
The Tsukihime series is a TYPE-MOON media collective following various events involving vampire cases and murders around Misaki Town, followed by the eyes of Shiki Tohno, one of the few holders of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and the main protagonist of Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood.



The series first started with the events of Tsukihime which is directly connected to the sequels and spinoffs. Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood both acts as sequels taking place one year later after the events of the first Tsukihime game. Melty Blood is supposed to follow the canceled project of Satsuki Yumizuka's route which was originally planned for Tsukihime. Melty Blood Re-ACT and Melty Blood Act Cadenza are expansions of the original game but in Melty Blood Act Cadenza, almost all events that occur in the story-modes of the characters in this game are set in events based on alternate realities and different timelines that are totally out of current chronological timeline of Tsukihime/Melty Blood series (except certain story-modes of some characters). Melty Blood Actress Again is as a direct sequel to the story mode of Melty Blood.

Hana no Miyako is a spin-off story of the Melty Blood manga, featuring Miyako Arima as the protagonist. This manga also involves other TYPE-MOON characters in the story.


Main works
TsukihimeTsukihime animeTsukihime PLUS-DISCKagetsu TohyaMelty BloodMelty Blood Re-ACTMelty Blood Act CadenzaMelty Blood Actress AgainHana no Miyako
Remake Works
Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-Melty Blood: Type LuminaTsukihime -The other side of red garden-
AdvantageAge of GodsAhnenerbeBajiquanChurchDead ApostleDemonsDemon Hunter OrganizationFamiliarMagecraftMagical GirlMarble PhantasmMystic Eyes of Death PerceptionReality MarblePsychicTohnoTrue AncestorVampire
Tsukihime series
TsukihimeTsukihime PLUS-DISCKagetsu TohyaMelty BloodMelty Blood Re-ACTMelty Blood Act CadenzaMelty Blood Actress AgainHana no MiyakoTsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Fate series
Fate/stay nightFate/hollow ataraxiaFate/ZeroFate/tiger colosseumFate/unlimited codesFate/EXTRAFate/EXTRA CCCFate/EXTRA CCC Fox TailFate/EXTELLAFate/EXTELLA LINKFate/EXTRA RecordFate/PrototypeFate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky SilverFate/LabyrinthFate/ApocryphaFate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYAFate/school lifeFate/strange fakeFate/Grand OrderFate/Grand Order ArcadeFate/RequiemFate:Lost Einherjar
Other works
All Around Type-MoonApril Fools' Day (Imperial RomaSensha Otoko) • CanaanClock Tower 2015Clockwick canaan-vailDDDDoujin worksFire GirlGirls' WorkKara no KyoukaiKoha-AceMahou Tsukai no YoruNotesTake MoonThe Adventures of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Case Files of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Room of the April WitchTsuki no SangoTYPE-MOON Fes.
Art books and Materials
Character MaterialFate/complete materialFate/side side materialePlus PeriodTYPE-MOON Ace