Entries from Fate/complete material IV
Fate/Unlimited Codes[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/Unlimited Codes - Characters - Leysritt, p.030-033 | ||
リーゼリット - 命尽きようともイリヤのために戦うメイド
大きい武器を持った女の子は、とても良い ものだと思うのです。追加キャラに推してく ださった武内さんに感謝です。エンディング は武内さんに頂いたラフそのままです。「リズ が出るなら、イリヤも描けるかも―」と期待し ていたら、目を眼っていました。なんでさ。 |
Luviagelita Edelfelt[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/Unlimited Codes - Characters - Luviagelita Edelfelt, p.022-025 | ||
Luviagelita Edelfelt
ルヴィアゼリッタ・エーデルフェルト - プロレス系名門魔術師お嬢様冬木をリングに大暴れ
エンディングの絵がお気に入りです。ゲーム中でのVS凛ステージは夜なんですよね。 つまり、朝まで殴り合っていたと。開発中、ルヴィアが使用可能になった日、投げ技の往復ビンタの回数を土屋プロデューサーと競ってました。こういう楽しいキャラは必須です! |
Zero Lancer[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/Unlimited Codes - Characters - Zero Lancer, p.070-073 | ||
Zero Lancer
Zeroランサー - 時を超えて参戦する忠義の槍騎士
まさかの参戦でした。第五次ランサーよりも描きやすく、わりとすんなり描けました。デモイラストがないので少し寂しいですが、あまりよい結末を迎えられなさそうなので、それはそれでよかったかも?それでも、第四次の『アンリミテッドコード』もやりたいですね。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/EXTRA - Characters - Gatou Monji & Berserker, p.254 | ||
Gatou Monji & Berserker 臥藤門司 & バーサーカー |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Astolfo, p.318-319 | ||
Astolfo, the Twelfth Paladin of Charlemagne
A horn that strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear its sound, prompting instinctive escape. Does not affect Heroic Spirits with magical resistance, but normal mages are not immune to its influence. Normally a small horn that hangs from the Servant's belt, it increases in size when activated, becoming large enough to enclose the Servant. Given to the Servant by the good witch Logestila of Avalon as a means to remove a large flock of harpies. シャルルマーニュ十二勇士
音色を聞いた者が恐怖で逃げ出すという角笛。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Atalanta, p.312-313 | ||
Atalanta, the Chaste Huntress
Can move while jumping over all kinds of obstacles on the field, including enemies.
Can anticipate the enemy by letting him take the initiative and then confirming his actions. Even in footraces, she always made her opponent run ahead.
Draws the enemy near by displaying a treasured item.
A boar's pelt (with head attached) attained as booty of the Calydonian Boar Hunt. By releasing magical energy, high-speed traveling long distances in a straight line becomes possible. While moving, characters in the traveled route enter in disorder and start killing each other by mistake. When the king of Calydon forgot the offerings to Artemis in a harvest festival, the angry goddess let this boar loose over the land. The hero of Calydon who loved Atalanta, Meleager, finished it off, but because Atalanta refused his wishes of handing over the achievement, the concerning fate of said achievement brought discord to the country.
By sending a letter affixed to an arrow requesting divine protection with the "Celestial Bow" received from the guardian deity Artemis, in the next turn a rain of arrows will downpour and perform an attack on all units.
The condition in which "The Disputed Spoils of War" is clad over the body comfortably from the head and power of the Calydonian Boar is made one's own possession. Offensive power, defensive power and movement capacity are raised and one's life-force can be recovered about just as much as the damage dealt to the enemy. The wild boar dispatched by Artemis divine punishment was both giant as a mountain and brutal and attempted to completely devour the crops of the city-state Calydon. The power attained through this Noble Phantasm is the Calydonian Boar itself, which was not stopped without making victims even after brave warriors from all over Greece were called.
Meteor arrows that rain incessantly from the "seven stars of the Ursa Major" in heavens. 7 consecutive attacks are possible. Only in the first strike the target can be designated arbitrarily, and thereafter the attacks converge at said target. Fundamentally, the target cannot be altered, but if said target dies in middle of the attack, the remaining number of strikes will be divided among different targets on that location at random. The Ursa Major is Callisto, one of the nymphs that serve Artemis who had her figure transformed as divine punishment for breaking the vow of chastity and later was raised to a constellation. Really, Artemis is a goddess with a deep connection to bears. 純潔の狩人
カリュドンの猪狩りの戦利品として得た、猪の毛皮(頭部つき)。 魔力を開放すると、直線的に長距離を高速走行できる。移動中、走行ルートのキャラクターは混乱し、同士討ちを始める。この猪はカリュドン国の王がアルテミスへの収穫祭の供物を忘れた際に、怒った女神が地上に放ったもの。アタランテを愛するカリュドンの英雄・メレアグロスがトドメを刺したが、手柄を譲るという彼の意思をアタランテが辞退したため、その功績のゆくえを巡る不和を国にもたらした。
守護神アルテミスから授かった“天穹の弓”で加護を求める矢文を送ると、次ターンに矢の雨が降り注ぎ、全体攻撃を行う。矢文はアルテミス、アポロンのどちらかにランダムで届く。アルテミスに届いた場合は、その場の女性すべてが標的となり、アポロンに届いた場合は男性が狙われる。この宝具は多産の女性・ニオベが「子どもの数が少ない」とアポロンとアルテミスの母・レトを馬鹿にしたため、 二人がニオベの子らを一人残らず射殺したエピソードにちなむ。
天上の“大熊座の七つ星”から降り注ぐ流星の矢。7連続攻撃が可能。最初の一撃のみ任意で標的を指定し、以降はその標的に攻撃が集中する。基本的に標的は変更できないが、攻撃途中で標的が死亡した場合、残りの攻撃回数はランダムでその場にいる別の標的に振り分けられる。大熊座はアルテミスに仕えるニンフのうち、純潔の誓いを破ったカリストが神罰で姿を変えられ、後に星座に上げられたもの。 つくづくアルテミスは熊との関わりが深い女神である。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - David, p.308-309 | ||
The form and flesh of a man prophecized to be king, bearing the quick-wittedness and brute strength to defeat beasts unaided. Though he has been resurrected by the power of the Grail, Servant does not regard himself as a vessel to the soul of his original -- merely as an instrument of God. He does not terribly mind this existence, content merely to feel the grace of his Lord.
In life, the Servant is said to have exorcized evil spirits on the behalf of King Saul of Israel with use of his harp alone. His skill with the instrument is such that he is capable of purging mental interference and restoring psychological stability to those who listen to his music. However, the accuracy of projectiles and polearms suffer a large Rank Down within hearing range. The Servant's act of exorcism may have a modern analogue in musical therapy.
Though the Servant was originally a mere shepherd in life, as an ancestor of Christ, he qualified weakly as a being of divine nature -- perhaps equivalent in rank to Joseph of Nazareth. He possesses some defense against the action of conceptual relics and Noble Phantasms based in the divinity of Christ (though not those based in the divinity of God) -- for example, "holy shrouds," "the stakes of the Crucifixion," and "the Lancea Longini"; possibly even "the Holy Grail."
A prodigy of military tactics and command in life, the Servant called to arms a force of 320 thousand men to seize the city of Jerusalem. For the long path of bloodshed that he wrought as a military leader, he later deemed to seek the forgiveness of God by building a place of worship in his capital. (Due to certain circumstances, it was not built until the reign of his son, Solomon.)
The slingshot that defeated the giant Goliath. A Noble Phantasm that consists of five decorated stones bound by the line of a sling, normally carried behind the Servant's waist. Hamesh Avanim expresses David's generosity: As projectiles, the first four stones are used as warning shots as the Servant attempts to persuade his opponent to lay down arms. If said opponent fails to comply, the fifth stone may be launched -- a rapid, nonlethal attack that is extremely difficult to evade. Normal Heroic Spirits are rendered unconscious on impact, and their belongings are "redesignated" to the possession of the user of the Hamesh Avanim; that is, even if they take hold of their former Noble Phantasms, usage is disallowed by divine authority. The sling itself is the true Hamesh Avanim, and the five projectiles are merely normal stones that have undergone transfiguration; they may be unendingly replenished.
The "flame that carries the hottest heat, shinning brightly, which flared up by God's commands" which appears in the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament. A phantasmal incense burner in deactivation. Ketoret is burned within, and when the violet fumes that issue have enveloped the target, thunderclouds and mist gather overhead -- giving the impression of Mount Sinai; from them, a fire descends from the heavens, incinerating without a trace all those who would oppose the will of God. The flames are shaped like an altar.
A wooden box that contains the original engravings of the Ten Commandments issued to Moses by God. As a Noble Phantasm, its effect is narrow but absolute; besides the Servant that carries them, all those who would deem to touch the box without authorization are drained of their magical energy unto death. Upon seizure of Jerusalem and the removal of the Philistines, King David of Israel appointed the city as his capital, and situated within it the Ark of the Covenant. イスラエル王
モーゼが授かった十戒が刻まれた石板を収めた木箱。ペリシテ人を退けてエルサレムを掌握したイスラエル王ダビデは、そこを都と定めこの契約の箱を運び上げた。宝具としての効果範囲は狭いが絶対的であり、箱に触れた者の魔力を問答無用で奪い、殺す。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Frankenstein, p.332-333 | ||
Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Monster
The Servant is capable of emitting an immense scream, temporarily robbing enemies and allies alike of their ability to think and respond; those who do not expect it or are incapable of the mental resilience to withstand it may temporarily lose their ability to breathe. The effectiveness of the skill is increased with activation of Mad Enhancement. Incidentally, in Berserk Mode, the Servant expresses approval with the phrase "Yaaa," and disapproval with the phrase "Uiii," but it is impossible to discern anything but madness.
Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electric energy. Thaumaturgical attacks involving no material existence -- wind manipulation, energy bullets, beam attacks -- are converted to electricity and rendered without effect, discharged into the environment. Absorbed electricity may be used to implement rapid self-repair and physical attribute reinforcement. Like PhlogistonWP and Ether, the concept of Galvinism, which explains organic activity as a bio-electric process, falls under the domain of Alchemy.
A large mace used by the Servant as a striking weapon, which gives off discharges electricity with the appearance of tree branches. In reality, the Servant's reactor core / heart is contained within the large spherical bulb, and the fin on the opposite end remotely transfers energy to the Servant's main body. With high efficiency, the implement continuously gathers energy wasted by the Servant or present in her surroundings, and is constantly manifested outside of combat to power her. If exposed to a high-magical energy environment -- for example, in the midst of combat -- the function of Galvinism and the Bridal Chest combine to qualify the Noble Phantasm as a "Type II Perpetual Motion Engine."
Use of the Bridal Chest in a suicide move -- the fin of the mace is planted into the ground, and the reactor's limiters are completely released, discharging all gathered electricity into the surrounding environment as an area of effect attack with target homing; momentarily giving the Noble Phantasm in the silhouette of a towering tree. May be implemented from the Servant's own body rather than the Bridal Chest if the enemy force is a single opponent within short range. Use of this technique results in permanent deactivation, but there is a low probability that a second Frankenstein's Monster will be materialized in the wake of the attack. However, in death, it would be impossible for the Servant to witness the results of her actions.
"乙女の貞節"を地面に突き立て、全リミッターを解除して行う全力放電。 |
Jack the Ripper[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Jack the Ripper, p.326-327 | ||
Jack the Ripper, Legendary Serial Killer
As a murderer rather than an assassin, she can strike before her victim. However, she can only unconditionally take the first strike at night. During the day, a luck roll is required. Jack the Ripper's victims are believed to have all been attacked while off-guard.
At the instant a battle ends, her abilities, true name, appearance, and other information disappear from witnesses' and enemies' memories/records, even if the battle took place in broad daylight, or was recorded on a device such as a camera. To counter this, one must deduce her identity from evidence left at the scene.
Has a moderate chance of blocking mental interference-type magecraft. If her Master has an evil alignment, or is cruel to her, this mental pollution gradually rises. Her chances of blocking magecraft will increase, but her already broken spirit will begin to irreversibly corrupt.
Can heal her Master or herself using a blood-stained scalpel. It looks risky, but she manages somehow. The techniques are from 120 years in the past, but are improved a little with mana. Jack the Ripper killed victims in ways that would require anatomical knowledge, such as removal of specific organs.
A skill that suppresses presence as a Servant, suitable for covert action. If presence were fully suppressed, she would be nearly impossible to detect. However, when prepared to attack, Presence Concealment's rank falls substantially. This weakness is compensated for with "Misty Night Murderer", allowing for a perfect surprise attack.
If summoned as a Berserker, she gains this skill. Increases all parameters in rank with the exception of Luck and Mana, but removes the ability to speak or have complex thoughts. As a Berserker, she is only active at night, with "Darkened Misty Metropolis" always active, and will attack anything that possesses mana.
Normally four D-rank knives, but under certain conditions, they are boosted by the grudge of "the 80 thousand children in London's slums, abandoned by prostitute mothers for the sake of their livelihoods, unable to even become prostitutes", with brutal results. There are three conditions. "It is night-time", "the target is a woman (or female)", and "it is misty". When all the conditions are fulfilled and the Noble Phantasm is activated, the target's innards are forced out of their body, and they become a dismembered corpse. When the conditions are not met, it is limited to simple damage, but increases in power with each condition that is fulfilled. As the Noble Phantasm is not an attack from a knife but rather a variety of curse, it can be used at long range. To defend against this Noble Phantasm, resistance against curses is required, rather than physical defence.
A Noble Phantasm that creates a mist-filled barrier. The mist itself, created with mana, is the Noble Phantasm. Although it is a means of keeping people out, a non-magus trapped inside the barrier will die after a few turns. A magus will not die immediately, but will take continuous damage. A Heroic Spirit will not take damage, but their Speed will decrease by one rank. The user of the Noble Phantasm is able to choose who is or is not affected by the fog. As those trapped in the fog lose their sense of direction, an "Instinct" skill ranked B or higher or some kind of magecraft is necessary to escape. The large quantity of soot emitted from the Industrial Revolution onward became a smog of sulphuric acid that caused disaster to London in the 1950s. "Darkened Misty Metropolis" is a Noble Phantasm that reproduces that "mist of death". 伝説の連続殺人鬼
霧の結界を張る結界宝具。魔力で発生させた霧そのものが宝具である。"人払い"とはいうものの、魔術師ではない者が無理に結界の内側に留まった場合、数ターン後に死亡する。魔術師ならばすぐに死ぬことはないが、ダメージを受け続ける。英霊ならばダメージは受けないが、敏捷が1ランクダウンする。霧のなかにいる誰かに効果を与え、誰に効果を与えないのかは宝具の使用者が選択可能。霧によって方向感覚が失われるため、脱出するにはランクB以上のスキル"直感"、もしくは何らかの魔術行使が必要になる。産業革命以降、大量排出されるようになった膨大な石炭の煤煙が、1950年代に硫酸の霧となってロンドンに大災害を引き起こした。"暗黒霧都"は、その"死の霧"を再現する宝具である。 |
Joan of Arc[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Joan of Arc, p.343 | ||
Joan of Arc, the Standard-Bearer who Correctly Guides the Holy Grail War
In addition to the Magic Resistance of the Saber Class, she demonstrates a high anti-magic from her unwavering piety. However, since it is just averting (evading) the Magecraft, only Joan will be saved against a wide-range magic attack. It cannot cope with the sacraments of the Church.
A Skill equivalent to "Instinct". Instinct is a sixth sense regarding battles, but "Revelation" accommodates all matters related to the achievement of a goal (for instance, choosing the most suitable path while traveling). Because there is no basis (so she thinks), it cannot be explained well to others.
The natural talent to command an army. Joan's figure participating in the assaults hoisting a flag raised the morale of the soldiers to the limit and united the troops. Thanks to her charisma, it is possible to make others believe in the contents of the "revelations" without basis.
Indicates being acknowledged as a saint. When summoned as a Servant, the ability of saint is selected one among "raising the effectiveness of sacraments", "automatic HP recovery", "1 Rank-Up to Charisma" and "production of a holy shroud is possible".
A holy sword that manifest flames which uses the line of a death poem "O Lord, I entrust this body to you---" as activation incantation. A conceptual crystallization weapon that interpreted Joan's burning at the stake in an attack-like fashion. A subspecies of Reality Marble, an imagined landscape crystallized as a sword. This sword is Heroic Spirit Joan of Arc herself and after the battle in which this Noble Phantasm was manifested, Joan will be extinguished. 聖杯戦争を正しく導く旗手
"主よ、この身を委ねます―――"という辞世の句を発動の呪文とし、炎を発現させる聖剣。ジャンヌの火炙りを攻撃的に解釈した概念結晶武装。固有結界の亜種であり、心象風景を剣として結晶化したもの。この剣は英霊ジャンヌ・ダルクそのものであり、宝具を発現させると戦闘後、ジャンヌは消滅する。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Karna, p.300-301 | ||
Karna, Son of the Sun God
Insight to see through the opponent's character and attribute. He will not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words. It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative.
Negates Magecraft with an aria of two verses or lower. Cannot defend against large-scale Magecraft such as High-Thaumaturgy or Greater Rituals. However, when receiving the effect of the golden armor Noble Phantasm, it will not be limited to this.
All vehicles and all beasts excepting those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be freely operated. His figure driving a war chariot and running across the battlefield is depicted in the Mahabharata. Its rank is high enough to have aptitude for the Rider Class.
Arms competency that was not recognized by others due various reasons. To the opponents, the rank of his sword, spear, bow, Riding and Divinity appears to be one degree lower than what it actually is. If his true name is revealed, this effect will be terminated.
The power to put magical energy into weapons. In Karna's case, blazing flames become magical energy to dwell in the weapon used. This Skill is usually active and all the weapons that Karna grasps receive this effect.
As the son of the Sun Deity Surya and having united with Surya after death, Karna possesses the highest Divine Spirit aptitude. This Divine Spirit aptitude exhibits high defensive power in regards to sun deity-lineage's Heroic Spirits of Divinity B or lower.
The golden armor and earring given by Karna's mother, Kunti, who felt fear in becoming an unmarried mother and prayed to Surya to protect her son. A powerful defensive-type Noble Phantasm that emits the radiance of the sun. Because it's light itself taken shape, it is difficult to destroy even to the gods. It is integrated with Karna's body.
An Anti-Army, Anti-Country Noble Phantasm granted to Karna by Parashurama of the Brahmin. If his Class is Archer it will be a bow, while under other Classes it will manifest as a different projectile weapon. By calling upon the name of the god Brahma it will pursue the enemy and surely hit, but because of a curse it cannot be used on opponents of greater ability than himself.
Karna's hidden Noble Phantasm. His trump card. The projectile weapon Brahmastra is bestowed with the sweltering heat effect of Karna's attribute and then fired. The Brahmastra, which already had a wide effective range to begin with, has its effective range further widened and its power exceptionally raised. Its performance is to the point of being compared to nuclear weapons.
An one-shot only spear of light that takes down even gods. A spear of mortality made out of lightning. When Indra snatched away the golden armor, since Karna's posture was much too noble, he thought that it had to be rewarded. Manifested by converting the golden armor, in exchange of a tremendous defensive power, a spear with a powerful "anti-god" performance is equipped. 太陽神の子
隠されたカルナの宝具。奥の手。飛び道具のブラフマーストラに、カルナの属性である炎熱の効果を付与して発射する。もとより広い効果範囲を持つブラフマーストラの効果範囲をさらに広め、威力を格段に上昇させる。 その性能は核兵器に例えられるほど。
神々をも打ち倒す、一撃のみの光槍。雷光でできた必滅の槍。イソドラが黄金の鎧を奪う際、カルナの姿勢があまりにも高潔であったため、それに報いねばならなと思い与えた。黄金の鎧と引き換えに顕現し、絶大な防御力の代わりに強力な"対神"性能の槍を装備する。 |
Musashibou Benkei[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Musashibou Benkei, p.306-307 | ||
Musashibou Benkei
With proximity of presence alone, the Servant is capable of reinforcing his Master's physical attributes. The original Musashibou Benkei possessed six black birthmarks, said to have appeared because his mother ingested metal (kurogane) during her pregnancy. Itsuki, in the Shinto tradition, was a title ascribed to servants of a god; Yoshitsune, a beautiful child, is regarded to have possessed the aspect of a godling, and Benkei was his faithful servant. The ability "Kurogane no Itsuki" may have been designed to mimic this pattern.
With an invocation of nine characters -- the kuji Rin Pyou Tou Sha Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen ( 臨兵闘者皆陣列在前?) -- curses of evil origin may be defended against and nullified. If successful, an opponent's use of magecraft may be sealed; and in certain circumstances, appropriated by the Servant as part of his own repertoire in limited capacity. Musashibou Benkei possessed a similar technique as a monk (described in a passage of The Subscription List), and the Servant has imitated said ability with his own skills as an actor.
A counterfeit decree with effect equivalent to a Command Seal expenditure originating from an opponent's Master, which orders that "no Noble Phantasms may be used" within a given engagement. If successful, even if the targeted Servant is unfooled by apparent origin of the decree, it must be obeyed. A mental interference technique with a probability of negated each turn with a successful roll of a resistance check on the part of the opponent. However, in the condition that the influence of the skill is removed, reapplication becomes possible.
An opponent's Noble Phantasm may be temporarily claimed as the 8th of the Servant's Seven Implements, and manipulated with some proficiency even if its usage is unfamiliar. A weapon claimed in this manner will be returned to the opponent of its origin after a certain number of turns, but may be launched as a projectile to deal damage upon return. Rather than owing to some inability on the Servant's part to permanently maintain an eighth implement, he opts to relinquish an implement upon satisfaction of his curiosity in its use.
Slicing the space about him with a long blade, the servant manifests multiple replicas of Benkei, equivalent in attributes to his base level of strength -- and capable of walling off the original from an opponent's attack. A single deployment of the Noble Phantasm creates one to seven replicas at random, and the results cannot be determined by the servant. The Servant's own attributes are temporarily boosted by a function of the number of replicas that remain manifest and undestroyed.
Five hundred Arhat -- those who embark upon a pilgrimage to the Pure Land of the West in an effort to attain Enlightenment in life in a practice known as Fudarakutokai -- are summoned, streaming forth in a holy procession. All those who stand within their path that fail a resistance roll are dragged with them, ultimately dematerializing to the Void with the procession. Amen. 荒法師
そこにいるだけでマスターの身体能力を強化する。弁慶は数え六つで疱瘡にかかり肌が黒くなった。この色は母がつわりで鉄を食べたために生来の色とする説もある。 傅(ふ、いつき)とは、神に仕える僕のこと。牛若を少年神とすると、お供の弁慶は神話的な定番イメージに合致する。
遊行聖の大行列を呼び出す。彼らは補陀落渡海(西方浄土を目指し、棺桶のような船に封じ込められ、流される即身成仏の行)の旅に出る者たちである。呼び出された行列はその場にいるすべてを進行方向へと押し流す。その場にいる者は抵抗判定に失敗するたび、強制的に移動させられ、最終的には浄土へ連れていかれ成仏する。南無。 |
Saint George[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Saint George, p.316-317 | ||
Saint George
In the Servant's era of origin -- when Magecraft still retained its ancient strength -- countless wielders of the arcane arts attempted to bring him low with their spells, but he managed to emerge unscathed. For his skill in this ability, it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer.".
Though classed as a Rider, and noted in his heroic legend to defeated a dragon on horseback, the Servant is not exceptionally skilled in mounted maneuverability. He receives a class bonus in this ability as a Servant, but in life, his apparent expertise in riding would be rightfully attributed to the skill of his trusted steed, Bayard.
Beloved by the World, the unyielding force of life within the Servant permits the continuation of combat even in the event of fatal injury. He is further driven by a conscientiousness of the faith and expectations of those he desires to protect. A divine protection from the Earth rooted in the veneration of Georgius as a Patron of Harvest.
Upon engagement, the Servant is capable of optimizing his position by identifying and exploiting favorable developments. However, the skill cannot be activated except for defensive purposes. The Servant typically uses this ability to vaguely divine the intent of an opponent so as to determine whether engagement is an appropriate course of action, or if the opponent is an "enemy that must be fought."
The Servant receives a temporary attribute bonus if acting in the defense of others. A protector of numerous nations and expansive regions in life, the Servant is capable of deriving effectively unlimited defensive capabilities from those who place their faith and expectations in him.
Nullification of mental interference through firmness of faith. In life, the Servant endured persecution and torture at the hands those who would see him denounce his faith, but never once did he falter in his ministry of Christ.
As the Servant was revered as a saint in the medieval era, the strength of his nature as a divine spirit is equivalent in rank to the deities of minor cults and the forgotten gods of yore. Incidentally, the name "Georgius" was originally related in sense to the tilling of the earth in ancient farming communities -- rooted in the reverence of the Middle Eastern God of Harvest, Ba'al.
An invincible weapon that delivers its holder from those who would intend harm. Its "invincibility" comes not from capacity to defeat foes, but capacity to defend from all harm. However, by reversing its protective power, it can becomes a sword that pierces through any kind of armor.
An Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that transfigures a given target into a draconian being. Though said function appears to be associated with the Servant's cross-emblazoned surcoat, strictly speaking, the phenomenon is implemented through the Servant's unshakeable faith; the surcoat is merely a focus, and cannot independently activate as a Noble Phantasm.
A gestalt Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm generated through the interaction of the Servant's nature as a slayer of dragons and the capabilities of Ascalon, dealing massive damage to beings of draconian origin. The blade form deployed in melee combat can be used as a medium to release lance-like projectiles of light, piercing targets at long range.
A magical white horse, conferred to the Servant by a witch who fell in love with him despite initial intentions to bewitch and tempt in the chronicles of the "Seven Champions of Christendom." He who rides upon Bayard is impervious to harm, and -- for one time only -- capable of completely nullifying a lethal attack. ドラゴン殺しの聖者
『キリスト教圏の七勇士』に登場する、ゲオルギウスを誘拐した魔女が彼に恋をして贈った魔法の白馬。跨った者を無敵にし、致命傷になる攻撃を受けても、一度だけ無効化する。 |
Sakata Kintoki[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Sakata Kintoki, p.338-339 | ||
Sakata Kintoki
Normally does not receive the benefits of Mad Enhancement. In exchange, he retains a normal capacity to think. A Luck Check is performed whenever damage is received, failure results in him going wild and Stats excepting MGI and LCK being raised. On that occasion, his whole body becomes red.
Communication of intention with animals that don't possess words. Since it's not like the intellect of the animals improve, very complex nuances are not conveyed. Even then, maybe because Kintoki's mental structure is close to animals, they strangely get into a mutual understanding.
Possesses a perfect body as a living being from birth. The owner of this Skill is treated as if his STR is always Rank-Up. Furthermore, even without training his muscles are brawny and his body shape doesn't change no matter how much calories he intakes.
Divine Spirit aptitude that comes from origins as a thunder deity's son. Because his mother was a man-eating mountain witch, the rank is low. It will rarely activate as resistance in regards to the attack of Heroic Spirits that possess thunder deity-lineage roots and legends.
A huge Masakari axe that carries the power of the thunder deity and cannot be handled without Kintoki's superhuman strength. It is loaded with 15 cartridges with thunder put into them and destructive power is raised with their detonation. Probably there is a different true name, but Kintoki activates it with this name.
An Anti-Army Noble Phantasm usage in which a flash of lightning is released from Golden Eater and mows down the surrounding enemies. It activates by using 3 of the 15 loaded cartridges. The fact that is activates with a suspicious true name is just like Golden Eater. 足柄山の金太郎
"黄金喰い"から稲妻を放出して周囲の敵を薙ぎ払う、対軍宝具としての使用法。15発装填されているカートリッジのうち、3発分を使用して発動する。真名が怪しいのに発動するのは、黄金喰いと同じ。ゴールデン理不尽。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Semiramis, p.330-331 | ||
Semiramis, Wise Queen of Assyria
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Shakespeare, p.322-323 | ||
Shakespeare, the Playwright
The appendage of improved attributes and functionality to others their precious articles. Typically used to reinforce the battle capabilities of the Servant's Master, such that the Servant may act as an impartial observer and carefully document the Master's psychological state.
Though he possesses no combat capabilities, so long as he preserves his Master's safety to the lowest possible degree, he maintains the skill to escape from nearly all harm -- meaning that he never engages any opponents himself. The Servant favours a "high risk, high return" tactic, where "returns" is related to the fruits of his observation.
Shakespeare's theatrical company, which was patronized by King James I. A Noble Phantasm that permits the Servant to accurately assume the aspect of another individual -- passing scrutiny while disguised even if he interacts with those to whom the personage he portrays is well-known. Used for purposes of social engineering.
A tome that may -- for a limited number of instances -- alter or falsify the outcome of a phenomenon occurring within sight. Though this Noble Phantasm is functionally useless in the face of an enemy that outclasses the Servant in every attribute, with skillful deployment, it has a chance of inflicting death upon otherwise defeatable opponents. Activated with the incantation "NON SANZ DROICT" ("Not Without Right" -- the motto on Shakespeare's coat of arms. 劇作家
結果を改ざんする本。目の前で起きた事象を、一定回数までやり直せる。何度戦っても敵わない相手には無力だが、倒せる可能性がある相手には有効。「NON SANZ DROICT(無権に非ず)」の詠唱がいる。 |
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Siegfried, p. 296-297 | ||
Siegfried, the Dragon-Blooded Knight
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Spartacus, p.336-337 | ||
In the instance that Spartacus' injuries are repaired by means of magecraft, the required magical energy cost is quartered. In truth, the pain inflicted heightens his combat focus, allowing him to tap into his full potential; by corollary, if he is not injured, he cannot fight at full strength. The notion that "one must first conquer the pain inflicted by the enemy to attain absolute victory" is a fundamental premise of Spartacus' tactics.
Rank-Up parameters, but robs most of reason. Even while under Mad Enhancement, Spartacus can normally speak things such as "Those who are bound are strong! For until the time when they are set free, anger and sadness will continue to be accumulated." However, because he is fixated with thoughts of "always making the most difficult choices", he never listen what people have to say. In practice, it is impossible to come to a mutual understanding of intentions with him. Spartacus is indeed an uncontrollable Berserker.
A permanently active-type of Noble Phantasm. It is possible to convert part of the damage inflicted by the enemy into magical energy and accumulate it in the body. The efficiency of this conversion into magical energy raises the more Spartacus physical strength decreases. The magical energy that was accumulated in the body like this can be used to boost Spartacus' abilities. If he is damaged to the point of being on the verge of death, possibly an enormous amount of magical energy enough to destroy everything before Spartacus' eyes will be saved up. 剣闘士
常時発動型の宝具。敵から負わされたダメージの一部を魔力に変換し、体内に蓄積できる。 この魔力の変換効率は、スパルタクスの体力が減少するほどに上昇する。 こうして体内に溜められた魔力は、スパルタクスの能力をブーストするために使用可能である。 もし瀕死まで痛めつけられていれば、スパルタクスは眼前のすべてを破壊して余りあるほどに膨大な魔力を溜め込んでいることだろう。 彼は寄せ集まったにすぎない反乱軍をよくまとめ、強力なローマ軍に連戦連勝したことから、その人望や戦闘指揮能力は卓越したものであったと考えられる。 だがそれ以上に彼が人望を集めた要因は、この宝具に象徴された"必ず逆転によって勝利する"英雄だったということだ。 反乱軍の兵士にとって戦況が絶望的であればあるほど、その先にある勝利は確かなものだったのである。 この逆転戦法は、彼自身は意識していないがショーマンシップに則ったものであり、剣闘士としての人気も非常に高いものだった。 彼に聖杯を求める確かな動機はなく、ただ戦いの場に赴くことだけを悲願する。 被虐者を救済し、加虐者に反逆することだけを志すスパルタクスにとって、戦場こそ弱き者と強き者しかいない場所であり、彼が求めてやまない苦痛と試練に満ちあふれている場所だからだ。 |
Vlad III[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Vlad III, p.304-305 | ||
Vlad III, the Lord Impaler
Capacity of the Servant to mark a region as his personal dominion by securing the surrounding leylines prior to an engagement, permitting reinforcement of his combat capabilities when fighting in defense. Kazikli Bey is a Noble Phantasm that may be deployed only within the marked domain.
A noble phantasm deployable only within the Servant's marked domain. Within a range of 1 kilometer, a maximum of 20 thousand pikes can gradually manifest over time, bursting from the ground to impale opponents. Manifested pikes remain as a physical barrier that eliminates free ground, and evasion thus becomes less likely with passage of time. The sight of the pikes impose a curse-like psychological effect, destabilizing an opponent's mental condition with oppressive anxiety or fear.
Due to his oral tradition, he incarnates into his Dracula image. Transformation into a vampire. 串刺し公
大地から大量の杭を出現させ、敵を串刺しにする。 攻撃範囲は半径1km、杭の数は最大2万本に及び、次第に数を増す杭は敵の退路を塞ぎ、時間が経つごとに回避を困難にする。 また、杭の数が増すと呪的な心理効果が発生し、見る者に恐怖と精神的圧迫感を与える。
後の口伝によるドラキュラ像を具現化させ、吸血鬼へ変貌する。ドラキュラ伯となったヴラド三世は通常のスキル・宝具を封印される代わりに、身体能力の大幅増幅、動物や霧への形態変化、治癒能力、魅了の魔眼といった特殊効果と、陽光や聖印という弱点を獲得する。 |
Truth of Fate/Apocrypha[]
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra material - Fate/Apocrypha - Truth of Fate/Apocrypha, p.342 | ||
Truth of Fate/Apocrypha Fate/Apocryphaの真実 |