Hana no Miyako! (花のみやこ!?) is a manga by Takeru Kirishima, the author of the Melty Blood manga series, featuring Miyako Arima as the main character. Set within a unique continuity, it borrows characters and character names from Tsukihime and Fate. It was serialized from November 26, 2012 to May 26, 2014, collected in three tankobon volumes. Later it is also serialized in the TYPE-MOON Comic Ace web magazine. It was canceled for undisclosed reasons and later continued as a self-published series on PixivWP under the title Hana no Miyako Legends (花のみやこ レジェンド?) with TYPE-MOON's blessing.[1] It is still ongoing with three chapters, but the author stated in 2017 that seven chapters are written but he has not been able to keep up with drawing.[2]
In Asagami Private High Class Academy, where disputes among students are settled with combat, aikido club member Shiki Nanaya is tasked with recruiting new members for the club. Her eyes fall on Miyako Arima, a quiet girl who, despite being at the bottom of the ranking at 2497th, seems somehow stronger than she lets on...
- Asagami Private High Class Academy
- Crimson Moon Committee (朱月会?)
- Miyako Arima
- Shiki Nanaya
- Fujiya Asagami
- Maki Akasa
- Hanei Kisaragi
- Akira Fudou
- Ryouko Nagare
- Yoshiaki Mikogami
- Kunitsuna Kugamine
- Kuuga Fujimura
- Sagara
- Kureha Kishimi
- Yumi Gotou
- Sayo Matou
- Arc Kizuki
- Maria E Sokaris
- Ami Kuzuki
- Ruri Fojou
- Minoru Mitsuzuri
- Sakura Kurogiri
- Artoria Pendragon
- Lance
- Gila Gilgamesh
- Sougen Jinan
- Master Panda
- Souichirou Kuzuki
- Akiha Moriuno
- Kirei
- Kiritsugu
- Bitou
- ↑ Takeru Kirishima's Blog - 2014-12-05 Post
- ↑ Takeru Kirishima's Pixiv
External Links[]
- Hana no Miyako! on the official TYPE-MOON Comic Ace website
- Takeru Kirishima's pixiv account
- Takeru Kirishima's blog
Main works |
Tsukihime • Tsukihime anime • Tsukihime PLUS-DISC • Kagetsu Tohya • Melty Blood • Melty Blood Re-ACT • Melty Blood Act Cadenza • Melty Blood Actress Again • Hana no Miyako |
Remake Works |
Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- • Melty Blood: Type Lumina • Tsukihime -The other side of red garden- |
Terms |
Advantage • Age of Gods • Ahnenerbe • Bajiquan • Church • Dead Apostle • Demons • Demon Hunter Organization • Familiar • Magecraft • Magical Girl • Marble Phantasm • Mystic Eyes of Death Perception • Reality Marble • Psychic • Tohno • True Ancestor • Vampire |