Marble Phantasm
Noble Phantasm

Marble Phantasm (空想具現化(マーブル・ファンタズム), Kūsō Gugenka(Māburu Fantazumu)?, Fantasy Manifestation) is the ability possessed by the Nature Spirits that are the Planet's sense of touch, allowing them to reconstruct the world through probability alteration. By connecting their will to the world, they can transfigure it into whatever environment they imagine. However, the same cannot be done with things like humans or animals, which exist independently of the world. Imagination Realization is purely the ability to freely transform one's surroundings.[1][2]

The capacity of the actualization is proportional to the scale of the Elemental. The term "Elemental" usually refers to Spirits from nature when used by itself. The spiritual realm isn't a world separated from the real world, but localized regions thought of by the Elemental that creates them, such as legendary lands and countries of eternal spring are the products of the imagination of whatever Elemental rules over them; hence it is possible for a human to stray into it.[1]

When Arcueid uses Marble Phantasm on Roa, she turns layers of the corridor's AtmosphereWP into a vacuum that had cut him like a knife would a radish. Although Roa himself was not affected, there was no way to avoid being chopped in pieces by the atmosphere, and Roa only narrowly managed to remain as just his ankles - Arcueid's imagination didn't go as far as having the floor dislocate.[1][3]

In the remake continuity, during her fight with Michael Roa Valdamjong, Arcueid Brunestud activates her trump card to change the corridor's shape to become an ethereal crystallized form of itself. This disables Roa's Thaumaturgical Foundation, sealing him in a confined space that is visualized as a cube that appears before Arcueid, then proceeds to swipe her claws over it, causing Roa's body to be disintegrated.[4] This is portrayed through her Last Arc Marble Phantasm - Event Storage (空想具現化(くうそう ぐ げん か)事象収納(じ しょうしゅうのう), Māburufantazumu(Kū-sō Gugenka)Jishō Shūnō(Jishi~youshuunou)?).

If Arcueid takes off her limiter, she can probably materialize an entire small village in the mountains. In locations where humans have made changes, it will take more time to first break it down.[5]

The Skill Schwipsig is Anastasia's past nickname (means "little imp"), while also one of Viy’s abilities. It makes all forms of minor impossibilities possible. It enables small prank-level Marble Phantasms, such as transferring what the opponent is holding to her own hands or opening a crack on the ground and getting the opponent’s foot stuck there. It’s quite the absurd ability, but it’s unable to cause any lethal damage.[6]

The concept works on "clustering illusion" theory of probability.[5] Much like a mathematical metaphor involving drawing a white marble from a bag of black marbles with a one percent chance, Marble Phantasm is the ability to raise that chance to one hundred percent and definitely pick the white one amongst all the black ones. This remains within the laws of the world, but similarly, a Reality Marble would allow for all of the marbles to turn into white ones.[7] This is something the world wouldn't naturally allow. It can be considered more efficient, but Reality Marbles can only specialize in that one aspect, while Marble Phantasm can perform any number of things. Reality Marbles can also affect things not of nature, so they can also be called superior in that sense.

Users of Marble Phantasm[]

Millennium Castle Brunestud[]

The Millennium Castle Brunestud (千年城ブリュンスタッド, Sennenjō Buryunsutaddo?), originally the lair from Crimson Moon Brunestud and a piece of his Reality Marble[8] in the mountains, is currently reproduced by Arcueid's use of Marble Phantasm that she calls home.[1]

The original master of Millennium Castle has already been annihilated, but since then, those True Ancestors that were able to form it, through their Marble Phantasm ability, were given the title of Brunestud and treated as royalty. True Ancestors, beings that have no concept of social stratification, call Arcueid the princess for this reason. It is existing in the location closest to the moon, not topographically, but where the world receives the most influence of the moon. It is the castle Arcueid sealed herself into, depicted as chaining herself to the throne, after getting tricked into drinking blood by Roa and killing other True Ancestors.[8] Even without Arcueid around, the castle is still seemingly in existence, but without "life". To the True Ancestors, the castle was probably their absolute protection.

Moreover, the reason why the Millennium Castle suddenly appeared in the city of Souya in the Ciel route is simply because its True Ancestor lord (Arcueid) willed it into existence.[2]

The Witch Swift Umbrella in the World of Notes. is said to be the "original form" of the Millenium Castle Brunestud.[9]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
    [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Marble Phantasm [Unusual talent], p.178

    Marble Phantasm [Unusual talent]
    Imagination Realization. As the name suggests, it is the ability to manifest anything you can imagine.
    It is the ability possessed by elementals, which are the sense of touch of the natural world. By connecting their will directly to the world, they are able to transfigure the world into whatever environment they imagine. Of course, the level of manifestation varies depending on the scale of the elemental, and it goes without saying that only nature can be transfigured – things that exist independently of nature are immune.
    In Tsukihime, Arcueid eliminated Roa by using marble phantasm to turn the layers of the atmosphere in the hallway into a vacuum, like a carving knife slicing up a daikon radish. Though she could not affect Roa himself, it was impossible for him to avoid the finely sliced atmosphere, and he was reduced to nothing but ankles.
    (The gap above the floor was the result of a deficiency in Arcueid's imagination.)
    Also, in the world of Tsukihime spiritual realms are not alternate dimensions, but rather exist within the world itself. Things like legendary lands and countries of eternal spring are the products of the imagination of whatever elemental rules over them. Consequently, it is possible for humans to wander into them by accident.
    The castle in the mountains that Arcueid calls home is actually a product of her marble phantasm.


  2. 2.0 2.1
  3. Tsukihime - Near Side: Arcueid's Route, 12/The World of the Moon - 11th day/October 31 (Sun.)
  4. Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - Moon Princess route - Day 13: "The Face of the Moon"
  5. 5.0 5.1
    Staff Roundtable - The First Night

    This will be the final question. Honestly, how "strong" is Arcueid? To what degree can she utilize her Marble Phantasm ability?

    Nasu: If Arc takes off her limiter, she can probably materialize an entire small village in the mountains. But in modern towns that have been built up thanks to the work of many people, she has to destroy in order to create. More time is necessary. During this time, the Church would find her, then shout "Stop!" and then it'd become a war. It's very hard to face humans simply with Marble Phantasm. Maybe other creatures, but not humans. Honestly, though, Arc is like a God. A spirit in flesh.

    Is that something you can say of all the True Ancestors?

    Nasu: There are all types of True Ancestors, strong and weak. But Arcueid is a sublimation on the level of the First True Ancestor, she is beyond the other True Ancestors. By the way, the Marble Phantasm stuff is all connected to the "clustering illusion" theory of probability.

    ―――じゃあ最後の質問になります。ぶっちゃけた話、アルクェイドはどのくらい「強い」んですか?たとえば 、空想具現化能力とはどんなレベルの事まで可能になるんでしょう?

     きのこ>アルクだったら、リミッター解除すれば山奥に1つの街を作り上げる事ぐらいできます。 ただ、人 の手が入りすぎている現代の街では、まず壊してから作る、という事になるので長い時間が必要となり、その間 に教会にかぎつけられて「ストップ!」と戦争に なりますねー。基本的に空想具現化だけでは人間に手を加える事は極めて困難です。他の動物なら、できちやう みたい。まあ、ぶっちゃけていっちやうと、アル クってかみさまみたいです。肉をもった精霊だから。


     きのこ>真祖といってもピンからキリまでいるので。アルクエイドは一番初めの真祖と同位の結晶だから、次元 が違います。とまあ、こんなところ。ちなみにマーブル・ファンタズム、という呼称のマーブル、はダンゴ現象 から由来しているみたいです。確率論、みたいな。

  6. Fate/Grand Order material VII - Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Profile translated by ComunCoutinho
  7. [v] TYPE-MOON BBS

    Marble Phantasm marble explanation

    Original quote: ちなみにマーブル・ファンタズム、という呼称のマーブル、はダンゴ現象から由来しているみたいです。確率論 、みたいな。

    Question: [73 のレス1] Name:■ Date:2001/12/07(Fri) 22:27 HP

    大理石、というよりはおはじき? でしょうかね。よくわかりませんが。
    ええと、昔スタッフ座談会できのこさんが"マーブル"はダンゴ現象に由来していると言ってまし た。
    ダンゴ現象っていうのは、例えば0と1がそれぞれ50%の確率で出現する場において、そのどちらか一方がた またま何度も連なって出現する現象…なんだろうか?
    要するに、前述の0と1が50%…というのは自然な状態ですよね。で、その自然法則に支配された状況下にお いても、ダンゴ現象のようにまるで人の手が加わってるのではと疑ってしまうような状況が起こり うる。
    なら空想具現化や固有結界というのは世界に直結する事によりあらゆる事象が発生する確率に干渉し、それによ って偶然中の偶然とも言える事象を意図的に発生させるというものなのではないかな、と。
    例えば本当に偶然と偶然が重なり合って生み出された、まるで人工物のように見える自然物というのも存在して います。なら確率に干渉すればブリュンスタッド城みたいなものを具現化できても不思議はないかもしれません 。

    Nasu's response: Name:きのこ Date:2001/12/08(Sat) 12:39
    大正解ー! そのマーブルですー。

  8. 8.0 8.1
    [v] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Brunestud [Term], p.188

    Brunestud [Term]
    Despite being Arcueid's last name, strictly speaking it is actually more like a title. It is possessed by all of the members of True Ancestor royalty.
    The Millennium Castle Brunestud where Arcueid had sealed herself away is not her original creation, but was actually created in the past by the most powerful True Ancestor, using marble phantasm. That original lord of Castle Brunestud died long ago, but ever since those True Ancestors capable of forming the castle have been uplifted as royalty. This is why the True Ancestors, who have no concept of hierarchy, nevertheless call Arcueid their princess.
    After being tricked by Roa and killing most of the True Ancestors, Arcueid crucified herself on the throne of the castle she materialized herself. A thousand chains stretched from the castle's outer walls to the throne, so that she may seal herself away forever.
    In Melty Blood, the Tatari Arcueid materialized the Millennium Castle. Later, in Re-act, it also appeared in her Arc Drive.
    Currently, there are only two bloodsuckers with the name of Brunestud: Arcueid and Altrouge.


  9. [v] Character Material - Ado Edem, p.030-031

    Introduction - Knight Arm Slash Emperor

    The Knight Arm that Ado Edem possesses. The sword that consumes planets.

    It is a simple Knight Arm that is able to grow according to the size of its opponent.

    The seed that Edem holds in his hand sprouts and grows at the speed of his thoughts.

    However, with regards to this sword’s use of True Ether (Grain), it requires huge quantities to manifest itself, and needs an enormous convertible energy source.

    As the sword grows larger, it chips away at the earth to do so.
    This method of gaining energy by eroding the earth is similar to that of the old world. Edem’s Knight Arm can be called the embodiment of human nature, as it destroys the world in order to protect humans.

    Before it takes form, the Knight Arm stays in a seed-like state, and when Edem awakens it by driving it into the earth, it grows like a plant.

    Pictured is its usual battle state. The blue aura-like part is not the Grain released by the blade, but the sky split open by the blade. Splitting apart the “red sky” of the wasteland world and displaying its true state is the dignity of Slash Emperor.

    Explanation - Ado Edem

    The Ether Liner who manifests the Knight Arm, Slash Emperor.

    He was an Ether Liner who did not stand out much during the war with the A-rays, but suddenly rose to prominence when the Aristoteles invaded.

    He used Slash Emperor to slash through “The Black Aristoteles” (Type:Jupiter) in a single blow.

    Later, because the power of his Knight Arm was too great, the A-Rays, Liners, and many Ether Liners united to imprison him in the Witch Swift Umbrella, a disposal area created in the Great Rift.

    …As the war with the Aristoteles approached a close, he was seen as humanity’s trump card and thrown into the conflict, and was able to destroy “The Cross” (Type:Saturn), the fortress-like Aristoteles that had been attacked uselessly for a long time. His fate afterwards is unknown.

    Explanation 02: Witch Swift Umbrella

    A castle built in the Great Rift.

    Its name originates from its scaffolding, which looks similar to a large, upside-down, open umbrella.

    The original form of the Millenium Castle Brunestud from Tsukihime. A prison resembling a castle, with many walls and layers of gates linked with thousands of chains.

    Even standing up from the throne would require enough power to destroy the entire castle.

    Additionally, it is said that in order to reach the throne, one must pass through 78 “magic doors” that a normal Ether Liner would be unable to destroy.

    Explanation 03: The Great Rift

    Of the Six Sisters who lead the A-Rays, the youngest sister created this great crevice that split the earth in two.

    It was not intentionally created by the Six Sisters. Instead, as Ether Liners slew the youngest Sister, her death struggle rent a crack in the earth.

    By the way, even though “Magic” has been lost in the Land of Steel, the Six Sisters were indeed “Real Magic Users”.

    Explanation 04: Ether Liners

    The people who evolved into a new type of human in order to survive on and adapt to this wasteland are called Liners. Among them are also those who maintain their human shape but continue to evolve.

    From birth, they have an extra organ outside of their body, and in time this uses Grain to manifest matter.  These are known as Knight Arms, and those who can use this Knight Arm are called Ether Liners.

    Source: Source/(over count 1999) (From Tsukihime Dokuhon)

    A story that describes the extermination of humanity, and the war between the new humans and the planets. Its genre is science fiction.

    It recounts fairy tales of the war between the new humans, who adapted to the environment, and the A-Rays, who came from the artificially created next-generation ecosystems.

    On the planet that was doomed to death, political strife developed between the two races, to the point where the mysterious beings, the Aristoteles, rushed over from the universe with the intent of completely wiping out all life---

    In any case, ultimately it is a hopeless story.

Main works
TsukihimeTsukihime animeTsukihime PLUS-DISCKagetsu TohyaMelty BloodMelty Blood Re-ACTMelty Blood Act CadenzaMelty Blood Actress AgainHana no Miyako
Remake Works
Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-Melty Blood: Type LuminaMELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA Piece in ParadiseTsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- Moon PhaseTsukihime -The other side of red garden-
AdvantageAge of GodsAhnenerbeBajiquanChurchDead ApostleDemonsDemon Hunter OrganizationFamiliarMagecraftMagical GirlMarble PhantasmMystic Eyes of Death PerceptionReality MarblePsychicTohnoTrue AncestorVampire
Bounded FieldConceptual WeaponMagic (Second MagicThird MagicFifth Magic) • Magical Spells (AstromancyGradation AirFlash AirTuning) • Marble PhantasmMystic CodeMystic Eyes (Mystic Eyes of Death Perception) • PsychicReality Marble
BicornCentaurDaemonDead ApostleDemonDemon BoarDivine SpiritDollDragonD'yavol TronFairyFamiliarGazerGiantGolemHomunculusHumanHydraLamiaMagicianMagusMixed-BloodOniOuter GodPhantasmal SpeciesSoul EaterSphinxSpiritsVampireUltimate OneTenguTrue AncestorWitchWizardXianYaga
Holy Grail War
Anti-HeroCatalystCommand SpellBlackeningGreater Holy Grail of FuyukiLesser Holy Grail of FuyukiHeroic SpiritHoly GrailIncarnationMasterMirror WorldOverseerNoble PhantasmParameter RulesSaint GraphServant (Class CardDemi-ServantGrand ServantHigh-ServantPseudo-ServantServant Universe) • Servant classesSkill
Holy Church (Burial Agency (Remake)) • Chaldea Security OrganizationDemon Hunter OrganizationMage's Association (Clock TowerAtlasWandering Sea) • Spiral ManorSummit CourtThe Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors (Remake)
AdvantageAkashaAuthorityAnti-Purge DefenseCounter ForceIncantationsImmortalityElementsWorldWorld of MagecraftMagic CircuitMagical EnergyMagic CrestMagical WorkshopMysterySoulSpiritronStarlogResurrectionTextureTime TravelTradition ProtectionParallel WorldQuantum Time-LockUnderworld