
Fate/strange Fake[Note 1] (フェイト/ストレンジフェイク, Feito/Sutorenji Feiku?) is an ongoing light novel created by Ryohgo Narita, started in 2015 and illustrated by Shidzuki Morii. It expands on the setting of an April Fool's joke published by Narita on his website in 2008 and its short story adaptation in TYPE-MOON Ace Volume 2 magazine in 2009.



Main article: World of Fate/strange Fake

Fate/strange Fake takes place around 2009.[1] The plot centers around a Grail War faultily copied from the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki. After the end of the third Grail War, an organization from the United States that has magi separate from the London-based Mage Association as members took data from Fuyuki's Grail War and planned their own ritual. After seventy years, they used the city Snowfield as the Sacred Land for their own Grail War. They were unable to successfully copy every aspect of the ritual, which led to it acting only as an imitation that has lost the Saber class and allowed for the summoning of strange Servants due to the definition of "hero" being blurred.


The Mage's Association has sent Rohngall and his pupil, Faldeus, to investigate the city and the status of the war. Faldeus, a spy from the US organization, has Rohngall sniped upon arrival, despite knowing that Rohngall was simply a puppet. He announces that their Holy Grail War has been in development and that it is real, which causes an uproar at the Clock Tower, and wishes to "advertise" the project to the Association.


False Holy Grail War[]

Characters related to the False Masters (偽マスター?) and False Servants (偽サーヴァント?) participating in the False Holy Grail War meant to prime the True Holy Grail War.

Tiné Chelc
The master of False Archer.
False Archer
The King of Heroes, Gilgamesh.
Original Master of Archer
The original master of Archer.
The master of False Lancer.
False Lancer
The Chains of Heaven, Enkidu.
Wolf's creator
The creator of the chimera wolf.
Tsubaki Kuruoka
The master of False Rider.
False Rider
The Embodiment of Disease, Pale Rider.
Yuukaku Kuruoka and Mrs. Kuruoka
The parents of Tsubaki Kuruoka, trapped within Doomsday Come.
Spirit summoned by the crossbow the Kuruokas planned to use as a catalyst for Qin Shi Huang.
Orlando Reeve
The master of False Caster.
False Caster
The Author of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas.
Clan Calatin
Group of police officers serving under Orlando.
John Wingard
Clan Calatin member.
Vera Levitt
Orlando's secretary and Clan Calatin member.
Jester Karture
The master of False Assassin.
False Assassin
Failed Hassan-i-Sabbah Candidate.
Flat Escardos
The master of False Berserker.
False Berserker
The Serial-Killer, Jack the Ripper.
Thia Escardos
Flat's other self.

True Holy Grail War[]

Characters related to the True Masters (真マスター?) and True Servants (真サーヴァント?) participating in the True Holy Grail War.

Ayaka Sajyou (Player in the prototype version)
The master of Saber.
The Lionheart, Richard I. Ayaka's Servant.
Rounds of Lionheart
Seven Heroic Spirits summoned through Saber's Noble Phantasm.
Pierre Basile
Einzbern Homunculus responsible for Ayaka's participation.
Little Red Riding Hood
Apparition that appears to Ayaka.
He is a magus working for the US government. Granted Command Spells by the Grail, he was planning to summon King Arthur, but summoned Saber instead. Killed during the summoning, Ayaka usurps the contract.
Bazdilot Cordelion
The master of True Archer.
True Archer
The Distorted Hero, Alcides.
Scladio Family
The master of Watcher. He himself is meant to become True Lancer.
A unique Servant, that is supposed to guide Sigma into becoming the True Lancer.
Watcher's Shadows
Seven individuals manifested as the "shadows" of Watcher.
Winged boy
Asclepius (Child)
Man (Watcher's Shadow)
Samurai (Watcher's Shadow)
El-Melloi Classroom
Masters of True Rider. Students of Lord El-Melloi II, totaling 30 members.
Roland Berzinsky
Org Rum
Fezgram vor Sembren
Nazica Pentel
Radia Pentel
Verner Caesarmund
Svin Glascheit
Rin Tohsaka
Luviagelita Edelfelt
Caules Forvedge
Mary Lil Fargo
Yvette L. Lehrman
Accompanying but not an active Master.
Doris Lusendra
The purported master of True Rider.
True Rider
The Queen of Amazons, Hippolyta.
Francesca Prelati
The master of True Caster.
True Caster
The Trickster, François Prelati.
Faldeus Dioland
The master of True Assassin.
True Assassin
Faldeus' subordinate.
Anti-magus assault team commanded by Faldeus.
Haruri Borzak
The Master of True Berserker.
True Berserker
Beast of the Cedar Forest, Huwawa.
Fragment of the goddess manifested into the world, Haruri's benefactor.
Divine Beast summoned by Ishtar.

Holy Church[]

Characters involved with the Holy Church.

Hansa Cervantes
A priest and a member of the Holy Church sent to act as unofficial Overseer.
Hansa's followers.
Delmio Cervantes
Adoptive father of Hansa.
Bishop of the church who discovered Hansa.

Mage's Association[]

Characters involved with the Mage's Association.

Lord El-Melloi II
Lord El-Melloi II is highly regarded in the Clock Tower and he is the professor of Flat. He once participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War.
Student of Lord El-Melloi II and friend of Flat.
Ayaka Sajyou
Student of Lord El-Melloi II for a month. Identical to the Ayaka in Snowfield aside from her hair color, but they are not the same person. She also met Mr. A and the Little Red Riding Hood at the Semina Apartments, having an indirect hand in the tragedy there.
Clock Tower magus sent to spy on the American ritual.
Christophel Beilman
Student seen with Rohngall when meeting with Lord El-Melloi II.
Rocco Belfeban
A clerk of the Clock Tower.
Haruri's caretaker

Citizens of Snowfield[]

Citizens unrelated to the proceedings of the Holy Grail Wars

Drugstore employee
Unnamed man who meets Ayaka and Saber.
Amelia Levitt
Tsubaki Kuruoka's doctor and Vera's older sister.

Other magi[]

Avi Dikhail, Carl Lexarm, Hyouma Sagara, Silvelt Kotcheff, and Zugzwang
Independent magi attempting to defeat Flat Escardos and False Berserker. They were all killed by Assassin of Black in the Fate/Apocrypha world, reacting with unknown fear when Berserker takes on her appearance


Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg
Magician observing the world of the novel, looking into viable solutions for the world line.
Caubac Alcatraz
Dead Apostle who knows Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, helping Zelretch pick Ayaka.

Dead Apostles[]

Dead Apostle Ancestor familiar with Flat Escardos and Jester Karture.

Fuyuki City[]

Characters from Fuyuki City mentioned in the story.

Kirei Kotomine
Met Ayaka in the past.
Version of Gilgamesh from the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War. Met Ayaka in the past.
Einzbern homunculus living at the Einzbern Castle.
Shirou Emiya
Obliquely mentioned.[2]
Gai Gotou, Shirano Tsunokuma
Met Ayaka in the past.
Kane Himuro, Yukika Saegusa, Ayako Mitsuzuri


Historical figures[]

Characters who have appeared in flashbacks or characters that have been referenced

Saint Germain
Man who met Saber during his lifetime.
Charles Nodier
Contemporary of Alexandre Dumas.
Prince Napoléon Bonaparte
Contemporary of Alexandre Dumas.
Count of Monte Cristo


Mesala Escardos
Escardos ancestor
Dioland ancestor
Ancestor of Faldeus Dioland who fought in the Third Fuyuki Holy Grail War.


Main article: Fate/strange Fake (manga)


Main article: Fate/strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn-
Main article: Fate/strange Fake (anime)

On July 01, 2023 after the world premiere showing of Fate/strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn- in Anime Expo 2023, it was announced that a TV anime series of Fate/strange Fake was confirmed to be in development.[3] On September 15, 2024, it was announced during the Aniplex Online Fest 2024 that the anime would hear its first episode in a world premiere live broadcasting on November 23 of the same year, at the Fate 20th Anniversary Showcase event in Hollywood.[4]


Volume 1[]

First volume transcription


あらゆる願いを叶える願望機「聖杯」を求め、魔術師たちが英霊を召喚して競い合う争奪戦──聖杯戦争。 日本の地で行われた第五次聖杯戦争の終結から数年、米国西部スノーフィールドの地において次なる戦いが顕現する。 ──それは偽りだらけの聖杯戦争。 偽りの台座に集まった魔術師と英霊達。 これが偽りの聖杯戦争であると知りながら──彼らはそれでも、台座の上で踊り続ける。 真偽などは彼岸の彼方。 聖杯ではなく──他でもない、彼ら自身の信念を通すために。 そしてその時、器に満ちるのは偽りか、真実か、それとも──。 成田良悟と奈須きのこがタッグを組み、イラスト・森井しづきが彩る『Fate』の新プロジェクトが遂に本格始動!!

Volume 2[]

Second volume transcription


冬木と呼ばれる地で語られる、どこにでもあるような噂話『蝉菜マンションの赤ずきん』。その話には、噂では語られぬ続きがあった。 遠い異国の地、スノーフィールドにて紡がれる事となる、都市伝説の後日談。 その怪談の主役、アヤカ・サジョウが巻き込まれたのは、生半な流言飛語などよりも遥かに荒唐無稽な――偽りだらけの聖杯戦争だった。 「問おう、汝が俺のマスターか」 半壊したオペラハウスの中、『セイバー』と名乗る騎士風の英霊は、アヤカにそう問いかけた。 偽りの聖杯戦争の仕掛け人たちですら与り知らぬ、謎のサーヴァントの参戦により、事態は混迷を極めていく。 そして、市内のカジノビルで賭博に興じるギルガメッシュは、そのとき――。

Volume 3[]

Third volume transcription



Volume 4[]

Fourth volume transcription



Volume 5[]

Fifth volume transcription






Volume 6[]

Sixth volume transcription

Somehow, the city is noisy.

The wind is very damp. Let's be scared. I'm scared.

Something scary will come.

The view of the city remains unchanged. A few hours ago, the powers of each camp were mixed, and the main street was supposed to be a big turn. However, there are no traces of war damage, and in front of the cityscape as if nothing had happened, the policemen and the Saber camp just stood stunned.

It was in the dream of a young master, Tsubaki Kuruoka. A closed world created by "Mr. Black" connected to Tsubaki's Magic Circuits, and exists only to fulfill Tsubaki's wishes. Sabers are looking for a way to escape ...







Volume 7[]

Seventh volume transcription

48 hours left until this city is "purified".

The Fake Grail War approaches its turbulent last stage. The sniper's bullet killed Flat, but he suddenly revived. With magical energy above a Heroic Spirit's, he became the greatest risk factor in the Grail War. And the masterminds made their decision: 48 hours left until this city is incinerated.



Volume 8[]

Eighth volume transcription

The Ishtar subjugation front gets into action. Calamities rain down on Snowfield. The summoned "typhoon" brings chaos to the Holy Grail War. As the large-scale clashes around the Neo Ishtar Temple are about to begin, a "shadow" appears accompanied by the tolls of the evening bell. And what will Ayaka do when she meets the members of the El-Melloi Classroom?


Volume 9[]

Ninth volume transcription

Simultaneous clashes. The conclusion remains unknown even by the mastermind, and yet the end draws close...

Having defeated the goddess Ishtar, the Holy Grail War approaches its climax. Hippolyta faces off against Alcides, her longstanding foe. The El-Melloi Classroom students keep Theia in check. Bazdilot and the police force's battle to the death. And Ayaka, who has just regained her memories...


女神イシュタルを討ち、聖杯戦争は佳境へ。宿敵アルケイデスに立ち向かうヒッポリュテ。ティアを食い止める エルメロイ教室の生徒たち。バズディロットと警官隊の死闘。その時、アヤカは自らの記憶を思い 出し――。


Fate/strange Fake was originally placed on Narita's homepage on April 1, 2008 under the title of "Fake/states night." It was presented as a prologue and introduction for a role playing style game as an April Fool's joke. The text was later edited and released in the form of a novel with the TYPE-MOON Ace Volume 2 magazine. It was a stand-alone novel with illustrations by Shidzuki Morii and an afterword by the author. It had an epilogue describing the Player character.

Years later, it was announced that both a novel and manga series would be officially published, and a brief trailer was made. The first novel was given an additional three chapters and released for sale in 2015. The epilogue with the Player character was removed in place of Ayaka Sajyou.

It is a common misconception among the fandom that Narita said he doesn't want Fate/strange Fake characters in Fate/Grand Order, but actually all he said was that a collaboration event shouldn't be expected until strange Fake is finished. He never forbade Grand Order from using strange Fake characters.[5]


The song "BELONG - From THE FIRST TAKE" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Yosh was used in the CM.


  1. Originally styled as Fate/strange fake. Alternatively styled as Fate strange Fake or Fate/strangeFake


  1. Fate/strange Fake Volume 6 - Chapter 20: "Dream Becomes Reality"

    "Part of the Holy Grail War that happened in Fuyuki. It was about 15 years ago, though.

  2. Fate/strange Fake Volume 1 - Prologue IV: Caster
  3. Fate/strange Fake Anime Announcement Tweet
  4. Fate/strange Fake World Premiere Announcement Tweet
  5. Ryohgo Narita Twitter 5:47 AM JST · Sept 25, 2022 Flag of Japan

External Links[]

Main works
Fate/Zero (AnimeMangaSound Drama) • Fate/stay night (Fate (AnimeManga) • Unlimited Blade Works (AnimeMovieManga) • Heaven's Feel (Movies(Presage FlowerLost ButterflySpring Song) Manga)) • Fate/hollow ataraxia (Manga)
Fate/Extra series
Fate/EXTRA (MangaLast EncoreRecord) • Fate/EXTRA CCC (Manga) • Fate/EXTRA CCC Fox TailFate/EXTELLAFate/EXTELLA LINK
Fate/Grand Order series
5th Anniversary "under the same sky"ArcadeChaldea Case FilesDuelFate/Grand Order (Anime (First OrderMoonlight/LostroomAbsolute Demonic Front: BabyloniaDivine Realm of the Round Table: CamelotGrand Temple of Time: Solomon) • Manga (Epic of Remnant (AgarthaSalemSE.RA.PHShimousaShinjuku) • mortalis:stellaturas réalta) • Stage Plays (Divine Realm of the Round Table: CamelotAbsolute Demonic Front: BabyloniaThe Grand Time Temple: Solomon)) • From LostbeltThe Heroic Spirit Food ChroniclesHeroic Spirit Lore ~Henry Jekyll/Hyde~Murder at the KogetsukanStrange Tales of Heroic Spirit Lore ~King of the Cavern, Edmond Dantès~A Study in the Dubious Meiho ManorVRWaltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM
Other Works
The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Case Files of Lord El-Melloi IIDominate Grail WarFate/Apocrypha (AnimeManga) • Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA (Anime) • Fate/LabyrinthFate:Lost EinherjarFate/PrototypeFate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky SilverFate/RequiemFate/Samurai RemnantFate/strange Fake (MangaWhispers of Dawn) • Fate/type RedlineFate/unlimited codesFate/unpublished materialFate/Zero Next EncounterGarden of Avalon
Parody Works
Carnival Phantasm (TAKE MOON) • Fate/Grand CarnivalFate/Freedom OrderFate/GUDAGUDA OrderFate/KOHA-ACEFate/Grand Order Gutentag OmenFate/Grand Order Gutentag Omen AdiosFate/Grand Order: Medb・Medb・Medb! Shimo Aono WorksFate/Grand Order MyCraft LostbeltFate/Grand Order QuestFate/IxtellaFate/mahjong night: Holy Tile WarFate/Pixel WarsFate/school lifeFate/stay night Comic BattleFate/tiger colosseumFate/Zero BlackKoha-AceLearn with Manga! FGOTeach Us FGO! The Grand Order of Greats and LegendsToday's Menu for Emiya FamilyTYPE-MOON Academy Chibichuki!Fate/Grand Order: Heian HEROES Piyo WorksYokai PARADE Piyo Fate/Grand Order WorksYokai PARADE Piyo
ArgonautsCaren SeriesChaldea Security OrganizationChurchCryptersClan CalatinEnforcement KnightFour FlushFour Heavenly KingsGerman Third Reich(Artificial Heroic Spirit Soldiers Held Krieger) • Godbreaker AllianceHassan-i-SabbahHeroic Spirit SwordmasterHornetImperial Japanese ArmyJapan's Three Great MonstersKnights of FiannaKnights of the Red BranchKnights of the Round Table(Lion KingLostbelt) • LōkapālaMachine GodMage's Association(Clock TowerAtlasWandering Sea) • Marble Trading CompanyNew Five Great MafiasNine Fox FoundationNine WorthiesOlympian SoldierOlympus Defense ForceSakura FiveShingon Tachikawa School(Eiten) • ShinsengumiTamamo NineThornTwelve OlympiansTwelve Paladins of CharlemagneWestern European PlutocracyZugzwang
Admirable Great TacticsAdvantageAge of GodsAhnenerbeBajiquanDivine ConstructDivine SpiritDragonDragon SmokeFuyuki CityGrand OrderHeroic SpiritHero of JusticeLostbelt KingMagecraftMagical GirlMasterMoon CellNight Wars of the British EmpireNoble PhantasmParameter RulesRound TableSaberfaceSaintServant(AlterClass CardDemiGrandHighLilyPseudoSantaServant Universe) • Servant UniverseSkillWild Hunt
Holy Grail Wars
FuyukiMoonTrue & FalseGreatAinsworthTokyoImperial"After"SubcategoryGrand Orders
Tsukihime series
TsukihimeTsukihime PLUS-DISCKagetsu TohyaMelty BloodMelty Blood Re-ACTMelty Blood Act CadenzaMelty Blood Actress AgainHana no MiyakoTsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Fate series
Fate/stay nightFate/hollow ataraxiaFate/ZeroFate/tiger colosseumFate/unlimited codesFate/EXTRAFate/EXTRA CCCFate/EXTRA CCC Fox TailFate/EXTELLAFate/EXTELLA LINKFate/EXTRA RecordFate/PrototypeFate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky SilverFate/LabyrinthFate/ApocryphaFate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYAFate/school lifeFate/strange fakeFate/Grand OrderFate/Grand Order ArcadeFate/RequiemFate/type RedlineFate:Lost Einherjar
Other works
All Around Type-MoonApril Fools' Day (Imperial RomaSensha Otoko) • CanaanClock Tower 2015Clockwick canaan-vailDDDDoujin worksFire GirlGirls' WorkKara no KyoukaiKoha-AceMahou Tsukai no YoruNotesTake MoonThe Adventures of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Case Files of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Room of the April WitchTsuki no SangoTYPE-MOON Fes.
Art books and Materials
Character MaterialFate/complete materialFate/side side materialePlus PeriodTYPE-MOON Ace