Fate/complete material III entries.
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Archer, p.026-027 [T] | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Assassin, p.034-035 [T] | ||
Kojiro Sasaki |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Berserker, p.036-037 [T] | ||
Hercules |
Blackening of Servants[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Blackening of Servants, p.038 [T] | ||
Blackening of Servants
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Caster, p.030-031 [T] | ||
Medea |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Gilgamesh, p.024-025 [T] | ||
Gilgamesh |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Lancer, p.022-023 [T] | ||
Cu Chulainn |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Rider, p.028-029 [T] | ||
Medusa |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Saber, p.020-021 [T] | ||
Artoria 対魔力: A |
True Assassin[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: True Assassin, p.032-033 [T] | ||
Hassan-i Sabbah 妄想心音 |
Record of Heavens Feel[]
Holy Grail War[]
The creation of the Holy Grail War[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: The creation of the Holy Grail War, p.006 | ||
Einzbern 遠坂 永人 |
History of the Holy Grail War[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: History of the Holy Grail War, p.007 | ||
1790s - The Holy Grail War preparation 1790年頃 - 聖杯戦争の準備 |
History of the Lesser Grail[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: History of the Lesser Grail, p.009 | ||
History of the Lesser Grail 歴代の小聖杯 |
Distortion of the Holy Grail by "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil"[]
["Angra_Mainyu:_All_the_World's_Evil" ] Fate/complete material III: World material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: Distortion of the Holy Grail by "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil", p.010 | ||
Wishes of the Holy Grail granted by "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil" |
Servant System[]
Factors Affecting Servant Status[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Factors Affecting Servant Status, p.014 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Difference between Heroic Spirits and Servants[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Difference between Heroic Spirits and Servants, p.012 | ||
Difference between Heroic Spirits and Servants •Birth of Heroic Spirits |
Servant system - Spiritual Body and Material Body[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Spiritual Body and Material Body, p.018 | ||
Spiritual Body and Material Body Although both are Material Bodies, the composition of Servants and Humans are drastically different. Naturally, it is impossible to transplant a portion of a Servant’s Material Body to a human. However, Emiya Shirou was able to successfully transplant Archer’s left arm to replace his own lost left arm. How is this possible? It is because Shirou and Archer – Heroic Spirit Emiya are the same person. |
How to Defeat A Servant[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: How to Defeat A Servant, p.018 | ||
How to Defeat A Servant |
Servant Summoning[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Servant Summoning, p.013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Servant Summoning
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Class, p.015 | ||
Class |
Servant's status[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Servant's status, p.014 | ||
Servant's status
A set of rules for representing the rank of a particular status. They range from A~E. EX is in a league of its own, representing powerful to the extent of rendering comparisons meaningless. If we assign numbers to ranks, then E=10, with each subsequent rank increasing by +10. Ranks with “+” such as A+ and B+ can momentarily multiply its associated numerical value. For instance, C+(30) can temporarily boost its power to 60, exceeding Rank A (50). Also, “++” represents multiply by three times. |
Class skill[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Class Skills, p.016 | ||
Class Skills |
Noble Phantasm serving as a proof of a Heroic Spirit[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Noble Phantasm serving as a proof of a Heroic Spirit, p.017 | ||
Noble Phantasm serving as a proof of a Heroic Spirit |
Theory of Magic[]
Using Magic[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Using Magic, p.042 | ||
Using Magic 魔術の使い方 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Barrier, p.047 | ||
Effects on the Level of True Magic[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Effects on the Level of True Magic, p.049 | ||
Effects on the Level of True Magic |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Familiar, p.045 | ||
Family Lineage[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Family lineage of Magus, p.046 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Family lineage of Magus
Holy Church[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - The two great forces in the Thaumaturgy world: The Holy Church, p.052 | ||
Holy Church
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Incantations, p.043 | ||
Land and Thaumaturgy[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Land and Thaumaturgy, p.043 | ||
Land and Thaumaturgy To use magic, a magus must first establish contact with a magical foundation engraved in the world, send a command to the foundation, and then execute a pre-constructed function. At this point, mystic energy fuels the execution of the function, so the magus must send the command and supply energy simultaneously. Matou Zouken 土地と魔術 魔術を使うには、魔術師が世界に刻まれた魔 術基盤にコンタクトを取ったうえで魔術基盤に命 令を送り、あらかじめ作られていた機能を実行させ ある、という手順が必要になる。 この時、 機能を実 行する燃料となるのが魔力で、 魔術師は命令と 同時に魔力も送らなくてはならない。 間桐 臓硯 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft, p.040 | ||
Magecraft 魔術 |
Mage's Association[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - The two great forces in the Thaumaturgy world: Mage's Association, p.051 | ||
“Clock Tower”, the Highest Institute of Magic |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: "Magic" making the impossible possible, p.048 | ||||||||||||||
"Magic" making the impossible possible
•The Five Magicians |
Magical Attribute[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Magical Attribute, p.044 | ||
Magical Attribute
Magical Beasts[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Magical Beasts, p.046 | ||
Magical Beasts The Pinnacle of Phantasmal Species – Dragons 魔獸
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Magus, p.041 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
•The absoluteness called Origin
Mystic Codes[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Mystic Codes, p.047 | ||
Magical Formal Wear: Mystic Code
Reality Marble[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Reality Marble, p.045 | ||
Reality Marble
Reality Marble incantation 固有結界
Q & A[]
General Questions about Fate/Stay Night[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130 Q: In the Prologue, the clocks were an hour early when Rin woke up, but she only remembered them being 30 minutes fast... why is that? | ||
Q: In the Prologue, the clocks were an hour early when Rin woke up, but she only remembered them being 30 minutes fast... why is that? She did suspect some trick of her late father’s, though (laugh). Could it be that Rin, being the idiot she is, forgot about the first time and set her clock 30 minutes fast twice? Q:プロローグでは凛の目覚まし時計が1時間早くなっていましたが、 彼女は30分しか早めた覚えがない……その原因は?凛は、亡父のイタズラを疑っていましたが(笑)。 やはり大ボケを噛ます凛が、一度目を忘れて“2回”時計を30分早めただけでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130 Q: Prior to the start of the Holy Grail War, what was Gilgamesh doing around Sakura’s house? | ||
Q: Prior to the start of the Holy Grail War, what was Gilgamesh doing around Sakura’s house? Sakura said he was asking directions, did he come to identify “the other Grail” - Sakura? Q:聖杯戦争の開幕前に、桜の元に出没していたギルガメッシュは何をしていたのでしょうか?桜は道を聞かれたと言っていますが、もしかして彼は"もうひとつの聖杯"である桜を確認しに来ていたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130 Q: Before he summoned Saber, why did Shirou dream about the Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)? | ||
Q: Before he summoned Saber, why did Shirou dream about the Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)? Was the Greater Grail contacting Shirou in order to select him as a Master? Q:セイバー召喚前に、士郎が"約束された勝利の剣"の夢を見たのはなぜ? これは大聖杯が士郎をマスターとして選ぶためにコンタクトしていたのですか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130 Q: During the Shirou VS. Rider scene in Saber’s route, why didn’t her daggers kill him? | ||
Q: During the Shirou VS. Rider scene in Saber’s route, why didn’t her daggers kill him? Was it because of the holy sheath embedded within his body? Or was it because his body had begun its swordification? Q:セイバールードの士郎VSライダー戦において、なぜライダーの刃は士郎の肉体に通用しなかったのですか?士郎の体に埋まっている、聖剣の鞘のお陰でしょうか?それとも士郎の肉体の剣化が始まっていたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130 Q: When Kotomine activated the Grail at Ryuudou Temple, what happened to Issei and the rest of the monks? Were they all sleeping? | ||
Q: When Kotomine activated the Grail at Ryuudou Temple, what happened to Issei and the rest of the monks? Were they all sleeping? Q:セイバールートにおいて、言峰が柳洞寺で聖杯を起動した時、寺の僧侶や一成たちはどうなっていたのでしょうか? 眠らされていたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130 Q: In the end of the Rin route, was it Shirou that projected Rho Aias in the Shirou vs Gilgamesh fight? | ||
Q: In the end of the Rin route, was it Shirou that projected Rho Aias in the Shirou vs Gilgamesh fight? Or was it Archer? In "Fate/side material", it's said that it was projection magic from Archer, but in the story, there was the depiction of Shirou "pulling the shield from the hill". Does this mean that this switched to Archer's scene? Q:凛ルートのラスト、士郎対ギルガメッシュ戦において"熾天覆う七つの円環"を投影したのは士郎なのですか?それともアーチャーなのですか?『Fate/side material』ではアーチャーによる投影魔術となっていますが、物語中では士郎が「丘から盾を引きずり上げる」と描写されていました・・・・・・。これ自体がアーチャーの描写に切り換わっていたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131 Q: Why did Zouken only send Sakura into actual combat in Sakura’s Route? | ||
Q: Sakura only entered the Holy Grail War during her route, but not in others. Although I think she would develop as the “Black Grail” in any other route, why did Zouken only send her into actual combat in Sakura’s Route? Does that mean Zouken was not in the house in the other routes? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131 Q: In Sakura’s Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh? | ||
Q: In Sakura’s Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh? Saber was blackened and enslaved, but was Gilgamesh’s will too strong to be dominated? Or was he completely digested? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131 Q: It's thought that Sakura had become "a threat to humanity" in the Sakura route, but was the human Counter Force in action at this time? | ||
Q: It's thought that Sakura had become "a threat to humanity" in the Sakura route, but was the human Counter Force in action at this time? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131 Q: Shinji’s death was obviously a homicide. Was his death covered up by the Magic Association or the Holy Church? | ||
Q: In Sakura’s route, Shinji’s death was obviously a homicide (though, whether the M.O. can be classified as such by modern forensic science is another matter) so I thought the police would have started an investigation, but there’s no sign of that in the ending. Was his death covered up by the Magic Association or the Holy Church? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131 Q: At the end of Sakura Route, the shape of the Shirou resurrected by the Third Magic was not human, correct? | ||
Q: At the end of Sakura Route, the shape of the Shirou resurrected by the Third Magic was not human, correct? If his shape was not human, how did they know which object was Shirou? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131 Q: Could Sakura’s route be the one in which Shirou becomes a Heroic Spirit after all? | ||
Q: During the last part of Sakura’s route, Shirou was saved by the tiny bit of residual mana in Rin Tohsaka’s pendant. Also, it seems like Rin knew about the difference in residual mana between the thing he got back from Archer and the thing he was holding, so could Sakura’s route be the one in which Shirou becomes a Heroic Spirit after all? Or could you tell us the route(s) in which Shirou doesn’t become a Heroic Spirit? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.131 Q: In Sakura’s Route, Archer seemed to already know the existence of the likes of Angra Mainyu, did he have experience in battling this type of enemies in other eras? | ||
Q: In Sakura’s Route, Archer seemed to already know the existence of the likes of Angra Mainyu, did he have experience in battling this type of enemies in other eras? Q:桜ルートで、アーチャーはアンリマユと同種の存在をあらかじめ知っていたようですが、彼は別の時代でもその手の相手と戦った経験があったのでしょうか? |
Holy Grail War[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: Just how well-known is the Fuyuki Holy Grail War among magi around the world? Is it of major significance, or unexpectedly minor importance, like a secret war that isn’t talked about among magi? | ||
Just how well-known is the Fuyuki Holy Grail War among magi around the world? Is it of major significance, or unexpectedly minor importance, like a secret war that isn’t talked about among magi? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: The Holy Grail War is unknown to the general population, but to what extent is it hidden from normal people? Are the Church people (supervisors) manipulating the media and police (or even the governmental level) to cover it up? | ||
The Holy Grail War is unknown to the general population, but to what extent is it hidden from normal people? Are the Church people (supervisors) manipulating the media and police (or even the governmental level) to cover it up? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: Why is it that Tohsaka Rin didn’t know about the original goal of the Holy Grail War to open a “hole” beyond the World? | ||
Q: Why is it that Tohsaka Rin, as the legitimate heir to the legacy of the Three Houses, didn’t know about the original goal of the Holy Grail War to open a “hole” beyond the World? I would have thought that the Tohsaka family would have kept some records regarding the true nature of the Holy Grail War. ...Could it be that Rin just never saw those records? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: By what criteria does the Holy Grail choose its Masters? | ||
Q: By what criteria does the Holy Grail choose its Masters? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: Is the will of the Greater Grail, which selects Masters, the same will of Justicia who was offered as a sacrifice for the ritual that created it? Or does the Greater Grail lack any kind of volition? | ||
Q: Is the will of the Greater Grail, which selects Masters, the same will of Justicia who was offered as a sacrifice for the ritual that created it? Or does the Greater Grail lack any kind of volition? Q:マスターを選定する大聖杯の意思とは、聖杯建造に生け贄として奉げられたユスティーツァの意志なのでし ょうか? それとも大聖杯に意志などないのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: I thought that the Lesser Grail collected “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)” when it was defeated during the Third Holy Grail War, but then how was the Greater Grail corrupted by “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)”? Is it because energy flows from the Lesser Grail to the Greater Grail when the two are linked? | ||
Q: I thought that the Lesser Grail collected “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)” when it was defeated during the Third Holy Grail War, but then how was the Greater Grail corrupted by “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)”? Is it because energy flows from the Lesser Grail to the Greater Grail when the two are linked? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: When there are enough Servants in the Holy Grail, do they just remain there in the Grail (Greater or Lesser) without returning to the Throne of Heroes, as long as the pathway has not yet been opened (assuming the Grail isn’t damaged)? | ||
Q: When there are enough Servants in the Holy Grail, do they just remain there in the Grail (Greater or Lesser) without returning to the Throne of Heroes, as long as the pathway has not yet been opened (assuming the Grail isn’t damaged)? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: Even though it should only happen every 60 years, was the 10 year gap between the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars as short as it was because the Lesser Grail was destroyed before the Greater Grail could direct the accumulated mana to establish its pathway trapped some unused mana in the Grail? | ||
Q: Even though it should only happen every 60 years, was the 10 year gap between the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars as short as it was because the Lesser Grail was destroyed before the Greater Grail could direct the accumulated mana to establish its pathway trapped some unused mana in the Grail? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: Kotomine said that he had a replica of the Holy Grail that could communicate with the dead, but was that just a lie? | ||
Q: Kotomine said that he had a replica of the Holy Grail that could communicate with the dead, but was that just a lie? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: What is Illya’s capacity as a Grail? | ||
Q: What is Illya’s capacity as a Grail? Hypothetically, if the Einzbern won the War, Illya absorbed the other 6 Servants besides Berserker, and had some shred of human will left, could she still don the Dress of Heaven and initiate the Grail ritual? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131 Q: Was Berserker summoned without the aid of the Greater Grail, using Illya’s uncommonly high mana capacity? | ||
Q: I thought that Servants can materialize in physical form because of the Holy Grail, but how was Berserker summoned 2 months before the Greater Grail was active? Was he summoned without the aid of the Greater Grail, using Illya’s uncommonly high mana capacity? |
Command Spells[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132 Q: In Saber’s route, there was a scene where Illya was frightened by Gil’s appearance, and her Command Seal was described as “glowing.” Is this because Illya’s Command Seals are different than those of other Masters? Are the Seals her Thaumaturgical Crest or something? | ||
Q: In Saber’s route, there was a scene where Illya was frightened by Gil’s appearance, and her Command Seal was described as “glowing.” Is this because Illya’s Command Seals are different than those of other Masters? Are the Seals her Thaumaturgical Crest or something? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132 Q: This is a question about contracts with multiple Servants. Can Command Spells be used on any of the Servants? Hypothetically, if someone was bound to two Servants, would the magus be able to use four or more Command Spells? | ||
Q: This is a question about contracts with multiple Servants. Can Command Spells be used on any of the Servants? Hypothetically, if someone was bound to two Servants, would the magus be able to use four or more Command Spells? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132 Q: Can Command Seals be easily transferred between magi? From the conversation between Caren and Bazett, it sounded like a simple matter, but was this because their mutual consent would make it so? | ||
Q: Can Command Seals be easily transferred between magi? From the conversation between Caren and Bazett in the sequel Fate/hollow ataraxia, it sounded like a simple matter, but was this because their mutual consent would make it so? In Fate/stay night, when people like Caster and Rin talk about taking Shirou’s Command Seals, they mentioned painful things like amputating his arm and extracting the nerves... |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132 Q: How was the book (Book of the False Attendant) that Shinji was using as a Command Spell created? Was Sakura’s Command Seal transplanted into a grimoire? Or did Sakura use her Command Spell to order Rider to obey his orders while he held the book? It’s just, since it was Shinji’s mark of authority, I was wondering why the book burst into flames after Rider’s death. | ||
Q: How was the book (Gishin no Sho, Tome of the False Attendant) that Shinji was using as a Command Spell created? Was Sakura’s Command Seal transplanted into a grimoire? Or did Sakura use her Command Spell to order Rider to obey his orders while he held the book? It’s just, since it was Shinji’s mark of authority, I was wondering why the book burst into flames after Rider’s death. |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132 Q: After Caster summoned Assassin (Sasaki Kojirou), was she branded with Command Seals? | ||
Q: After Caster summoned Assassin (Sasaki Kojirou), was she branded with Command Seals? I ask because I don’t think she ever used a Command Spell on Assassin. |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132 Q: If there were more than seven classes of Servants, is there a reason the classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker that participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War were chosen? | ||
Q: If there were more than seven classes of Servants, is there a reason the classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker that participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War were chosen? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132 Q: What is the basis for the ranks assigned to Servants’ abilities and skills? Also, who or what assigns the ranks? Is it the will of the Greater Grail? Or the opinion of the Master? | ||
Q: What is the basis for the ranks assigned to Servants’ abilities and skills? Also, who or what assigns the ranks? Is it the will of the Greater Grail? Or the opinion of the Master? Q:サーヴァントが持つ能力や所有スキルの、ランクづけの標準は?また、格付けを行っている主体は何か?大聖杯の意思なのですか?それともマスターの主観? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132 Q: Can the spiritual core of a Servant be thought of as a vital area that, if destroyed, would cause instantaneous death, like a human’s heart or brain? | ||
Q: Can the spiritual core of a Servant be thought of as a vital area that, if destroyed, would cause instantaneous death, like a human’s heart or brain? Q:サーヴァントの霊核とは、人間の心臓やのうと同じで、破壊されると即死する急所のようなものと考えてよいのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132 Q: What kind of role does the World give to Heroic Spirits that aren't Guardians (Counter Guardians) ? Also, what do magi call people with high divinity or are closer to the planet? | ||
Q: What kind of role does the World give to Heroic Spirits that aren't Guardians (Counter Guardians)? Also, what do magi call people with high divinity or are closer to the planet? Q:守護者ではない英霊たちは、どのような役割を世界から与えられているのでしょうか?また神性が高かったり、星寄りの存在になっている者を、魔術師たちはなんと呼んでいるのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132 Q: As a percentage, how much are the abilities of blackened Servants enhanced? Or, when such Servants have an excess mana supply like Saber (Artoria) did, can they reach a level of power comparable to or greater than what they had in life? | ||
Q: As a percentage, how much are the abilities of blackened Servants enhanced? Or, when such Servants have an excess mana supply like Saber (Artoria) did, can they reach a level of power comparable to or greater than what they had in life? Q:黒化したサーヴァントは、性能的に何%ぐらいパワーアップをしているのでしょうか?それともセイバー(アルトリア)のように過剰な魔力供給のお陰で器(クラス)では補えなかった”生前”と同等、もしくは生前以上の力を持つことになるのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132 Q: If the Holy Grail War were set in Europe, would Cu chulainn (Lancer), King Arthur (Saber), and Heracles (Berserker) be roughly equal in power? | ||
Q: If the Holy Grail War were set in Europe, would Cu chulainn (Lancer), King Arthur (Saber), and Heracles (Berserker) be roughly equal in power? Q:もし聖杯戦争の舞台はヨーロッパ圏であった場合、クー・フーリン(ランサー)はアーサー王(セイバー)やヘラクレス(バーサーカー)と互角以上の性能を持つことができたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132-133 Q: Even though the setting is Japan, why are there so few Japanese Heroic Spirits? Is it because the Holy Grail is a Western (Christian) concept? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132-133 Q: What was the sport that Saber said she liked, that used swords to play on large stretches of land? Could it be golf? Or maybe polo? | ||
Q: What was the sport that Saber said she liked, that used swords to play on large stretches of land? Could it be golf? Or maybe polo? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: In the Saber route, Saber terminated her contract with the World by breaking the Grail by her own will, but in the end, wouldn't a hero of the caliber of King Arthur end up being removed from the cycle of transmigration as a Heroic Spirit after death? | ||
Q: In the Saber route, Saber terminated her contract with the World by breaking the Grail by her own will, but in the end, wouldn't a hero of the caliber of King Arthur end up being removed from the cycle of transmigration as a Heroic Spirit after death? Q:セイバールートにおいて、聖杯を自身の意志で砕いたことにより世界との契約を破棄したセイバーですが、アーサー王ほどの英雄であるならば結局、その死後、英霊として輪廻の輪から外れてしまうのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Even in Rin’s route, Saber voluntarily destroyed the Holy Grail. Did this time also break her contract with the World, and make it impossible for her to exist as a Heroic Spirit? | ||
Q: Even in Rin’s route, Saber voluntarily destroyed the Holy Grail. Did this time also break her contract with the World, and make it impossible for her to exist as a Heroic Spirit? Q:凛ルートでもセイバーは自身の意志で聖杯を砕いていますが、この時も世界との契約が切れて、英霊としては存在できなくなっているのですか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Around what age did Archer (Emiya Shirou) form a contract with the World as a Guardian? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: When and where did Archer (Emiya Shirou) acquire his red overcoat (a holy shroud)? | ||
Q: When and where did Archer (Emiya Shirou) acquire his red overcoat (a holy shroud)? Or, was the shroud he used in Sakura’s route an original one? Q:アーチャー(衛宮士郎)は赤い外套(聖骸布)をいつ頃、どこで手に入れたのでしょうか?それとも桜ルートで巻かれた聖骸布が元なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Archer's greatest defense is "Rho Aias", but if he were the same person as Shirou... | ||
Q: Archer's greatest defense is "Rho Aias", but if he were the same person as Shirou, shouldn't his greatest protection be "Avalon"? In the Rin route, Archer knew that the holy sword's sheath was inside Shirou, so wouldn't the Heroic Spirit form of the Shirou that "knew" that the sheath was merged with him be Archer? Q:アーチャーの最高の守りは"熾天覆う七つの円冠"とのことですが、彼が士郎と同一人物なら"全て遠く理想郷"が最高の守りではないのでしょうか? 凛ルートアーチャーは士郎に聖剣の鞘が埋まっていることを知っていたようですから、聖剣の鞘が自分に同化していることを"知っている"士郎が英霊化した存在がアーチャーではないのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Who arranged to get Rider’s "Mystic Eye Killer" contact lenses at the end of Sakura’s route? | ||
Q: Who arranged to get Rider’s "Mystic Eye Killer" contact lenses at the end of Sakura’s route? And was the creator of those glasses Aozaki Touko? Q:桜ルートエンドでライダーがかける”魔眼殺しの眼鏡”は、誰が用意したものなのでしょうか?あと、この眼鏡の製作者は蒼崎橙子さんでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: When Rider is on a motorcycle, can she go faster than GP Rider? | ||
'Q: When Rider is on a motorcycle, can she go faster than GP Rider? Also, when she’s on a bicycle, about how many kilometers per hour can she go up to? Q:ライダーがバイクに乗った場合、GPライダーより速く走れますか?また、彼女が自転車に乗った場合、時速何キロぐらいまで出せるのでしょうか?(自転車が耐えられるかが心配ですが......) |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Caster's ability as a magus is at the wizard level, but is it possible for Caster (Medea) to become a wizard in the future? Also, are there beings that have a "higher level as magi" than the current wizards? | ||
Q: Caster's ability as a magus is at the wizard level, but is it possible for Caster (Medea) to become a wizard in the future? Also, are there beings that have a "higher level as magi" than the current wizards? Q:キャスターの魔術師としての実力は魔法使いレベルとのことですが、キャスター(メディア)が今後魔法使いになる可能性はあるのでしょうか? また現存する魔法使いより"魔術師としてのレベルが高い"存在はいるのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Caster summoned Kojirou as an irregular Master, but was there a person who would have summoned Assassin as a regular Master (someone with the sign of the bruise)? Or was that Zouken? | ||
Q: Caster summoned Kojirou as an irregular Master, but was there a person who would have summoned Assassin as a regular Master (someone with the sign of the bruise)? Or was that Zouken? Q:キャスターは非正規なマスターとして小次郎を召喚しましたが、正規のマスター(兆しの痔を持つ者)としてアサシンを呼び出すはずだった人物は存在するのでしょうか?それとも、それが臓硯だったのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Which class would it be that Herakles could demonstrate his true power the most? | ||
Q: About Herakles who was summoned as Berserker, it seems like he can become Saber or Archer. If he had been summoned in a different class, which class would it be that he could demonstrate his true power the most? Q:バーサーカーとして召喚されたヘラクレスですが、彼はセイバーやアーチャーにもなれそうです。もし彼が別のクラスで召喚されていたら、どのクラスになるのが一番実力を発揮できたでしょうか。 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Did the man known as Sasaki Kojirou have a real name? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Could you tell us the rest of the incantation for Protection Against Wind, which was "----hu A--a-" in the glossary? Or would that be a problem? | ||
Q: Could you tell us the rest of the incantation for Protection Against Wind, which was "----hu A--a-" in the glossary? Or would that be a problem? Q:用語集で伏せ字になっていた、風除けの加護の詠唱「●●は●●なり」をお教えいただくことは可能ですか?やはり問題になりますか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133 Q: Was Zouken branded with Command Seals after he summoned True Assassin through Kojirou’s body? Or, not being human, did he not receive them? Also, was this the proper way of summoning the regular Assassin? | ||
Q: Was Zouken branded with Command Seals after he summoned True Assassin through Kojirou’s body? Or, not being human (and a bunch of worms that infest Sakura), did he not receive them? Also, was this the proper way of summoning the regular Assassin? Q:臓硯は小次郎の身体を媒介に真アサシンを召喚しましたが、臓硯には令呪が刻まれていたのでしょうか? 本人が人間ではなく桜に寄生する蟲であったため、刻まれることはなかった? また、この召喚は正規のアサシンの召喚方法として正しかったのでしょうか? |
Noble Phantasms[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: What did you have in mind when you created these original Noble Phantasms (“Bounded Field of the Wind King: Invisible Air”, “All-Violating Talisman: Rule Breaker”)? | ||
Q: Though many Servants possess Noble Phantasms that appear in their actual myths and legends, there were some that felt like original creations for the game. What did you have in mind when you created these original Noble Phantasms (“Bounded Field of the Wind King: Invisible Air”, “All-Violating Talisman: Rule Breaker”)? Q:サーヴァントが持つ宝具は、実際の神話や伝説に登場しているものが多数ですが、なかにはゲームオリジナルだと思われるものもあります。このオリジナル系の宝具("風王結界"や"破戒すべき全ての符など")は、どのようなイメージで作られたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW? | ||
Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW? The highest level of NP (sword types) is probably Ea, but while it might be impossible for Shirou, could Archer make it? Also, under the meaning of weapons, to what extent can he make modern weapons? Must it be only blade types or can he make guns and mobile weapons? Q:"無限の剣製"における複製の限界はどのあたりでしょうか? 宝具(剣系)の最上位はおそらく乖離剣だと思いますが、士郎では無理でもアーチャーなら複製可能でしょうか? そして武器という意味では、現代兵器はどの程度まで複製可能でしょうか?刀剣類までなのか、銃や機動兵器なども可能なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: If the original Kansho and Bakuya take the stage in the Holy Grail War, as the twin swords reaching the realm of Gods... | ||
Q: If the original Kansho and Bakuya take the stage in the Holy Grail War, as the twin swords reaching the realm of Gods due to the sacrifice of human lives, will they possess powers as Noble Phantasms? Or, since they did not have wielders in the legend, thus cannot become Noble Phantasms? Q:もしオリジナルの干将、莫耶が聖杯戦争に登場していた場合、神域の業物となるために人身御供されて誕生したこの剣は、宝具としての力を宿していたのでしょうか?それとも伝説の上の使い手がいないため、宝具にはならないのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: Does “King’s Treasure: Gate of Babylon” contain things such as rare but weak Noble Phantasms? | ||
Q: Does “King’s Treasure: Gate of Babylon” contain things such as rare but weak Noble Phantasms? I noticed he kept wine in there in Fate/Zero, so I was wondering if Gilgamesh’s everyday meals were in there as well. Q:"王の財宝"には、稀少だけどとっても弱い宝具とかも入っているのでしょうか?『ZERO』ではお酒も入っていましたが、もしかしてギルガメッシュの非常食も入っていたりするのかも。 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: Rider's eye cover, Breaker Gorgon, does it allow her to see what's before her? | ||
Q: Rider's eye cover, Breaker Gorgon, does it allow her to see what's before her? Also, the Mystic Eyes Killer Rider is wearing, does it have a comparable sealing power as this Noble Phantasm? Q:ライダーの目隠し(自己封印・暗黒神殿)は、ちゃんと向こう側が見えているのでしょうか?またライダーのつけている”魔眼殺しの眼鏡”は、この宝具に匹敵する封印能力を持っているのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: If Caster had a skill (dragon summoning skill) that let her use the Golden Fleece, would she be able to escape the rank of being the weakest Servant? | ||
Q: If Caster had a skill (dragon summoning skill) that let her use the Golden Fleece, would she be able to escape the rank of being the weakest Servant? Also, will the spirit in the Golden Fleece ever see the light of day? He's cute so I wanted to see him in color. Q:もしキャスターに金羊の皮を使いこなす技(竜召喚技能)があれば、彼女は最弱のサーヴァントな地位から脱することはできたのでしょうか? また、金羊の皮に宿る精霊は、日の目を見ることはありますでしょうか?かわいいからカラーで見たかったです。 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: Berserker's NP, "Nine Lives" has the form of a bow and arrow set it seems, but is there something special about it's form as a NP? Also, does "Nine Lives" as a skill simultaneously release 9 strikes? | ||
Q: Berserker's NP, "Nine Lives" has the form of a bow and arrow set it seems, but is there something special about it's form as a NP? Also, does "Nine Lives" as a skill simultaneously release 9 strikes? Q:バーサーカーの宝具、"射殺す百頭"は弓矢の形をしているようですが、宝具としての姿には何か特徴はあるのでしょうか?また、技としての"射殺す百頭"は、強力の9連撃を同時に放つ技なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134 Q: Is there any way to defend against "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya"? | ||
Q: Is there any way to defend against "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya"? Q:"妄想心音"を防ぐ手はあるのでしょうか? |
Magecraft and Magi[]
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135 Q: Exactly what kind of power is sorcery? Is it something that can’t be used by normal people even if they obtained grimoires and studied them? Or is it something that is possible only with knowledge gained from performing magical rituals drawing on the Root? | ||
Q: Exactly what kind of power is sorcery? Is it something that can’t be used by normal people even if they obtained grimoires and studied them? Or is it something that is possible only with knowledge gained from performing magical rituals drawing on the Root? Q:魔術とは、いったいどんな力なのでしょうか? 一般人が仮に魔道書を手に入れて勉強としても、使うことはできないものなのでしょうか? それとも大源(マナ)を使って儀式を行う魔術なら知識だけでも可能なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135 Q: What kind of humans are magi? Aside from the "Magic Circuits" that normal people dont have, is there any other difference in their body composition? | ||
Q: What kind of humans are magi? Aside from the "Magic Circuits" that normal people dont have, is there any other difference in their body composition? Q:魔術師とは、どのように人間なのでしょうか? 一般人とは”魔術回路”以外に、何か体のつくりが異なることがあるのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135 Q: Even though mana powers sorcery, if the practice of sorcery came down not to “technique” but rather “fist motion”, would magi be unable to sense mana? | ||
Q: Even though mana powers sorcery, if the practice of sorcery came down not to “technique” but rather “fist motion”, would magi be unable to sense mana? Q:魔術的な力でも、その行為が”術”ではなく”拳動”にすぎない場合、魔術師は魔力を感知することはできないのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135 Q: Conceptual Weapons are soul smashers that beat the opponent not physically but with the weight of the soul, but would it be possible to kill only the soul of a normal person, rather than something supernatural? | ||
Q: Conceptual Weapons are fixed magical items which execute a predetermined phenomenon. They're soul smashers ("outbreakers") that beat the opponent not physically but with the weight of the soul, but would it be possible to kill only the soul of a normal person, rather than something supernatural? Q:概念武装とは、決められた事柄を実行する、固定化された魔術品。物理的にではなく、魂魄としての重みで相手を打ち倒する魂砕き(アウトブレイカー)とのことですが、これは”魔”に対してだけではなく、通常の人も概念武装で魂だけを殺すことは可能なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135 Q: Why is the magic energy killing burial shroud able to stop magic energy? | ||
Q: Why is the magic energy killing burial shroud able to stop magic energy? Is it a Conceptual Armament imparted with the meaning of "stopping magic energy"? Q:魔力殺しの聖骸布は、なぜ魔力を止められるのでしょうか?"魔力を止めて"をいう意味を持たされた概念武装でよいのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135-136 Q: Are there any living owners of exceptional Mystic Eyes such as the “Jewel,” “Rainbow,” or “Gold” colors? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.136 Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association? | ||
Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association? Q:魔術協会において、一番の厄ネタとされる悪霊ガザミィとは、どんな存在なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.136 Q: About a sacrament which performs purification by purification rituals like Kyrie Eleison, am I right in thinking that this was the same existence (has the same principle) as magic? | ||
Q: About a sacrament which performs purification by purification rituals like Kyrie Eleison, am I right in thinking that this was the same existence (has the same principle) as magic? Q:"この魂に憐れみを"のような洗礼詠唱(聖言)による浄化を行う秘蹟は、魔術を同じ存在(原理)だと考えて問題ないでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134 Q: What’s the best selling product at Copenhagen?[Edit] | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134 Q: It seemed like Shirou received some spending money for accompanying Fujimura Raiga on his hobbies. What are those hobbies? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134 Q: On average, how much is one of Tohsaka Rin’s jewels worth? | ||
Q: On average, how much is one of Tohsaka Rin’s jewels worth? Q:遠坂凛が使用していた宝石は、1粒平均いくらぐらいなのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134 Q: How does Tohsaka Rin pay for her living expenses when she is performing sorcery using such valuable jewels? Is she eating up her parents’ inheritance? Has she taken up a part-time job like Shirou? Or has she turned her hand to some other trade? | ||
Q: How does Tohsaka Rin pay for her living expenses when she is performing sorcery using such valuable jewels? Is she eating up her parents’ inheritance? Has she taken up a part-time job like Shirou? Or has she turned her hand to some other trade? Q:高価の宝石を消費する魔術を使う遠坂凛ですが、彼女はどうやって生活費を捻出しているのでしょうか? 両親の貯蓄を食いつぶしている? 士郎の様にバイトしている? それとも株に手を出しているのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134 Q: After the Sakura route in which Rin proves herself a splendid disciple of Zelretch, would she be able to continue her training in peace? Or would she draw the attention of a Wizard Marshal and get mixed up in battles with vampires? | ||
Q: After the Sakura route in which Rin proves herself a splendid disciple of Zelretch, would she be able to continue her training in peace? Or would she draw the attention of a Wizard Marshal and get mixed up in battles with vampires? Q:桜ルートでは、見事(?)ゼルレッチの弟子となった凛ですが、彼女は無事修行を終えることができそうですか? また魔道元帥の気まぐれに付き合わされて死徒をの遭遇を果たし、吸血鬼バトルに巻き込まれたりはしないのでしょうか♪ |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134 Q: What's Leysritt's arm-wrestling rank in the world of Fate? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.135 Q: Where did the Einzbern nobles get their narrow view of Japanese culture from? Did it come from their resentment of Kiritsugu? | ||
Q: Where did the Einzbern nobles get their narrow view of Japanese culture from? (That Japanese people are a tribe of headhunters, and other terrible and weird prejudices...). Did it come from their resentment of Kiritsugu? Q:アインツベルンのお館様の偏見まみれな日本観はどこから?(日本人はクビカリ族だー、とか相当ひどい&ズレた日本観のような気が......)切嗣への怒りにつながったのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.135 Q: Where does the main Einzbern family live? The “von” in the is supposed to be German, right? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.135 Q: Was Kuzuki not a Master in Saber’s route? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.135 Q: When Kotomine gave Rin some really cute clothes for her birthday, was that because of his own personal tastes? Or did he just intentionally pick something that she wouldn’t like to troll her? | ||
Q: When Kotomine gave Rin some really cute clothes for her birthday, was that because of his own personal tastes? Or did he just intentionally pick something that she wouldn’t like to troll her? Q:言峰は凛の誕生日ごとに送っていた服はとってもかわいいのですが、あれは言峰の趣味なのでしょうか?それとも単に凛に似合わない服を用意して、嫌がらせを楽しんでいたのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Sakura studied archery under Shirou’s influence? Or was it Shinji or Zouken’s instruction? | ||
Q: Sakura studied archery under Shirou’s influence? Or was it Shinji or Zouken’s instruction? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: After he survives Rin's route, does Shinji become a better person than he was during the story? And does have the potential to find happiness...? | ||
Q: After he survives Rin's route, does Shinji become a better person than he was during the story? And does have the potential to find happiness...? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Shinji's mother is a "Carrier", what kind of pathogen is she carrying? Is she a "God's Holder"? | ||
Q: Shinji's mother is a "Carrier", what kind of pathogen is she carrying? Is she a "God's Holder"? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Since Sakura often eats at the Emiya home, does that mean Shinji is eating all by himself during those times? Or is he taking his meals with Zouken? | ||
Q: Since Sakura often eats at the Emiya home, does that mean Shinji is eating all by himself during those times? Or is he taking his meals with Zouken? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Can Zouken even eat normal food anymore? | ||
Q: Can Zouken even eat normal food anymore? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Where did the Makiri clan originally emigrate from? | ||
Q: Where did the Makiri clan originally emigrate from? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Will Ayako ever have a boyfriend? | ||
Q: Will Ayako ever have a boyfriend? Q:綾子に彼氏はできるのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Characters, p.134-135 Q: Issei’s favorite dishes are the lunches that Shirou makes... but it’s not like he has any delicate feelings for Shirou that extend beyond friendship, right? | ||
Q: Issei’s favorite dishes are the lunches that Shirou makes... but it’s not like he has any delicate feelings for Shirou that extend beyond friendship, right? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Looking at the parameter rules and various attributes in Fate, I got the feeling that it was something that could be made into a game outside the visual novel genre. Were you hoping to make another type of game as well? | ||
Q: Looking at the parameter rules and various attributes in Fate, I got the feeling that it was something that could be made into a game outside the visual novel genre. Were you hoping to make another type of game as well? Q:「Fate」のパラメータールールを属性を見ていると、なんだかビジュアルノベル以外のゲームもできそうな感じなのですが、「こんなゲームにもしてみたかった」的な夢はあったのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: If you were to join the Holy Grail War, which Hero would you like to have as your Servant? Either Servants who were present in the story, or Heroes that were not present, please tell me. | ||
Q: If you were to join the Holy Grail War, which Hero would you like to have as your Servant? Either Servants who were present in the story, or Heroes that were not present, please tell me. Q:もし聖杯戦争に参戦するならば、どの英雄をサーヴァントにしたいですか?本編に登場したサーヴァントでも、未登場の英雄でもいいのでお教えください。 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: It’s said that there is only one territory in Japan where True Magic can be activated. Where is that place? The lands managed by the Aozaki? | ||
Q: It’s said that there is only one territory in Japan where True Magic can be activated. Where is that place? The lands managed by the Aozaki? Q:魔法を起動できるように管理地は日本にひとつしかないとのことですが、そのひとつはどこなのでしょうか?蒼崎の管理地なのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: There's three ranks for magic beasts, but what's the most famous of the Divine Beasts, the greatest of those? | ||
Q: There's three ranks for magic beasts, but what's the most famous of the Divine Beasts, the greatest of those? Dragons are special beings with the alignments of the three types, but are there any currently existing dragons that can interfere with the real world in the world of Fate? Q:魔獣には3ランク存在しますが、最上級と思われる神獣で有名なものには何がいるのでしょうか?竜には3種の属性を備えている特殊な存在のようですが、「Fate」世界には現実世界に干渉可能な、現存する竜はいるのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Why did Bazett kill the magus sent from the Magic Association as her observer? If her official duty was to participate in the Holy Grail War on behalf of the Association, couldn’t she have cooperated with the observer to aim for victory? | ||
Q: Why did Bazett kill the magus sent from the Magic Association as her observer? If her official duty was to participate in the Holy Grail War on behalf of the Association, couldn’t she have cooperated with the observer to aim for victory? Q:バゼットは、なぜ自分の監視役である魔術協会の魔術師を殺そうとしたのでしょうか?聖杯戦争への参加が魔術協会からの正式な仕事であるならば、監視役と協力して勝利を目指すことはできなかったのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Is it safe to assume that Hollow's "Sequel" follows none of the three routes’ endings in Fate/stay night? (meaning a parallel universe with different possibilities) | ||
Q: Is it safe to assume that Hollow's "Sequel" follows none of the three routes’ endings in Fate/stay night? (meaning a parallel universe with different possibilities) Q:「hollow」の後日談の状態は、「Fate/stay night」での3つのルート以外のエンディング状態(別の可能性の平行世界)として考えて問題ないのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Why does Caren have Command Spells for Gilgamesh and Lancer? Could she have transplanted (inherited) them from Kotomine? | ||
Q: Why does Caren have Command Spells for Gilgamesh and Lancer? Could she have transplanted (inherited) them from Kotomine? Q:なぜ、カレンはギルガメッシュやランサーの令呪を持っているのですか?言峰の死体から移植した(引き継いだ)ということでいいのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: About Tsukihime, which has the same background world setting as Fate/stay night, which story happened first chronologically? And how many years apart are they? | ||
Q: About Tsukihime, which has the same background world setting as Fate/stay night, which story happened first chronologically? And how many years apart are they? Q:「Fate/stay night」と背景世界の設定を同じくする「月姫」ですが、物語上の時間軸的にどちらが先に起こっている事件なのでしょうか?そして何年ぐらい離れているのでしょうか? |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: How far away is Fate/stay night's Fuyuki from Tsukihime's Misaki? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Are Kotomine, Caren, and Ciel, who are all affiliated with the Church, personally acquainted with each other? | ||
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors? | ||
Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors? Servant's also have superhuman battle ability, but the 27 Ancestors are also superhuman monsters.... I got the impression that ORT, Primate Murder, Altrouge Brunestud, and so on were obviously stronger than Servants. Q:サーヴァントと”吸血鬼の二十七祖”が戦った場合、どちらのほうが強いでしょうか?サーヴァントも人外の戦闘能力を持っていますが、二十七祖も人間離れした怪物ですし......。特にORTやプライミッツマーダー、アルトルージュ・ブリュンスタッドなどは、あからさまにサーヴァントよち強いような印象を受けました。 |
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136 Q: Are the three routes of "Fate/stay night" parallel worlds existing at the same time? I was curious since I was how it would look to Zelretch. | ||
Q: Are the three routes of "Fate/stay night" parallel worlds existing at the same time? I was curious since I was how it would look to Zelretch. Q:「Fate/stay night」の3ルートで、同時に存在する並行世界なのでしょうか?ゼルレッチが見ていたら、こんな感じに見えるのかと思いましたので。 |