Melty Blood Back Alley Nightmare (MELTY BLOOD 路地裏ナイトメア?) is a manga by written and illustrated by Takeru Kirishima. It was serialized in Comp Ace magazine from December 26, 2015 to October 26, 2016 and later in the web magazine TYPE-MOON Comic Ace. The volumes were compiled and published by Kadokawa in two tankobon volumes.
The story is a crossover between the world of the Tsukihime series, Fate/EXTRA, and Fate/Grand Order.
Member of the Back Alley Alliance Sion Eltnam Atlasia starts seeing the ghost of an unknown young girl, cryptically telling her that "The future will not change". While trying to solve the mystery of this ghost, Sion is being targeted again by members of Atlas, headed by its new director, her younger sister Sialim Eltnam Re-Atlasia, and learns of the mysterious "Chaldea", an organization closely related to Atlas. Meanwhile, Lev Lainur Flauros is stuck with the Neco Spirits, trying to find his way back to his world.
Back Alley Alliance[]
- Sion Eltnam Atlasia - Main character of the story.
- Satsuki Yumizuka
- Riesbyfe Stridberg
Chaldea Security Organization[]
- Lev Lainur Flauros - Deuteragonist.
- Olga Marie Animusphere
- Romani Archaman
When Volume 1 was sold in tankobonWP form, it had a wrapper written by Kinoko Nasu, saying: "Singularity X-2 starts here. This is both a sequel to Melty Blood, but also a observational device that peers into Chaldea from the Tsukihime world. It goes by the name 'Predicted Quantum End Atlas'. In order to learn of a single conclusion, Sion challenges the Cornerstone of Human Order."