GUDAGUDA Taikou Legend ZIPANG (ぐだぐだ太閤伝ZIPANG?) is a manga written and illustrated by Keikenchi, serialized from 2022 to 2023 on the magazine Comptiq and the web magazine TYPE-MOON Comic Ace. The tankobon compilation was published on December 11, 2023 by Kadokawa[1] It is a side story of Koha-Ace, featuring a Holy Grail War set during the Sengoku period.
While first appearing to be an alternate history Holy Grail War during the Sengoku period, the setting of the series takes place within Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Noble Phantasm Golden Demon Realm ZIPANG at the end of the Imperial Capital Holy Grail Strange Story Memoirs, the Showa Sengoku Picture Scroll ~Finale~ ZIPANG.
- Oda faction
- Toyotomi Hideyoshi
- Okita Souji - Servant of Hideyoshi
- Nene - Hideyoshi's wife
- Oumandokoro - Hideyoshi's mother
- Toyotomi Hidenaga - Hideyoshi's brother
- Takenaka Shigeharu - Hideyoshi's retainer
- Oda Nobunaga - Hideyoshi's lord
- Shibata Katsuie - Nobunaga's retainer
- Niwa Nagahide - Nobunaga's retainer
- Sakuma Nobumori - Nobunaga's retainer
- Akechi Mitsuhide
- Hojo faction
- Hojo Ujimasa
- Ise Shinkurou - Servant
- Mouri Clan faction
- Takasugi Shinsaku - Servant
- Imagawa faction
- Uesugi faction
- Asakura faction
- Asakura Souteki - Servant
- Takeda faction
- Takeda Katsuyori
- Takeda Shingen - Servant
- Bonus pages characters:
- Medusa (Rider)
- Oda Nobunaga (Archer)
- Okita Souji
- Kohaku (Koha-Ace)
- Toyotomi Hideyoshi
- Ise Shinkurou
- Constantine XI
- Oumandokoro
- Takasugi Shinsaku
- Archetype: Earth (Servant)
- Okita Souji Alter
- Iyo
- Sen-no-Rikyu
- Komahime
- Yamanami Keisuke
- Huyan Zhuo
- Nine-Tattoo Dragon Eliza
- Huang Feihu
- Britomart
- Artoria Caster
- Senji Muramasa
- Melusine (Lostbelt)
- Oberon Vortigern
- Tezcatlipoca
- Johanna