Tsuki no Sango (月の珊瑚?, lit. "Lunar Coral") is a manga written by Kinoko Nasu and illustrated by Shounen Sasaki. It is an adaptation of the Tsuki no Sango short novel. It was serialized on Saizensen web magazine from July 07, 2012 to January 22, 2019. It was compiled in a 2 volume compilation published by Seikaisha Comics in March 10, 2014 and the second volume on May 26, 2019. An omnibus version was also published in May 26, 2019 by Seikaisha Comics
The story takes place in approximately the year 3000, when humankind arrived at the peak of its civilization, but is losing its will to keep living. It follows a girl, called "princess" by those around her, living on a small island with a fifty person colony and a shining coral reef. She is descendant of Moon people, and it focuses upon how her ancestor supposedly came to Earth.