Fate/Grand Order From Lostbelt (Fate/Grand Order フロム ロストベルト?) is an anthology manga series written and illustrated by Nakatani for release on the TYPE-MOON Comic Ace web magazine. It was serialized from December 20, 2019 to March 14, 2024. The first physical copy tankobon volume was released in Japan on September 26, 2020.[1]
From Lostbelt is an anthology series with each chapter focusing on a character from Cosmos in the Lostbelt. The initial chapters were about the Crypters, but later ones have expanded to include other characters from the various Lostbelts.
- Ritsuka Fujimaru
- Kadoc Zemlupus
- Ophelia Phamrsolone
- Hinako Akuta
- Scandinavia Peperoncino
- Kirschtaria Wodime
- Beryl Gut
- Daybit Sem Void
- Romani Archaman
- Olga Marie Animusphere
- Mash Kyrielight
- Jingle Abel Meuniere
- Artoria Caster
- Senji Muramasa (Alter Ego)
- Ector (Lostbelt)
- Gareth (Lostbelt)
- Aesc
- Morgan (Lostbelt)
- Tenochtitlan
- Senji Muramasa (Alter Ego)
Original characters[]
A one-shot chapter starring Olga Marie Animusphere, titled Fate/Grand Order From Lostbelt: "Miss Olga Marie", was included in TYPE-MOON Ace Volume 13.