Fate/EXTRA CCC (フェイト/エクストラ CCC, Feito/ekusutora shishishi?) is a manga written and illustrated by Robi~na. It is an adaptation of the Fate/EXTRA CCC game. It was serialized in Comptiq magazine since June 10, 2015 to March 08, 2024, and is also being serialized in the TYPE-MOON Comic Ace web magazine.
The story is set on the Far Side of the Moon Cell, where BB used her abilities to create the Sakura Labyrinth. She brought over various Masters and Servants from the Moon Cell Holy Grail War on the Near Side, some taken instantly before their deletion and others brought during the sixth week.
- Hakuno Kishinami
- Nero Claudius
- BB
- Robin Hood
- Karna
- Passionlip
- Meltryllis
- Julius B. Harwey
- Leonardo B. Harwey
- Rin Tohsaka
- Sakura Matou
- Gawain
- Rani VIII
- Jinako Carigiri
- Shinji Matou
- Kiara Sessyoin
- Elizabeth Báthory
- Taiga Fujimura
- Alice (Flashback)
- Run Ru (Flashback)
- Lü Bu (Flashback)
- Cú Chulainn (Flashback)
- Li Shuwen (Mentioned)