

I played Kagetsu Tohya a long time ago, but isn't the sprite in the article actually from Maiko's sister Akemi? IIRC Daybreak is completely from Maiko's POV, and she doesn't have a sprite. --Azaghal 01:05, April 13, 2010 (UTC)

It's Akemi's Sprite. You're right. The whole thing is first person. Oops, forgot to log in. Twelveseal 00:18, April 19, 2010 (UTC)

Hmmm, now I'm getting confused too: in KT data files, this sprite is named "mai_01.jpg". Someone switched their names during production, maybe? Daybreak wasn't written by Nasu, so maybe it was just a miscommunication between T-M and the story contributor... --Azaghal 14:43, April 19, 2010 (UTC)

Could be that, or they could have just decided to use that as an indicator, since that's the only place the sprite is used. Who knows? With the stuff about the modifications by the Translators in things like the system messages, it could be a modification... Twelveseal 20:45, April 19, 2010 (UTC)
