only a secondary use to its primary function of absorbing excess magical energy from the environment.[4][5] The "fin" on the opposite end of the mace remotely transfers electrical energy to her main body by means of the similar fin on the side of her head.[1][2] It is a high-efficiency implement that continuously gathers and recycles energy wasted by her and gathers energy present in her surroundings to continuously power her by flowing it through her heart and into her Magic Circuits.[2][4] Able to use Galvanism, the unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electric energy, thaumaturgical attacks involving no material existence, such as wind manipulation, energy bullets and beam attacks, can be converted into electricity and rendered without effect upon her, discharged into the environment. It falls under the domain of Alchemy, like Phlogiston and Ether, that explains organic activity as a bio-electric process.[1]
If she should be exposed to an environment with a high-magical energy content, such as in combat where the dispersed converted magical energy discharged by Servants and magi and dissipated into the atmosphere is abundant, the function of Galvanism and the Bridal Chest combine to qualify the Noble Phantasm as a "pseudo-Type II Perpetual Motion EngineWP."[2][3][4] Galvanism allows absorbed electricity to be used to implement rapid self-repair and physical attribute reinforcement, allowing her to emulate a Mana Burst to some extent.[1][4] It is not an all powerful ability, unable to fill the gulf in speed between her and Atalanta even with it enhancing her, but it is extremely convenient for her as a Berserker-class Servant whose regular supply of energy can barely last five minutes without the support of her Master's homunculi replacements. Able to fight perpetually at full power without any outside support, the need to rest, or even the need to breathe until the death of the enemy, losing the weapon would put her into a great crisis, but losing her heart would mean her loss almost immediately as well.[4][5] It also acts as the means of using her sacrificial Blasted Tree ability.[2]
Bridal Blade[]
Bridal Blade: A Maiden's Chastity (Lightning) (乙女の貞節(雷), Otome no Teisetsu (Kaminari)?) is the Noble Phantasm of Frankenstein in her swimsuit. It is the Bridal Chest turned into a blade through James Moriarty and Charles Babbage working on it with the purpose of reducing the weight as requested by Frankenstein. The weapon is a key part of her main noble phantasm, Skewered Plasma Blade.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Frankenstein, p.332-333 Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Monster
Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Monster is the cyborg that appears in Mary Shelley's novel. Normally slow to respond in interpersonal interaction, she exhibits surprising agility and toughness in combat; in Berserk Mode, she executes commands with extreme faithfulness. Due to a lack of skill in expression, and fearful of her own monstrous nature, she maintains a shy silence that conceals her high intelligence and empathetic capabilities (except for the emotion of sorrow). Extremely mindful of energy conservation; if her Master leaves the lights on in the bathroom after use, she will turn it off for him.
- Class:Berserker
- Source:Novel "Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus"
- Location:Europe and the United States,
- Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
- Gender:Female
- Height:170cm
- Weight:40kg
- Armament: Mace
Illustrations: Takeshi Okazaki
Creator: Meteor Hoshizora (TYPE-MOON)
An artificial lifeform created by the researcher Frankenstein; she was rejected by her creator when she professed a love for him. Fearful of her interests, her creator dismembered her and escaped to his birthplace in an Alpine village outside Geneva. Reassembling herself and tracking him on instinct, she began to recognize over time that though she was kind in nature, she was also an existence of cursed monstrosity. The understanding of the reasoning behind her creator's rejection drove her to anger and despair, and she took the lives of his family members, pursuing him across Europe in the aftermath. Her creator eventually underwent a mental breakdown and took his own life. At the loss of the subject of her love, hopes, and hatred, the automaton drowned herself in the icy waters of the Arctic.
- STR: C
- CON: B
- AGI: D
- MGI: D
- LCK: B
- Noble Phantasm: C
- Scream of the False Lifeform (Scream of Terror)
The Servant is capable of emitting an immense scream, temporarily robbing enemies and allies alike of their ability to think and respond; those who do not expect it or are incapable of the mental resilience to withstand it may temporarily lose their ability to breathe. The effectiveness of the skill is increased with activation of Mad Enhancement. Incidentally, in Berserk Mode, the Servant expresses approval with the phrase "Yaaa," and disapproval with the phrase "Uiii," but it is impossible to discern anything but madness.
- Galvanism
Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electric energy. Thaumaturgical attacks involving no material existence -- wind manipulation, energy bullets, beam attacks -- are converted to electricity and rendered without effect, discharged into the environment. Absorbed electricity may be used to implement rapid self-repair and physical attribute reinforcement. Like PhlogistonWP and Ether, the concept of Galvinism, which explains organic activity as a bio-electric process, falls under the domain of Alchemy.
Noble Phantasm
- Bridal Chest: A Maiden's Chastity Strength: Medium
A large mace used by the Servant as a striking weapon, which gives off discharges electricity with the appearance of tree branches. In reality, the Servant's reactor core / heart is contained within the large spherical bulb, and the fin on the opposite end remotely transfers energy to the Servant's main body. With high efficiency, the implement continuously gathers energy wasted by the Servant or present in her surroundings, and is constantly manifested outside of combat to power her. If exposed to a high-magical energy environment -- for example, in the midst of combat -- the function of Galvinism and the Bridal Chest combine to qualify the Noble Phantasm as a "Type II Perpetual Motion Engine."
- Blasted Tree: The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion Strength: Large
Use of the Bridal Chest in a suicide move -- the fin of the mace is planted into the ground, and the reactor's limiters are completely released, discharging all gathered electricity into the surrounding environment as an area of effect attack with target homing; momentarily giving the Noble Phantasm in the silhouette of a towering tree. May be implemented from the Servant's own body rather than the Bridal Chest if the enemy force is a single opponent within short range. Use of this technique results in permanent deactivation, but there is a low probability that a second Frankenstein's Monster will be materialized in the wake of the attack. However, in death, it would be impossible for the Servant to witness the results of her actions.
- クラス:バーサーカー
- 出典:小説『Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus』
- 地域:欧米を中心とした、全世界
- 属性:混沌・中庸
- 性別:女
- 身長:170cm台
- 体重:40kg台
- 武装:メイス.
- 筋力:C
- 耐久:B
- 敏捷:D
- 魔力:D
- 幸運:B
- 宝具:C
- 虚ろなる生者の嘆き
- ガルバニズム
- 乙女の貞節 - 威力:中
- 磔刑の雷樹 - 威力:大
敵が単体かつ近距離であれば"乙女の貞節"がなくとも発動可能。 放電後、使用者は完全に活動を停止する。つまり"死"である。この雷撃は、低い確率で第二のフランケンシュタインの怪物を生む可能性がある。もっとも、死亡する彼女はその結果を見ることができない。 - Class:Berserker
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
[] Fate/Apocrypha material - STATUS: Berserker of Black, p.030-031 Class: Berserker
Master: Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia
True name: Frankenstein
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 172cm/48kg
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Strength: C
Endurance: B
Agility: D
Magic: D
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: C
Class Skills
■ Mad Enhancement: D
Strength and Endurance parameters are up. Language ability is simple. Continuing complex thoughts over long periods of time are difficult.
Personal Skills
■ Scream of Hollow Lifeform: D
Rises during Mad Enhancement, a high-pitched scream signalling the end.
Robs ability to think regardless if you are a friend or foe. If induces panic and the inability to breath for those unable to resist.
■ Galvanism: B
Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electricity. Attacks without substance such as, Magical light, Magical wind, Magical bullets, etc can be converted to electricity and discharged into the environment, nullified.
Also, depending on the amount of stored electricity it can be put to use strengthening the body and rapidly repairing damage.
Noble Phantasms
■ Bridal Chest: Maiden's Chastity
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1
Maximum Targets: 1 person
A mace, war hammer, that discharges electricity that looks like the branches of a tree. The orb on the tip is her very heart itself. When out of battle it's always on her. The fin of the tail and the fin on the side of her head supply electrical energy. She can recycle the magical energy lost to her surroundings with high efficiency, and in environments with surplus magical energy like in the midst of combat by using Galvanism at the same time to imitate a Second Type Perpetual Motion Machine.
■ Blasted Tree: Thunder Tree of Crucifixion
Rank: D~B
Type: Anti Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~10
Maximum Amount of Targets: 30 people
Maiden's Chastity pierces the ground and the entire limiter is released discharging all the electricity.
A towering silhouette of a large tree rains down, scattering homing thunder. With a single enemy and short distance away, it can be activated without Maiden's Chastity.
Because of the limiter, releasing it means the power is tremendous.
However in this case the user will come to a complete stop. In other words "death." It is possible for this lightning attack to give birth to a second Frankenstein's Monster though her death means she cannot see the results of her actions.CLASS バーサーカー
■ 狂化:D
■ 虚ろなる生者の嘆き:D
■ ガルバニズム:B
■ 乙女の貞節
■ 磔刑の雷樹
この雷撃は、低い確率で第二のフランケンシュタインの怪物を生む可能性がある。もっとも、死亡する彼女はその結果を見ることができない。 - ↑ 3.0 3.1
[] Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia:
A Maiden's Chastity [Noble Phantasm]
The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion [Noble Phantasm], p.182 [T]A Maiden's Chastity [Noble Phantasm]
The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion [Noble Phantasm]
Bridal Chest.
Blasted Tree. The Noble Phantasm of Berserker of Black, Frankenstein. To be precise, “Bridal Chest” is the Noble Phantasm, and “Blasted Tree” is a derivative of it. “Bridal Chest” serves as Frankenstein’s heart. Viktor took out her heart and modified it into a sturdy mace. Through a remote link, “Bridal Chest” provides Frankenstein with enormous power by sucking in the residual prana in the environment. It is a pseudo-Type II Perpetual Motion Machine. “Blasted Tree” is an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that uses the prana from “Bridal Chest” and converts it into lightning, before discharging it all at once.
Since she is a modern era Heroic Spirit, its output is low, but as you already know, this Noble Phantasm served an extremely crucial role in the novels.
This is a digression, but the lack of the skill “Galvanism” in Frankenstein’s Servant data in the third volume was a mistake. I’m very sorry for that.乙女の貞節【宝具】
ブレステッド・ツリー。 - ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Fate/Apocrypha - Volume 1
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Fate/Apocrypha - Volume 2