The Magician of the Third Magic (第三魔法の魔法使い?) is the magician who discovered the Third Magic.
The Magician discovered the Third Magic some time in the Age of Gods before 100 BC.[1] They gathered a following of students during that time.[2] The Magician lost their life at the end of the Age of Gods on the night before the advent of the common era.[1] It was also said they disappeared.[3] The Third Magic was considered lost after that,[2] but it was recognized in the modern day that, of the five magicians, only the Magician of the First Magic was deceased while the other four were considered "still alive."[4]
As of 1AD, the human students of the Magician, unable to replicate the miracle of the Third Magic themselves, created the Einzbern homunculus factory in an attempt to create a homunculus identical to their master who would be able to reproduce it.[2] While the homunculi possessed minds, knowledge, and purity greater than that of humans, they lacked "true souls" that were unable to achieve materialization through the Third Magic.[1] After 900 years of creating homunculi, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern, nearly identical to the Magician, was created, but she possessed several fatal flaws that stopped her from being able to truly reproduce the Third Magic.[1][2] This failure caused the humans to abandon the homunculus factory and others to take their own lives. The homunculi continued to act autonomously under the guidance of golem Jubstacheit von Einzbern in seeking restoration of the Third Magic.[2]
The Magician has not appeared in any works.
The Third Magic allows for the materialization of the soul. It allows the practitioner to obtain immortality and "acquire an unlimited source of magical energy due to the soul becoming analogous to a perpetual motion machine."[4]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Heaven's Feel III Bluray booklet Q&A
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
[] Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Season 2 DVD Booklet Animation Elements p.19-27 [T] • The origins of Einzbern
A factory originally created by the students of the magician who realized the third magic. Began in the year 1 AD.
They attempted to reproduce their master’s miracle, but couldn’t do it themselves, so as an alternate plan they tried to recreate a specimen identical to their master and have it reproduce the magic.
After nearly 900 years of effort, Justeaze—the homunculus who would come to be called the Winter Saint—was forged.
She was a model that strayed from what the magi had intended, created completely by accident, but her abilities were equal to or above those of their master.
The magi should have been elated about Justeaze, but they couldn’t be happy. After all, she was a mutation that was born regardless of their own techniques or skills.
Even if that specimen was to reproduce the third magic, that conclusion would be harder for them to bear than 900 years of failure.
The magi deperately attempted to create a homunculus that excelled Justeaze by their own techniques.
The artificial intelligence created to act as the castle’s central management—the golem Jubstacheit—was the pinnacle of their craft, and became the father of all homunculi created at Einzbern.
Justeaze succeeded at proving the third magic.
However, it was not cost-effective. Justeaze’s use of the third magic was like careful knitting. It would take several years to save just one person, making the salvation of the entire human race virtually unattainable.
In addition, while Justeaze herself did not age, her body was so frail it would take little to kill her, so she could not leave the castle.
Since her intelligence and mentality were also unaging, she did not develop at all. From an outside perspective, it was as if she was repeating a single day for all eternity.
If she were to leave the castle she would be freed from this “single day,” but the act of leaving the castle signified an easy death for Justeaze.
In the end, they accepted that humans could create something that surpassed humans, but not something that could save humans.
… Or perhaps they would not have failed if a miracle like Justeaze had not occurred.
The magi despaired the limits of their abilities. Some abandoned the castle, while others took their own lives.
The homunculi left at Einzbern were abandoned by their creators, but in their purity, they continued to operate the factory for the sake of the creators’ ideology—the salvation of humankind, the reproduction of a miracle.
From then on, all homunculi created at Einzbern were based off of Justeaze.
Jubstacheit created a humanoid terminal unit, and used it as the manager of Einzbern. Though by the end he operated even Acht (the eighth humanoid terminal), he did not possess a personality.
He only included the necessary “humanity” to operate the castle and reproduce the third magic into each of his humanoid terminals, and made them act like humans.
Jubstacheit is essentially an automaton that cannot progress, but continues operating in perpetuity. His way of existence is just like an old clock ticking away, being forgotten by people before running down.
• The great grail
Five hundred years after the magi departed from Einzbern, a model plan was devised for a wide-area operation device for the third magic using Justeaze.
Einzbern had determined that reproducing Justeaze was impossible.
Their plan of keeping Justeaze safe because she was a unique and valuable model switched to a plan to use that unique model to mass-produce miracles.
(This was not Jubstacheit’s plan, but a consensus of opinion within Einzbern. Because the homunculi were pure, they chose the method with the greatest probability of success. In fact, Jubstacheit was the only intelligence that voted against this.)
Justeaze could only use the third magic on one human over a period of decades. Therefore, using Justeaze as a frame, they would create a “greater” magic formula and save many humans at once.
The plan was to disassemble her magic circuits and replace them with a magic formula, creating a humanoid universe—the great grail.
But Einzbern alone could not start this project.
They were no more than dolls. They had no way to live in the outside world, and they couldn’t handle the complexity of human society.
To create the great grail and reproduce the third magic, they needed understanding and cooperative humans.
Then, in the year 1800, a guest arrived at the winter castle that had continued to produce homunculi.
Makiri Zolken. A magus who had devoted his life to eliminating all the evils of the world, the evils of humanity.
(At this point, Zolken was mostly disillusioned. He knew it was about time to give up, but calling on Einzbern was his last hope. He met Justeaze, and felt a complicated mix of emotions—hope towards fulfilling his ambition, jealousy at her ability to use the third magic, and pity for Justeaze’s eternal youth causing her to “repeat the same day.”)
With Makiri’s understanding and Tōsaka’s cooperation, Einzbern began to create the great grail.
However, once they started, they determined that Justeaze alone was not enough.
They could create a great grail. They could create its core. However, to operate it they would need vast amounts of magical energy, and a lesser grail to control it.
Makiri and Tōsaka devised a ritual to collect magical energy using Justeaze’s ability to connect with the root: the grail war.
Despite being unable to reproduce Justeaze, Einzbern created a lesser grail with similar abilities to hers.
After 10 years, the project was finally complete.
The grail war ritual was successful, and the great grail lit up.
But its first operation ended in dismal failure.
There was no flaw in the great grail itself.
The problem lay in the craftsmen and magi who participated.
Instead of using the precious magic reactor core for the sake of the whole planet, the magi killed each other out of a desire to use it for the sake of their own race or society.
Einzbern had been unable to understand the thought processes of the humans who operated the great grail.
• Irisviel and Illyasviel
Einzbern learned from the failure of the grail war and changed their plans.
Justeaze no longer existed.
While preparing to restart the great grail, they returned to their original goal and focused on creating a perfect homunculus.
As a result, they created Irisviel, a homunculus with the function of a lesser grail. They expanded on her further and Illyasviel, a homunculus that was the pinnacle of Einzbern’s technique, was born.
• Tuners
This is a digression, but separate from the winter castle is the tuners’ building (a small house), inhabited by a family of human magi, not homunculi.
Since the homunculi cannot negotiate with human society, the tuners went into town in their place and barter for needed materials. Traders, essentially.
Still, they are a talented magus family, and possess strong artistry. Humans without strong aesthetic sense could never take care of Einzbern, after all.
The tuner family’s numbers dwindled along with Einzbern’s decline, and in the end only one remained.
It seems he often worked in the castle as a butler, teaching the secluded, medieval-minded homunculi about the outside world.
It’s unknown what kind of conclusion that tuner chose after Illya lost and Jubstacheit shut himself down.
• In summary: so what is Einzbern?
A factory in which homunculi continued operating towards the ideals and goals humans had given them, after the magi had left.
Jubstacheit is something like the factory’s central management program. A monolith. Acht is his terminal.
Even after their creators had given up and died, the homunculi in the winter castle devoted themselves to making their masters’ dream come true.
What lies at the basis of the Einzbern factory and many discarded things is the purity of machines.
Imagine a doll that can speak to its owner, but only a few phrases.
“Hello,” “thank you,” “I’m sorry,” “good night”—“I love you.”
These reactions delight the buyer, but it’s clear that they will soon be disappointed.
“No matter what I say, the doll can only say predetermined phrases. It just keeps repeating that tired old ‘I love you.’ ”
Realizing that the love the doll speaks of is a false emotion, the buyer will likely discard it eventually.
But humans are the ones who see that as empty words and a manufactured fake.
Even if it doesn’t have a “heart,” even if it’s only repeating the same words, there are no lies in the actions of machines.
They innocently carry out the task they were given.
“I love you.”
Though abandoned, forgotten, and scorned as out-of-date dolls, they continue to carry out their mission, unchanged from the time they were designed.
Machines do not lose their worth when a newer model appears.
Their worth (life) ends when humans can no longer bear that purity.■アインツベルンの始まり
彼らは師の奇跡を再現しようと試みるも自分たちの手では叶わず、代案として師と同一の個体を作り、その個体 に魔法を再現させようとした。
彼女はまったくの偶然で作られた、魔術師たちの思惑とは外れたモデルだったが、その性能は彼らの師と同様か 、それを上回るものだった。
魔術師たちはユスティーツアを超えるホムンクルスを自らの技術体系で作りだそうと躍起になった 。
城の中枢制御用に作られた人工知能 …… ゴーレム・ユーブスタクハイトは彼らの技術の結晶であり、アインツベルンで作られるホムンクルスたちすべて の父となった。
ただしコストが悪い。ユスティーツァの第三魔法は丁寧な編み物に近い。人間一人を救済するのに数年をかける ようなもので、全人類の救済にはとても届かない。
その知性、精神性も不老である為、まったく成長しない。客観的に見れば「同じ一日を永遠に繰り返している」 ようなもの。
城の外に出れば彼女は「同じ一日」から解放されるが、城の外に出る事はユスティーツァにとって緩やかな死を 意味する。
人の手で人間を超えるものは作れても、人の手で人間を救えるものは作れない、と彼らは受け入れ た。
.....あるいは。ユスティーツァという奇跡さえ発生しなければ、彼らの挫折は訪れなかったのかもしれな いが。
アインツベルンに残されたホムンクルスたちは創造主に捨てられたものの、その純粋さから彼らの 理念—
以後、アインツベルンで作られるホムンクルスはすべてユスティーツァをベースにしたものとなる 。
ユーブスタクハイトは人間型の端末筐体を製造し、これをアインツベルンの管理者として使用する。最終的には アハト(八代目の人型端末 )まで稼働するユーブスタクハイトだが、彼に人格は存在しない。
あくまで〃城を動かすもの〃〃第三魔法を再現するもの〃として、その都度、必要な〃人間性〃を人型端末に植 え付け、人間のフリをさせている
ユーブスタクハイトの本質は〃進歩できないかわりに、永久に稼働し続ける〃オートマトンである。そのあり方 はユツユツと時を刻み、自壊する前に人々の記憶から忘れ去られる古時計そのものだ。
一機しかいない貴重なモデルなので保存してお、くという方針から、一機の貴重品を使って奇跡を量産化する、 という方針に切り替えた。
(これはユーブスタクハイトの方針ではなくアインツペルンの総意。ホムンクルスたちは純粋なので、より可能 性のある方法を選んだ。むしろユーブスタクハイトは唯一、反対に票を投じた知性だった)
なのでユスティーツァという機体を使って「より大きな」魔術式を作り、一度に多くの人間を救え ばいい。
(ゾォルケンもこの段階でほぼ夢破れている状態。もう諦めるべきだと分かっていながら、最後の希望でアイン ツベルンを訪れた。そうしてユスティーツァに出会い、悲願達成への希望、第三魔法を可能とするユスティーツ ァへの羨望、不老の代償に『一日を永遠に繰り返す』ユスティーツァへの哀れみ等の複雑な感情に とらわれる )
マキリと遠坂は魔力集め—根源と接続できるユスティーツァの特性を生かした儀式、聖杯戦争を立 案。
アインツベルンはユスティーツァの再現といかずとも、彼女に近い性能を持った小聖杯を作成する 事になった。
せっかくの魔術炉心を魔術師たちは惑星のために使うのではなく民族のため、己が社会のために使おうと殺し合 った。
彼らは大聖杯の再稼働を進めながら、当初の目的に立ち返った。完成されたホムンクルスの製造に 注力した。
その結果、小聖杯としての機能を持ったホムンクルス・アイリスフィールが作られ、さらにその発展—アインツ ベルンの全技術の最高水準であるホムンクルスであるイリヤスフィールが誕生した。
彼らは人間社会とうまく交渉できないホムンクルスたちの代わりに町に出て必要な物資を交換してくる、いわば 商人だ。
身も高い芸術性を持っている。優れた美術観を持つ人間でなければアインツベルンの面倒は見られ ないからだ。
彼は人間社会にうとく中世の感覚のまま暮らしているホムンクルスたちに外の世界を教える執事として城で働く 事も多かったという。
イリヤが失敗し、ユーブスタクハイトが自らの電源を落とした後、この調律師がどのような結末を選んだかは定 かではない。
魔術師がいなくなった後、彼らに作られたホムンクルスたちが、人間の目指した理想と目的のために稼働し続け ている工場。
ホムンクルスたちは創造主があきらめ死に絶えた後も、冬の城で主が夢見たものを叶えようと研鑽 していた。
『ごきげんよう』 『ありがとう』 『ごめんなさい』 『おやすみなさい』—『あなたを愛しています』その反応に喜ぶ買い主だが、すぐに失望するのは 明白だ。
人形が語っていたのは偽物の愛、偽物の感情だ青だと思い知り、買い主はいずれ人形を破棄するだ ろう。
捨てられ、忘れ去られ、時代遅れの人形と蔑まれても、彼女たちは作られた時の制作意図から変わることなく使 命を果たし続ける。
いのだ価値は終わるのだ。 - ↑
[] Fate/Side Material - Encyclopedia: Magic [Miracle], p.075 [T] Magic [Miracle]
A mystery distinct from magecraft. The final destination of magi.
"Magic" is that which makes the impossible into the possible, for a given era. A "result" which can be realized with the application of time and effort is not magic.
In the past, when civilization was young, most magi were also magicians, but currently only five remain.
…Well, that's what they say, but there are actually only four still alive.
The magician that handled the First magic already died a long, long time ago.
Of the remaining four, two have disappeared, and two are bothersome people that pop up all over the place leaving trouble in their wake.魔法【奇蹟】
魔術とは違う神秘。 魔術師たちの最终到達地点。
その時代で実現不可能な出来事を可能とするのが『魔法』であり、時間と資金をかければ実現できる“結果” は魔法とは呼ばれない。
残る四人中、二人は姿を眩ましているが、二人は頻繁に現れてはトラブルを起こして立ち去るという、実にはた迷惑な者ども。 - ↑ 4.0 4.1
[] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: "Magic" making the impossible possible, p.048 "Magic" making the impossible possible
True Magic. This is a different mystery than magery. Magi call the events that are unachievable by magery and science in that age True Magic. If that event could be achieved by time and resources, then no matter the difficulty, that event will not be seen as True Magic.
When the civilization of mankind was still young, all magery had been True Magic. But along with the advancement of science, the number of things that "could be done" by people had increased, and in exchange, True Magic diminished. The number of remaining "True Magics" in the modern era are extremely few, only 5. In "Fate/stay night", the achievement of one of these, the "Third True Magic", occupied the portion of the Grail War that could also be said to be its base.
All magi strive to arrive at "True Magic". Even if they can't reach it, the next generation will. Even the next generation can't reach it, then the one after....and like that, thus was weaved the history of trial and error of magery.
True Magic
First True Magic One of the oldest True Magics but the details about it are unknown. What it involves appears to be common knowledge to some magi of privileged rank. Though the wielder of the First Magic is already passed from this World, it is said that a personage who is of direct descent narrowly survives.
Second True Magic The True Magic that observes the infinite parallel worlds and travels between alternative worlds. Its user is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. With this magic, this man was able to create a jewel sword to absorb mana from the other worlds and a box that could store an immense amount of objects.
Third True Magic Materialization of the soul, in other words, the magic that realizes true immortality. When accomplished, the practitioner will acquire an unlimited source of magical energy due to the soul becoming analogous to a perpetual motion machine. This is the Magic of the Einzbern lineage, and the Holy Grail War was established to acquire this Magic.
Fourth True Magic Like the First True Magic, the details about it are unknown. What it involves hasn't been heard of either. But, the currently existing wizards, when pointing out to the Fourth True Magic, they'll all say "it is there for sure", and will agree that it exists. Also, they don't know the name of the user either.
Fifth True Magic The True Magic that the Traveling Magician Aozaki Aoko inherited from her grandfather. Its nickname is "Magic Blue." The user Aozaki Aoko is average as a magus but displays transcendence with destruction. Because of this trait, there is a rumor that "Magic Blue" is also a True Magic involving destruction.
•The Five Magicians
There are five True Magics left in the current age. Those who use them are called "Magicians". The user of the First Magic, the oldest True Magic, is said to be dead, so the ones that are "still alive" are four. Let's say that "what had been possible only by True Magic" then becomes achievable by developments in magery or scientific technology. True Magic will be lowered to a mere "craft". Many True Magics were lost from the world like that. Then, can the power of "True Magic" only fade out hereon? No. The arrival of magi at existing or as of yet uncharted new Magic can allow new True Magic to be born and the numbers to be increased. Needless to say, this is far more difficult than a camel passing through the eye of a needle and finding one speck of a jewel in a desert. However, it's not impossible. The existence of the Wizards is proof of that. Thus, magi strive for the heights of True Magic. Believing they will one day reach the stars in the skies with their own hands, they continue dedicating themselves to their studies daily.
•Death of True Magic, Death of a Magician
A Magician, just like a magus, has a long life. If one uses life-prolonging magic, it wouldn't be impossible to live a few hundred, a few thousand years either. But, the "end" will come for sure. Then, would the death of a Magician mean the death of the True Magic he uses? No, it would not. True Magic will be passed on to the inheritor of the next generation and will not disappear. If True Magic were to die, it would only be when it could be realized by normal means.