Hibiki Hibino (日比乃ひびき, Hibino Hibiki?) is a student attending Kagamisaki High School in Mahou Tsukai no Hako. She is the Holy Scripture Triten (聖典トライテン, Seiten Toraiten?) of Caubac Alcatraz. She is one of the mascots of the now defunct TYPE-MOON mobile site with Chikagi Katsuragi.
Hibiki's most notable family member is her grandfather.
As Triten, she was completed around the year 1000 as Caubac’s thesis on God’s love. By complete accident, she wound up being a model of the universe, and Caubac created his inescapable labyrinth just to protect her. One day, she inexplicably disappeared and reappeared in the outside world in the form of a human, Hibiki, which caused her creator to undergo a crisis of faith.[1]
Unflappably self-assured, Hibiki has a knack for turning any situation on its head with her words and actions. Despite her eccentricities, she's a kind-hearted soul, as evidenced by her relentless pursuit of the once-untouchable cool girl, Chikagi Katsuragi, ultimately earning her trust. These days, one of Hibiki's greatest joys is caring for Chikagi, whose coolness has demonstrably melted away.[2]
Carnival Phantasm[]
Hibiki makes a cameo appearance in the final episode helping at Ahnenerbe, and is seen at the party at the end.[3]
The 2013 Hibichika Special of Carnival Phantasm has a large majority of the episode revolving around Hibiki and her partner, Chikagi Katsuragi during their workdays at Ahnenerbe. She acts very friendly to the people around her, and is the only person Chikagi does not show hostility towards. She is a fan of the Afterschool Alleyway Alliance as well, though much to Satsuki Yumizuka's displeasure, when she tries to remember their name she gets it horribly wrong.
Fate/Grand Order[]
- Main article: Azumi-no-isora
Other appearances[]
In Fate/strange Fake, Francesca Prelati has a need for the Grail, apparently needing something on the level of the Grail to both find and deal with a particular "Great Labyrinth" whose entrance is even risky to look for,[4] so that she may capture "the microcosm of the world" within.[5]
Hibiki is stronger than normal humans as such with being the Holy Scripture Triten. While taking the form of Triten, she is capable of flight, levitation, creating energy barriers of light, manifesting energy attacks, and much more.
Triten was created by Caubac as a replica of all three components of a human being (mind, body, and soul) in text form, and by accident ended up being a model of the universe.[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1
[] TYPE-MOON Manuscript - Caubac Alcatraz, p.040-041 Caubac Alcatraz
Ranked 27 among the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors.
His Idea Blood is a "failed product" or perhaps simply "unneeded".
A vampire who was a believer to the church before turning Dead Apostle.
The Crimson Moon made him lose heart shortly before the transition to AD, but the Crimson Moon also saw potential in him and gave him his pure blood, turning him into an Ancestor.
Since then, he has been holed up in an underground cavern lamenting his vampiric transformation, since he was too ashamed to go see his pious companions, not to mention they would kill him on the spot if they saw what he turned into.
Later a lot happened, leading him to build the great labyrinth of Alcatraz.
Somewhen around the year 1000AD, he completed the Triten scripture.
No one saw him ever since.
The Holy Church and the vampire society believe that he built his castle to protect his written truth, the Triten scripture, and when he got that done, a random dimensional distortion turned the castle into some amazing labyrinth not even he can escape.
He turned himself into an inorganic object out of hatred for his body's need to suck blood to extend his life.
He takes the appearance of an ordinary padlock.
In Mahou Tsukai no Hako, it was established that Hibiki is an artificial lifeform (the Triten) who turned human and got lost among the people there.
« Our world was created by the Lord, and its surface is covered in His love. The way humans go hog wild over food and whatnot is also because of Lord's love. The Lord's love is like, super immeasurable to human beings. »
Under the thoughts quoted above, he comprehended the Lord's love and wrote it down. That's what the Triten scripture is.
The punchline here is there on proofread, he realized that he made a model of the universe.
He obviously wasn't trying to create a model of the universe, but that was the final result of what he tried to make.
By reaching the conclusion that the universe is direct proof of the Lord's love, Caubac established he was right and built his labyrinth in order to hide his super ultra awesome treasure literally anyone would desire.
By the way, the labyrinth was made using the same techniques used to make Triten. For that reason, it's constantly expanding at the same speed that the universe expands. Super inescapable.
Now, the following section is about progress caused by the events of Mahou Tsukai no Hako:
Caubac had complete faith in Triten, but he took his eyes away for one moment and Triten disappeared from its storage and went to be human in some Japanese café.
Triten was supposed to be his proof, Triten = the Lord's love, and yet the result of its evolution was a human being!
No true Catholics would see God inside themselves.
Caubac shat himself from shock when he learned about Hibiki.
"In my attempts to prove God is real, I proved that He isn't."
The following thoughts are the reasons why he considers Triten a mistake:
- We must not see God in ourselves.
- We must not pray for our own benefit. (Prayers are for the Lord's benefit. It's wrong to pray out of desire for salvation. You pray only for the Lord. Caubac's mindset is the same as Caren's.)
- The Lord's love is absolute and must never be questioned. Therefore we must not wish for the Lord to exist in any form different from the forms described in the scriptures.
God's Love = the world.
The fact that we're alive is a manifestation of His love and no matter how much suffering there is in the world, it's all part of grand system of God's deeds (love).
The world is a product of the Lord's thoughts.
Upon closer inspection of the components of the human being (body, mind, and soul), Caubac had the idea that he could prove the Lord's love by replicating all these components in text form.
He then started building his model from all possible accounts, probed into His whole Creation, gave it shape, and ended up with a model of the universe. (He didn't notice it was a model of the universe until it was complete)
And the fact that this universe was functional (even if there was no life in it) was all he needed to go ultra-convinced on his assumption that the Lord's love was real and that it approved his project.
Caubac built his labyrinth to protect this treasure. (Not because he was afraid of it being misused, simply because he was afraid of it being stolen from him)
He believed Triten was the only thing he needed in the whole wide world.
To be fair, that practically completed his purpose as a Dead Apostle as well, leaving him in a complete NEET state. He was right about Triten being the only thing he ever needed.
But imagine the panic when he found out Triten was operating as a human being.
It's the level of shock you get when your computer gets infected by a virus from a porn site.
He made a perfect image of God, and then it turned human.
Would that mean God is human?
That God is made from humans?
God eventually becomes human?
None of these options were possible. There is no God in humans.
But Triten became human.
The conclusion here is that human beings were all there was to the universe.
= God doesn't exist.
After approaching this line of argument, Caubac practically stopped thinking.
His strong will and proneness to delusion kept him on his feet, although in an unmoving state.
« One more time. I need to see Triten one more time. I could have just made a mistake somewhere along the way. Or maybe Triten really is... No, forget that thought. »
※Completing his "Or maybe Triten really is..." sentence:
And so he started looking for Hibiki. That's the whole backstory for Mahou Tsukai no Hako.
« Triten was a model for the universe with no life in it. (The word "life" here refers specifically to intelligent lifeforms capable of self-evolution.)
But in the process of its expansion, the universe birthed lifeforms.
That is God's true deed.
If Triten, an in-depth inspection of the Lord's love, birthed a human being, that's evidence pointing to the thought that the world is made from the Lord's love.
I knew I was right!
But... the problem is that by creating Triten, I kinda violated the creed that we mustn't create God. Actually, if a human can create God, then... »
He got lost in this labyrinth of thought.
All that said, even if Hibiki is indeed Triten (God), Caubac would deny the notion on the logic that "God is an omnipresent essence, not something with a physical presence".
« God's love exists.
But it can't take a human form.
It can't take a form humans can comprehend.
He can't be alive. »
Above is an example of cool speech he would to reject Hibiki's nature or pretend he never saw it.
...This is the story of how he ruined his own beliefs and came out of his 2000-year-long battle in total denial, but even after all this, he still prioritized the ideal form of God's love over his own happiness and salvation.コーバック・アルカトラス
それ以降は吸血鬼になってしまった自分の身を嘆きつつ、かつての仲間たち(信者たち)に合わせる顔がない、 そもそも会ったら殺してしまう、という事で地下洞窟に引きこもった。
聖堂教会、および吸血鬼社会において、コーバックは「自らが書き上げた真理の書・聖典トライテンを守るため に居城を改築していったら、いつのまにか次元のゆがんだ大迷宮になってしまい、本人さえ出られなくなった」 とされている。
「魔法使いの箱」において、ひびきは人工生命(トライテン)が人間になって紛れ込んだもの、という設定が加 わった。
「この世は主が創造したもの、地下は主の愛で包まれている。人間が暴徒化してヒャッハー食料だー、とかやる のも神の愛。神の愛のカタチとかマジ人間には計り知れない」という思想のもと、主の愛を理解し書き留めたも のが聖典トライテンである。
「主の愛の存在証明」=「宇宙」という結論に達したことでコーバックは自分の正しさを認識し、同時に、この 誰もが欲しがってやまないであろう超絶カッチョイイお宝を隠れそう、と迷宮を作り上げた。
ここから魔法使いの箱から進化。トライテンに絶対の自信を持つコーバックだが、ちょっと目を離しているうち にトライテンが保管庫から消失し、日本の喫茶店でなんか人間になってしまっていた。
トライテン=主の愛、証明であるのに、そのトライテンは進化結果として人間になりやがったので ある!
自分は神を証明するつもりで、神がいないことを証明してしまった、 と。
トライテンの言う「私は間違っていた」の理由として、「自分の中に神を見てはならない」「自分のために祈っ てはならない」(祈りは主のために。救いをもとめて主に祈る、はダメなのです。あくまで主のために祈るので す。カレンと同じ境地)「主の愛を絶対とし、疑わない。なので教典にある以外の主のカタチを願ってはいけな い」という考えがある。
僕らの生きているのは神さまの愛の具現であり、世界にはどのような苦しみが満ちていようと、それもまた大い なる神の御業(愛)のシステムの一つなのである。
人間の仕組み(魂・肉体・精神)を突き詰め、きちんと書物にすれば主の愛を明確に提示できるの ではないか。
そう考えってあらゆる記述、モデルを作り始めたコーバクは、森羅万象をつきつめてカタチにし、結果的に宇宙 のモデルケースができてしまった。
で、この宇宙が(たとえ生命がいないとしても)正しく機能していることこそが、世界には「主の愛」が存在し 、容認されているのだと超思いこむ。
つーかほとんど死徒としてゴールしたようなものなので、完全ニート状態。彼にはトライテンさえあれば良かっ たのです。
主の愛をつきつめたトライテンが人間を生むのなら、それはたっぱりこの世界主の愛そのものであることを証明 する材料になる。
けど……問題は、そのトライテンを自分が作ってしまったコトで、神を作ってはいけない教義に反しチャったよ な俺、つーか人間が作れる神ってことは……
……それは彼の二千年にわたる戦いの全否定、自らの信念を自らで台無しにする事になるが、それでも彼は「自 分の幸福、救い」より「理想的な神の愛」を優先したのである。 - ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Azumi-no-isora Profile - Translated by UdonSamurai
- ↑ Carnival Phantasm Episode 12: "Badump! Date Super Plan - Answer"
- ↑ Fate/strange Fake Volume 3 - Prologue IX: "The Star Performers' Feast (Part 2)"
- ↑ Fate/strange Fake Volume 6 - Chapter 18: "As Dream and Reality are Both Illusion I"
Mahou Tsukai no Hako |
Chikagi Katsuragi • Hibiki Hibino • Mr. Cellphone • Sunao Sugata • Chidori Katsuragi • Clara Kurieda • Harriet Frise • Lorenz Trendel • Marie Muller • Mayuko Mayuzumi • Nozomi Kuroi • Serena Sarashina |