
Spirits (霊, Rei?) are spiritual bodies used by Gaia as a sense of touch, and anything that interferes with them is considered a contradiction. There are several types of spirits and despite the fact that they can be found everywhere only those humans who possess a spiritual affinity can perceive them. Spirits are generally harmless to people, but those of the elemental class are of such a dimension that they can be perceived and interact with people by taking a physical form. Presently, science cannot interfere with spiritual bodies and modern Magecraft cannot reproduce mysteries of such scale.


There are many spirits born from human folklore and human traditions due to humans being able to "engrave" a Thaumaturgical System (魔術系統, Majutsu Keitō?) upon the World ─ a body of preestablished rules, fomented per the faith of the populace. If it is believed that the subject of a Mystery "exists," the World permits its existence. Definite affirmation of said belief is not required, so even though the majority of modern humans reject the existence of ghosts, modern science cannot outright demonstrate that they do not exist, and, thus, within the unconscious, there lurks the vague suspicion that "they might indeed exist." This sort of "suspicion" falls under the category of "faith." "Ignorance" is the force that opposes "faith". If the existence of ghosts is itself utterly unknown, faith cannot foment.

Beings without physical form have a Spiritual Body (霊体, Reitai?), that with spiritual properties where a shape is constructed without components with physical properties. Differing from a Material Body, that which is identical in structure to flesh bodies, that cannot walk through walls and becomes injured when beaten, spiritual bodies are capable of completely disregarding such physical interference. Without conceptual[1] or magical properties, those with a Spiritual Body cannot be harmed with a baton or sword, and such attempts will only hit empty space. Those that can switch between both properties, such as Servants, have advantages and disadvantages in both states.[2]


Divine Spirit

Main article: Divine Spirit

Heroic Spirit

Main article: Heroic Spirit


An Elemental (精霊, Seirei?) is a general category for a variety of spiritual bodies (霊体, Reitai?) but usually refers to Nature Spirits. It is a class of Mystery whose foundations can't be replicated by Magecraft, and a rare number of Phantasmal Species are capable of advancing to becoming Elementals. There are a few types of Elementals: Nature Spirits, Animal Spirits, and the artificially created Guardian Spirits. Lower class spirits such as ghosts and apparitions are not included in this category. Most of these spirits do not take the shape of a human.

Despite being a general category for all sorts of spirits, the term “Elemental” usually refers to nature spirits when used by itself. In this case, the Elemental acts as part of the Counter Force and exists as the sense of touch for Gaia. The likes of the Lady of the Lake, Lugh Beowulf, the True Ancestors and other mediators of nature are first and foremost Elementals before being part of any other category.

Elementals are "power" granted form using human imagination as a container and they don't need human "faith" in order to exist. Still, even if their shape turns out to be close to that of humans, their values and logic are still unlike those of humans. Fairies that grow to a scale that can be perceived by humans become Elementals. True Ancestors, who are classified as a type of greater fairy, fall into the category of an Elemental.

The mediators of nature are capable of using Marble Phantasms and it is the natural ability of Elementals, along with Daemons[3], to use Reality Marbles[4].

Nature Spirits

Nature Spirits (自然霊, Shizenrei?) As the name states, a spirit born from elements of nature such as plants, soil, gemstones, natural phenomenons and etc. Ores and jewels that have been beneath the surface for an extended period of time generally carry powerful nature spirits. Their spiritual bodies are formed by the will of the planet earth and they gain power from nature itself. Only the spiritual bodies of the nature spirits, who are wanted by the planet as a defense against the resource-plundering actions of humans, can receive a body made out of flesh from Gaia. These supernatural entities are known as the Transcendent Kind. They are said to be Planet-class Spirits, a rank higher than Divine Spirits. ref>

[v] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/EXTRA - Characters - Gatou Monji & Berserker, p.254

Gatou Monji & Berserker
Gatou Monji is an strange Master that worships Berserker as a God. He is a man that carries various religions so his speech can't be understood. Berserker was originally an spirit from the Earth called "True Ancestor" but, due to Gatou's misconceptions that say "she = God" her status downgraded from Planet to God, making her unable to properly display her abilities. During battle her Noble Phantasm uses gravity as means of attack, causing great damage.

臥藤門司 & バーサーカー
臥藤門司はバーサーカーを神と崇める変人マスター。彼は様々な宗教観を持つ人物で、話が通じない。バーサー カーは本来"真祖"という地球の精霊だが、臥藤の"彼女=神"という勘違いにより星から神へと格を貶められ 、能力を上手く発揮できない。戦闘では重力で攻撃する宝具を使い、大ダメージを発生させる。

</ref> One class of such entities are referred to as True Daemons (真性悪魔, Shinsei Akuma?)[5], who possess the capacity to warp (interfere with) the external world by virtue of their being born from the laws of nature -- and therefore being connected to it.


Djinn (ジン, Jin?) The wind demons of the middle eastern tradition, well known for being very mischievous. With bodies made of gas and smoke, they can float in the wind and are mostly invisible, but are capable of producing solid forms when necessary. In those cases, they preferably take the shape of an ogre with the face of a dog and the back of a cat, but cases where they take the appearance of a beautiful human or some beast such as snakes are not unheard of. Their exists a curse which is passed down in the Middle East that is used to ward off storms and Jinns. It is used by True Assassin in the Heaven's Feel route of Fate/stay night's Fifth Holy Grail War.

Animal Spirits

Animal Spirit (動物霊, Doubutsurei?) The spirits of dead animal's. Differently, as by the souls of dead humans, who are generally formless existences, animals retain their form from their former lives. But they are, just as Human Spirits, able to consume the souls and minds of people and convert them into energy. The basic abilities they had from the time when they where alive still remain but they don't change from such nourishment, as they only become tougher as their magical energy capacity increases.

Kitsune and Inukami

Kitsune and Inukami (狐、犬神, Kitsune, Inukami?) The traditional nine-tailed fox and dog-familiar spirits of Japanese folklore, they are attributed of being the source of people’s insanity by possessing them. Also, in cases where a daemon possession causes the emergence of multiple personalities due to the host surrendering his rights of ego, the resulting alternate persona is said to be these spirits themselves accordingly with Japanese beliefs. However, unlike the nonsensical accidents that are the Western daemon possessions, there is a definite reason and “will to curse” behind the cases of possession that are brought about by these spirits.

Neco Spirit

Neco Spirit (ネコ精霊, NEKO Seirei?) refers to the type of spirits that reside in the Great Cat's Village. Members of the race include Neco-Arc, Neco-Arc Bubbles, Neco-Arc Chaos, Neco-Arc Evolution and Neco-Arc Destiny.

The Neco Twenty-seven Cats (猫27キャット?) or Twenty-seven Cats (二十七キャッツ?) include:

1. First Neco-Arc (はじまりのネコアルク?)
2. cosmo murder
3. The Little Sister of the Fake Milk Scandal Cat (偽乳疑惑の猫又妹?)
6. Makidera BEAUTIFUL (きれいな蒔寺?)
7. Himuro STRANGE (.へんな氷室?)
8. Yukika BAD (わるい由紀香?)
10. SSF Sleeping in the Kotatsu (虎竜で眠るSSF?)
12. The Strongest Kariya~n (最強のカリヤーン?)
13. Experience Kohakki (エクスペリエンス・コハッキー?)
14. Stheno CHASTE (貞淑なステンノー?)
15. Euryale GLORIOUS (爛漫なエウリュアレ?)
16. Eiichirou Version Sajou Ayaka (エイイチロー版サジョーアーヤカ?)
18. True Identity Unknown Princess Fortune (正体不明系魔法少女プリンセスフォーチュン?)
19. Iron Fist Violinist Ries (鉄拳ヴァイオリスト・リーズちゃん?)
20. White Len (白レン?)
21. Spotted Len (ぶちレン?)
22. Calico Len (三毛レン?)
23. Striped Len (縞レン?)
24. Master Panda (パンダ師匠?)
25. NG Akiha (NG秋葉?)
26. Bread-making Amalgamation Giant God Kiitsuii-chan (製パン合体巨神キッツィーちゃん?)
27. Cock Robin MAGNIFICENT (華麗なるコマドリー?)
EX. Forced to Work, Neco-Arc Chaos (働かざる猫カオス?)[6]

Guardian Spirit

Guardian Spirit (守護精霊, Shugoseirei?) is a classification of spirit that comes from the result of merging an Animal or Nature Spirit with a human soul. It is not something that happens naturally, but rather is something that is made by the hands of men in order to give human values to something that is not human. The spirits of humans are of a much lower rank than the nature of animal spirits and are thus absorbed in, but as a result, it acquires knowledge as a human, and gradually acquires a human's value. These Spirits must be bound, to objects or to places, in order for them to stay in this world. It takes quite some time for the human spirits to gain control of themselves as well as gain their own body. They are considered to be below other types of Elemental, but have the potential to become Holy Spirits (聖霊, Seirei?). These Holy Spirits can possess Mystic Eyes, which are designated as Jewel under the Noble Colors system. They surpass the Gold-ranked Eyes of the Dead Apostles and are exclusively possessed by Holy Spirits and Magical Beasts from the Age of Gods. In order to materialize themselves, they require a supply of magical energy beyond that of most people. Guardian Spirits cannot be observed by anyone, except for the Master they are connected with, in their spirit form. They can talk with each other and the Guardian Spirit can go scouting, by flying in their spirtual form. The best examples for these kind of spirits are Nanako who inhabits the Seventh Holy Scripture from the Church and the Argon Coin possessed by Medea.

Lower-class Spirits

Lower-class Spirits (下級霊, Kakyuurei?)
Vague, generally formless existences that can only acquire a definite identity by “possessing” an image.


Wraith 2


Wraith (亡霊, Bourei?), also referred to as Ghosts (幽霊, Yūrei?) or Human spirits, are souls of dead people that remain attached to this world due to past grudges, regrets and other sorts of unfinished business that they had during life. As such, they tend to haunt places, items or people that are related to their unfinished business. Normally, direct physical intereference on the part of these ghosts are low. As spiritual bodies they usually have to act through some sort of medium, by putting it under its domination, in order to conduct interference. Zouken Matou is a powerful magus who uses a species of magical worms that can combine themselves to take a human form. This human form allows him to interfere with the physical world as it binds his soul, on this plane of existence. However, as they are no longer something that belongs to this world, their existence is something that degrades with time and they are bound to disappear eventually.

But as they are Human Spirits they are able to consume the souls and minds of people and convert them into energy. The basic abilities they had from the time when they where alive still remain but they don't change from such nourishment, as they only become tougher as their magical energy capacity increases. Some people close to becoming Heroic Spirits are wraiths, and some wraiths also share characteristics with legends that allow them to be called when there is no existing hero.

The Dead Apostle Ancestor Stanrobe Calhin is referred to as the First Wraith, a disembodied soul who will not dissipate for at least another two hundred years.

In Fate/Extra exists the special circumstances of the SE.RA.PH, an artificial environment located within the Moon Cell. SE.RA.PH is a world where Souls are transformed into information. On Earth, one cannot live without "Mind" or "Soul". However GHOSTS can survive in SE.RA.PH as Cyber Ghosts (サイバーゴースト?). They are records reproduced of their last moments before dying. The regret etched in them won't go anywhere.[7]They are beings without bodies, wandering to seek life.



Apparitions of the Fujou Building

Apparition (浮遊霊, Fuuyuurei?), also referred to as leftover thoughts (残留思念, zanryuu shinen?), are fragments of an already departed soul that gathered together to form an amorphous entity that is filled with nothing but the most primitive drive to live. A projection of someone’s past records which were stored in the surroundings. The traditional ghosts in the popular sense of the world, generally harmless as almost nobody can perceive them. Technically, they can still interact and even attempt to possess those with spiritual abilities, but if their target has enough willpower they won’t be able to take over.

Examples include the spirits of the Fujou Building. The “fairies” controlled by Misaya Ouji and Len were made out of these kind of spirits.


Evil Spirit

Not much are known about the nature of Evil Spirits (悪霊, Akuryō?), but they are known to be weak against exorcism.

  • David has been known for performing with a harp in front of SaulWP, the King of Israel to exorcise him from an evil spirit.[8]
  • Gazamy is currently locked away in the bottom of London Tower.[9]
  • Jack the Ripper as the Assassin-class Servant is a special type of Heroic Spirit, they are an amalgamation of Evil Spirits, children who were aborted by the many prostitutes who lived in White Chapel, London.[10]
  • Tamamo-no-Mae as an Evil Spirit, will undergo a transformation into a large monster that can defeat even 100 heroes.[11]
  • The forest of the Einzbern Castle is haunted with evil spirits as one of its many defences.[12]
  • Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald used some ten-odd evil spirits and apparitions for acting as guard dogs at his magic atelier


  1. [v] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Conceptual Weapon [Term], p.058

    Conceptual Weapon [Term]
    A weapon created to go beyond mere physical interference, and exert influence on concepts, natural providence, and space.
    For instance, something that nullifies "eternal youth" by overwriting it with the idea of "natural lifespan".
    Ciel's Seventh Holy Scripture contains the dual concepts of "reincarnation criticism" and "eternity without permanence".
    By the way, after being killed by Shiki, Arcueid had at first mistakenly assumed that he must possess some kind of powerful conceptual armament.


  2. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Spiritual Body and Material Body, p.018

    Spiritual Body and Material Body
    “Spiritual Body” is a word that describes an existence with spiritual properties. In other words, a shape is constructed without relying on components with physical properties. On the other hand, “Material Body” means something that is identical in structure as our flesh bodies. A Material Body, just like us, cannot walk through walls, and will hurt and become wounded when beaten with an iron baton. However, a Spirit Body is capable of completely disregarding such physical interference. Attacking a Spiritual Body with a baton or sword (unless they are magical items) will only hit empty space.
    When Servants materialise, they acquire Material Bodies in this world. They can also switch to Spiritual Bodies through their will. Spiritual Bodies have the advantages such as low mana consumption, and difficult to be detected by enemies. One of the properties of a Spiritual Body is that it is unaffected by physical interference, but conversely it is difficult for a Spiritual Body to affect a Material Body. As a result, Servants Materialise when engaging in combat.


    Although both are Material Bodies, the composition of Servants and Humans are drastically different. Naturally, it is impossible to transplant a portion of a Servant’s Material Body to a human. However, Emiya Shirou was able to successfully transplant Archer’s left arm to replace his own lost left arm. How is this possible? It is because Shirou and Archer – Heroic Spirit Emiya are the same person.

  3. [v] Jonnobi: Demon

    Demon (Terminology)
    The 6th Imaginary Aspect. Existences born of the wishes of humans, passively (受動的な, shuudou-teki-na?, lit. "as acted upon") called forth by human desire. Manifest phantasms (実像幻想, jitsuzou gensou?) that take form via the aggregation of ideation (想念, sounen?, lit. "thoughts"). For materialization (実体化, kittaika?, lit. "manifestation to material") to occur, "a form fabricated by humans" is necessary. Not True Demons, but existences that obtain being by the imposition of a Designation (個体名, kotai-mei?, lit. "unit designation").
    As Demons attain true freedom upon receiving a Designation, it is a general rule that the naming of Demons is not an act to lightly engage within.
    Temporarily setting aside the outcomes of engaging with such, Demons may be assessed as allies of humanity, who exist so as to empathize with and resolve the sufferings of humanity.


  4. [v] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Reality Marble [Unusual talent], p.056

    Reality Marble [Unusual talent]
    Intrinsic Field. Originally referred to the alien common sense possessed by the beings called devils, but now also includes the unique boundary fields possessed by many people.
    A subset of marble phantasm, it erodes reality and gives form to the user's imagined world. It is the sorcery closest to magic, and a forbidden art within the Association.


  5. [v] Fate/EXTRA material - Encyclopedia: True Demon [Circumstances], p.190

    True Demon [Circumstances]

    Even in the world of Extra, the concept of Demons (悪魔の概念, akuma no gainen?) is by humanity treated as the greatest of obstacles; so as God is to omniscience and omnipotence (全知全能, zenchi zenou?), so as demons as an existence are to mortal levels of awareness and impotence (人知無能, Jinchi Munou?, lit. "human intellect and impotence").

    They are as an abyss (淵, fuchi?) that lies within arm's reach, yet decisively beyond comprehension.

    Distinct from those demons from Stay Night, which exist only as imitations, the real thing -- Enfleshed Demons (受肉した悪魔, juniku-shita akuma?, lit. "Incarnated Demon") are that with which humans are incapable of competing 太刀打ちできない (tachi-uchi-dekinai, lit. "incapable of crossing swords"?).

    (※ There is in record only a single instance in which an Enfleshed Demon was forced to disperse (退散, taisan?, lit. "disperse / retreat"), but that's a different story.)

    In general, demons are existences that take possession, utilizing the corpus of a human to incarnate (受肉, juniku) and take action, but in the event that the psyche (精神, seishin?) of the human host (苗床になる人間, naedoko ni naru ningen?, lit. "the human that becomes a seed-bed") cannot withstand the strain, it is commonplace for self-annihilation (自壊, jikai?) of the host to occur, dispersing the essence of the demon into the vicinity.

    There exist also humans who by way of their own acts (業, ?, lit. "sins; worldly preoccupations / fixations / absorptions; karma") are subsumed unto the category of Demons as a result of losing their humanity; but these creatures that are said to have become Fiends (魔人, Majin?) cannot be considered True Demons.

    In the world of Extra -- whether by way of Demonic possession, or in the circumstance that one's own actions bring about a transformation -- the phenomenon whereby a True Demon is birthed unto the world has, as of present day in 2030, not been brought successful fruition even once.

    Though the classifications of "Demons" and "Fiends" do exist, their manner of existence is in essence indistinguishable from that of a higher-order lifeform (高次元生命体, kou-jigen seimeitai?, lit. "higher-dimension lifeform") that inhabits a different sphere of civilization (異なる文明圏, koto-naru bunmei-ken?) upon a different planet (異なる惑星, koto-naru wakusei?).

    In sum, said existences can, per the recognition of the Universe of Awareness (認識宇宙, ninshiki-uchuu?, lit. "the universe derived of observation / perception"), no longer be discerned as "human."

    Their existences would approximate to that of the cosmic horrors (邪神, jashin?, lit. "evil god") of a certain fictitious Mythos popular in the 20th century.

    In the True Route of CCC, a certain individual that has undergone transmigration did indeed manage to reach this realm, but owing to a slight mistake, they were capsized from the Seat of Divinity (神の座, kami no za?).

    stay nightにおいて悪魔は偽物しか存在せず、本物————受肉した悪魔に人間は太刀打ちできないとされる。
    EXTRA世界において、悪魔憑きであれ、自らの業で変化したものであれ、真性悪魔を生み出した現象は2030年現在、一つの成功例 もない。
    悪魔、魔人化、と銘打ってはいるが、その在り方は異なる文明圏、異なる惑星に住まう高次元生命体と変わらな い。なにしろこの認識宇宙における『人』でなくなったのだから。
    CCCの真ルートで変生(へんじよう)した ある人物はこの域に達しながら、些細なミスによって神の座から転落した。

  6. [v] TYPE-MOON Fes. Official Pamphlet 10th Anniversary Q & A Booklet:


    A: 1. First Neco Arc
    2. Cosmo Murder
    3. The Little Sister of the Fake Milk Scandal Cat.
    6. Makidera BEAUTIFUL
    7. Himuro STRANGE
    8. Yukika BAD
    10. SSF Sleeping in the Kotatsu
    12. The Strongest Kariya~n
    13. Experience Kohakki
    14. Sthenno CHASTE
    15. Euryale GLORIOUS
    16. Eiichirou Version Sajou Ayaka
    18. True Identity Unknown Princess Fortune
    19. Iron Fist Violinist Ries
    20. White Ren
    21. Spotted Ren
    22. Tortoise Shell Pattern Ren
    23. Striped Ren
    24. Master Panda
    25. NG Akiha
    26. Bread-making Amalgamation Giant God Kiitsuii-chan
    27. Cock Robin MAGNIFICENT
    EX. Forced to Work, Neco Arc Chaos


    A:01.はじまりのネコアルク 02.cosmo murder 03.偽乳疑惑の猫又妹
    06.きれいな蒔寺 07.へんな氷室 08.わるい由紀香 10.虎竜で眠るSSF
    12.最強のカリヤーン 13.エクスペリエンス・コハッキー 14.貞淑なステンノー
    15.爛漫なエウリュアレ 16.エイイチロー版サジョーアーヤカ 18.正体不明系魔法少女プリンセスフォーチュン 19.鉄拳ヴァイオリスト・リーズちゃん
    20.白レン 21.ぶちレン 22.三毛レン 23.縞レン 24.パンダ師匠 25.NG秋葉
    26.製パン合体巨神キッツィーちゃん 27.華麗なるコマドリー


  7. [v] Fate/EXTRA Last Encore - WORLD/WORD: Cyber Ghosts

    Cyber Ghost


  8. This reference needs to be fixed. Use "FGOSP2" instead of "Grand Order".
  9. [v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.136
    Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association?

    Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association?

    A: It's the name they call this magus that's locked in the bottom of the London Tower. Not that dangerous a person, but they say that no person has ever had a magic attribute as troublesome to magi as that. We'll eventually learn more of Gazamy probably.



  10. [v] Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Assassin of “Black” [Servant], p.160-161 [T]

    Assassin of “Black” [Servant]
    One of the Servants of the Black camp… or so they should have been, but she deserted and took action independently. Their true name is Jack the Ripper. The serial killer from London who is the most famous of their kind in the entire world.
    Usually, serial killers fall into two general categories. The orderly type and the chaotic type; those who can commit murder while maintaining a certain amount of reason and order, and those who commit murder based on reasons that are completely illogical and no one besides themselves can understand. The first type is overwhelmingly harder to catch, since the second type does not even destroy the evidence of their crimes. And Jack the Ripper was the chaotic type.
    Even though much evidence was discovered, Jack the Ripper was never caught. It has been cited to have been due to the limits of scientific investigation at the time and due to the initial investigation getting a late start because the victims were only prostitutes.
    On the other hand, despite being a chaotic type serial killer, Jack the Ripper also displayed actions such as sending a letter to a newspaper and inciting a panic. Though there is a strong possibility that the letter was a fake, there was no evidence that could completely prove it was a forgery.
    The reason that Jack the Ripper is, in a certain sense, so universally extolled throughout the world is due to the overwhelming number of mysteries surrounding this serial killer. Therefore, when Jack the Ripper is summoned as a Servant, he or she can undergo various changes depending on the class or location he or she is summoned in. These changes continue to occur, except in the case where the “true Jack the Ripper” was fixed and settled by the Holy Grail.
    …The Jack the Ripper that was summoned this time is an amalgamation of the children who were aborted by the many prostitutes who lived in White Chapel, London. Having not even being allowed to be born, these boys and girls sought to return to their mothers’ wombs and repeatedly committed murder. To put it another way, this is the heretical Jack who was born from the “side of the victims”.
    However, even they themselves do not know for certain whether or not they were “Jack the Ripper”. After all, they are an amalgamation of evil spirits, so their memories are always vague and, even if they remember having killed prostitutes, it’s uncertain who exactly they killed. What they kill as Assassin is not a specific individual, but rather the society that killed them, and the strong emotions they carry cannot be understood by any other hero, making them beyond salvation.
    Perhaps due to their great fame, they stand out as an excellent Servant. Due to being a murderer, their efficiency as a “soul eater” is extremely high, and even with Rikudou Reika who was an ordinary person and virtually unable to provide any prana as a Master, they were able to continue maintaining their first-rate battle power by continuing to kill others for prana.
    On the other hand, their difficulty in being handled by their Master is the highest among the Servants of this Great Holy Grail War. In the first place, it is dubious whether they even understand the fundamental duty of a Servant to “obey their Master”. To them, the present world isn’t somewhere to return to, but rather nothing more than a strange and unknown place… In other words, they hold no lingering affections for the world of the living.
    Considering that, the compatibility between Jack and their former master Sagara Hyouma was pretty much the absolute worst possible—or rather, perhaps it is better to say that all magi have the worst compatibility with Jack. Rikudou Reika is the only Master that is compatible with the existence known as Jack.
    After being sublimated by Jeanne’s hands and having their binding as an amalgamation of evil spirits collapse, they will never be summoned again. Even if the conditions are exactly the same next time, a different “Jack the Ripper” will merely be summoned.


  11. [v] Fate/EXTRA - Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster) Matrix [T]

    Class: Caster
    Master: Player
    True Name: Tamamo-no-Mae
    Noble Phantasm: The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu
    Keyword: Maleficum, Red Lily of the Killing Stone of Nasu
    Strength: -, Defense: -, Agility: -, Magic: -, Luck: -
    Area Creation: C, Maleficium: EX, Transformation: A


    01 - The Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu
    A mirror wielded by Tamamo-no-Mae. It is one of the sacred treasures brought down from the Heavens by the god Takehinateru-no-Mikoto and was oringally kept in the great shrine in the Izumo Province. According to passages in the Chronicles of Japan, the mirror was later moved to a site in the Kawachi district as the behest of the Imperial Court.

    The mirror is also known as Yata-no-Kagami and is frequently used in rites honoring the sun goddess Amaterasu. In addition to its importance in ritual observances, it is also thought to possess the power to bring the dead back from the afterlife. However, since Caster's rebirth as a Servant, this power is no longer accessible.

    02 - Maleficum
    The Witchcraft that Caster uses is all physical phenomena performed with her own body. While common Magecraft are programs that "recompose what exists around," Witchcraft are programs that "recompose the raw materials in one's own body."

    According to Caster's own word:

    "This time there is only one due to the constrains of the Moon Cell, but originally I could produce a million troops from my multiple tails!"

    That is really suspicious though.

    03 - Red Lily of the Killing Stone of Nasu
    This skill involves the use of the infamous Killing Stone of Nasu. After her death, Tamamo-no-Mae's spirit began to haunt the area around this stone and also imbued it with a terrible curse that killed any creature that came near it.

    Originally located in the Nasu highlands of Tochigi Prefecture, the stone was shattered by a virtuous monk by the name of Gennou who then scattered the peces across three places in Japan.
    It is believed that the shards of the rock evolved into fox spirits known in Japanese as kitsune and inukami. The legends go on to say that these newly-born spirits were bound as familiars by wizards powerful enough to establish contracts with the divine.

    01 - 水天日光天照八野鎮石(すいてんにっこうあまてらすやのしずいし)




    02 - 呪術



    03 - 常世咲き裂く大殺界(ヒガンバナセッショウセキ)



    Territory Creation [C]
    This skill allows one to create a reality tailored specifically to their skills as a magus.
    Unfortunately for Tamamo-no-Mae, her personality is ill-suited for the task of manipulating reality and she has great difficulty even creating a small-scale crafting studio for creating minor amulets and other types of low-level talismans.

    Maleficium [EX]
    The sacred rituals of the Dakini goddesses. The rituals confer the abilities to perform such actions as foretell the time and place of one's death and manipulate the hearts and minds of both men and women. Due to a number of very harsh lessons impressed upon her in the past, Tamano-no-Mae no longer make use of her still formidable skills in these areas.

    Transformation [A]
    This refers to the abilities of either changing ones appearance or borrowing the physical form of another. As a kitsune, or fox spirit, Tamano-no-Mae is able to alter her appearance and even species at will. However, due to a traumatizing event in a past incarnation that resulted in her death and temporary damnation, she rarely, if ever, uses this ability.





    01 - Character Background
    In the final years of the Heian period, there was a beautiful courtesan in service to the Emperor Toba known as Tamamo-no-Mae. Born Misukume, she first entered the court as a servant at the age of 18, but quickly became a well-respected lady and a favorite of the emperor himself due to her incredible beauty and the depth of her intelligence.

    While the stories become somewhat murky on this point, the most widely excepted theory is that an itinerant fortune teller visiting Emperor Toba's court discovered Tamamo-no-Mae's true identity as a nine-tailed fox spirit. Tamamo-no-Mae was denounced as the cause of the emperor's lingering illness and was driven out of the palace and onto the plains of Nasu, where she was killed trying to defend herself against an army of 80,000 soldiers sent by the emperor. While no one knows exactly what happened to her afterwards, it is believed that she was transformed into the legendary killing stone.

    02 - "Dakini Deva"
    While Tamano-no-Mae is generally believed to be a nine-tailed fox spirit with many of the attributes associated with the tantric deities known as Dankini, she is frequently mistaken by many as one of the Inari or sometimes even a manifestation of Buddha.

    In the Fate/EXTRA universe, Tamamo-no-Mae is a soul that was created from the essence of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and as such is not merely a Earth spirit, but is actually a unique facet of the goddess from which she came. With this being said, it'd be a monumental mistake to classify her as one of the many human-spawned Legendary Souls.

    However, she was willingly embraced the role of a Legendary Soul so that she could, in her own words "become a good wife." By deliberately accepting the limits inherent in the role of Servant, many of her original powers have been sealed away.

    On a final note, as most deities are neither truly good nor evil, there are instances when Tamamo-no-Mae can be summoned as an evil spirit. Should this happen, she will transformed into a hideous monster capable of defeating a hundred heroes at once. In fact, when in this form, she is considered one of the Japan's Three Great Monsters.

    01 - 人物背景:


    02 - 『ダキニ天』




  12. Fate/Zero - Prologue Drama CD
Bounded FieldConceptual WeaponMagic (Second MagicThird MagicFifth Magic) • Magical Spells (AstromancyGradation AirFlash AirTuning) • Marble PhantasmMystic CodeMystic Eyes (Mystic Eyes of Death Perception) • PsychicReality Marble
BicornCentaurDaemonDead ApostleDemonDemon BoarDivine SpiritDollDragonD'yavol TronFairyFamiliarGazerGiantGolemHomunculusHumanHydraLamiaMagicianMagusMixed-BloodOniOuter GodPhantasmal SpeciesSoul EaterSphinxSpiritsVampireUltimate OneTenguTrue AncestorWitchWizardXianYaga
Holy Grail War
Anti-HeroCatalystCommand SpellBlackeningGreater Holy Grail of FuyukiLesser Holy Grail of FuyukiHeroic SpiritHoly GrailIncarnationMasterMirror WorldOverseerNoble PhantasmParameter RulesSaint GraphServant (Class CardDemi-ServantGrand ServantHigh-ServantPseudo-ServantServant Universe) • Servant classesSkill
Holy Church (Burial Agency (Remake)) • Chaldea Security OrganizationDemon Hunter OrganizationMage's Association (Clock TowerAtlasWandering Sea) • Spiral ManorSummit CourtThe Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors (Remake)
AdvantageAkashaAuthorityAnti-Purge DefenseCounter ForceIncantationsImmortalityElementsWorldWorld of MagecraftMagic CircuitMagical EnergyMagic CrestMagical WorkshopMysterySoulSpiritronStarlogResurrectionTextureTime TravelTradition ProtectionParallel WorldQuantum Time-LockUnderworld